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Oh Look, More Kenshin Fic (m) - (4 Parts)


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Eheh...heh...yeah. So Frack's venture into the world of sessy redheaded swordsmen inspired me to rekindle my own love for the series, and scrawl out some nonsense.

Plotless! as usual, and though I had the first volume of the manga on loan from a friend, I'm drawing largely off the dubbed series, here. No beating of my ass for any inaccuracies, okay? :cryhappy:

Ehehn. Yeah. Set sometime during the Kyoto arc, in the earlier happyhappyhappy! portion of the series. Basically because I wanted to use Sano and Yahiko.

Also haven't proofread this, so beware of errors.


"Kenshin I give up!" She huffed at last, tossing the sadly formed little onigiri onto the table and crossing her arms. "I may be able to weild a sword in katsujin-ken like nobody's business but I can. not. cook."

Completely unfazed by her sulky outburst, the red-haired rurouni beside her merely smiled cheerfully and reached over to pick up the remains of her riceball and begin to form it back into some semblence of its proper shape. "Nonsense, Miss Kaoru, you just get frustrated too easily!" As her scowled deepened, Kenshin wisely sidestepped a possible thwack upside the head and interjected instead, "Ah-hh, but why don't you go put the tea on and I'll finish up, hmn?"

"Alright," she sighed and, abandoning Kenshin's latest efforts to teach her even the basics of lunchmaking, she climbed to her feat and went about scrounging up the teakettle. Actual food preparation may have completely eluded her, but she could brew a mean pot of tea, the dojo caretaker assured herself as she filled the vessel with water fresh from the pump, the same she'd snarked at Yahiko to bring in only an hour ago.

As she went about her business, humming idly to herself in the process, Kenshin had been placed more or less in her blinders as he finished preparing lunch. No easy feat, considering that the amount of mouths to feed around the dojo had at least tripled in the past few months. Not, she had to admit privately to herself, that she really minded. Not really.

It was as Kaoru was entertaining these thoughts that a sudden, bizarre series of sounds elicited from behind her as she heated the water for tea.

"It-chh! Ktch! Iktsh! ..hh...kTSH!"

Turning slowly, the dark-haired woman just caught the small man lifting his face from his sleeve without so much as a sniff. Perplexedly, her brows knit.

"What," she began, placing a hand upon her hip. "What was that?"

For a splitsecond, Kenshin entertained the thought of telling her it was only the wind, or a dropped utensil. Grudgingly, though, his subconscious reminded him that lying to Kaoru, even in small amounts, tended to land him in bigger trouble later. "Ah... a sneeze," he confessed with a small smile, turning to flash an apologetic eye back over his shoulder at her, a rich and bottomless purple against his pale gi. "Forgive me."

Kaoru lifted her brows curiously, but before she could comment, one of the many banes of her existence ducked in through the doorway with a snort. "You call that a sneeze, Kenshin?" Sano scoffed playfully at his companion, who only ducked his head further to conceal the faint beginnings of a flush creeping across his cheeks. "Anyway, when's lunch."

"Not everyone needs to wake up the entire town when they sneeze, Sano," Kaoru sighed pointedly as she removed the water from its heat and added the steeping ingredients. "And lunch is now, if you're finished, Kenshin."

"Ah, yes, that I am," the rurouni agreed hurriedly, all too happy to change the topic from the subject of his sneezing. It wasn't that he minded the act himself, but he did try very hard not to be the center of attention, especially for such a silly little thing.

As Sano settled himself at the table and Kaoru began to set it, it seemed that lunch would progress as normal, with the tall fighter eyeing the onigiri brought over with some trepidation. "I hope you didn't make any of those, Jou-chan."

"I tried," Kaoru grumbled. "But rest assured, your life is in Kenshin's hands. YAHIKO!" This last bit was hollered to the youngest swordsman among them, the boy who was no doubt either practicing his katas or goofing off still in the yard.

"Is that supposed to be comforting?" Sano mused, and received a soft laugh from Kenshin in response.

As Yahiko scrambled in from the yard and he and Sano went about devouring lunch with their usual voraciousness, Kaoru settled herself at the table with an air of exasperated contentment. As vexing as her largely freeloading friends were, she had to admit that she enjoyed the banter and squabbling and idiocy that had by now become familiar.

Something struck an odd chord with her upon glancing over at Kenshin, however, while she went about refilling tea. Albeit the humble swordsman usually did not seem as intent upon consuming half his weight in food per day as Yahiko was, he seemed to be more interested in poking almost forlornly at his lunch rather than eating it.

Odd, and this time she couldn't even chalk it up to her utter lack of cooking skills.

Meanwhile, beneath the haphazardly cut shadow of his bangs, Kenshin thinned his eyes uncertainly and began to gather the material of his sleeve over one hand. The squirming irritation that had provoked him so suddenly into sneezing earlier had against slipped past his defenses and was fixing to induce another tiny, catlike fit. Something he'd like to avoid if he could at all help it.

But apparently, his efforts at discreetly evading the tickle were in vain, and with a quick intake of air, the rurouni pressed his wrist up against his nose, bending away from the table as far as he was able to sneeze out his irritation in another series of hard, swiftly executed explosions.

"K-SHT! Kssh! Iktch! Tchsh!" He slit his eyes open without bothering to glance at his companions, breath quivering uncertainly as a fifth lingered just beyond the breaking point of-- "KChht!" There. Ow. Stifling that one had hurt, just a bit.

"Jeez, Kenshin," Yahiko commented, eyeing the rurouni cautiously, whose delicate sneezes he'd heard once or twice before when they'd been sparring playfully in the dusty parts of the yard for too long, but never quite so many at once. He grimaced as a second thought occured to him. "I hope you didn't sneeze on these while you were making them..."

In spite of his fleeting discomfort, Kenshin was forced into a small grin at this, one that crinkled the corners of his eyes slightly, almost tiredly. "They're sterile, I promise."

"Still be better than Kaoru's cooking," Sano scoffed around a mouthful of rice.

"UGGH! You have a beating coming to you when lunch is finished, Sano," the woman in question huffed before turning a gentler eye to Kenshin. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Ah, yes, just fine!" He chirped with an eagerness that she suspicioned was just a little bit false. "A passing ti--Chh!" He paused, sleeve over his mouth and violet eyes widely blinking. That one had surged on him so quickly he'd barely had enough warning of its coming to cover up. "Tickle," he finished, patiently.

Kaoru eye him, not altogether convinced but willing to let it slide, turning her attention instead to berating Yahiko who had, as per usual, inhaled his food fast enough to encourage a sudden choking fit and a necessary pounding on his back. Not that she minded that part. Little brat.

Nevertheless, the remainder of lunch transpired without much incident from Kenshin, at least, and it was with great relief that Kaoru eventually bullied Yahiko into scurrying off to scrub the dojo and Sano into town for groceries. Well, she hoped he would come back with groceries, anyway. There was no telling sometimes, with that one.

In any case, it left she and Kenshin alone to clean up, which was in fact just how she'd planned it. She had wanted to pursue her questioning of the redhead's health, but had the good sense not to do so when Sano and Yahiko were around to hassle either one or both of them good-humoredly.

"Hih-chht!" Kenshin sneezed again, hard, as he retrieved the teapot from the table and moved to empty its cold contents.

Perfect, Kaoru purred to herself mentally. "Are you sure you're alright, Kenshin? That dash through the rain yesterday wasn't pleasant for anybody," she pressed, citing the rather sudden bolt back to the dojo she, Kenshin, and Yahiko had been forced to endure from an excursion into town. It had been a a sudden rainshower, but a cold one, and she wouldn't be altogether surprised if one of them hadn't caught something.

Inwardly, Kenshin wouldn't be too surprised either. It had been years since he'd last been stricken with illness, and impromptu but necessary flights through the rain was only tempting fate. Outwardly, he only smiled pleasantly at Kaoru. "I feel alright," he assured, speaking for the most part in truth. He wasn't usually this tired so early in the day, true, and that sneezing was quickly becoming a bother, but nothing worthy of too much concern. "I wouldn't worry, that I would not."

TBC :cryhappy:

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NOOO! You must finish this story! Great start though! I can't wait to see how it turns out. Keep me posted!

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OMFG, that is TOO adorable for words!!! I'm so GLAD that my Kenshin mania inspired you!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Now, you must continue . . .:yes:

Am working on the next bit now . . . eh . . . much wrongness to come. *snorts*


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Glee! :yes:; I'm super-glad it was well-received, and I'll try to put out some more as soon as I have time. Meanwhile I'll hover all over frack's like it's my JOB.

Much love to all.

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i am a great fan of the cat-like sneezes. I think they're underdone, to be honest. i especially enjoyed this fic. i thought the sneezing dude was very freaking adorable.


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AWWWWWWW Garnet! This was SO adorable! And EEEE Sano! He's so cute, though he was just there. LOL *fangirled* I love those kind of sneezes, like speak said, and can see Kenshin doing them too. Oh! This was just TOO awesome!!

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Eeee! Happy for the compliments, thanks y'all! And hahah, yes Kisa :drool: I partially stuck Sano in there just for you. If I can get him to cooperate and sneeze at some point during this, I will.

Anyway, here's the next snippet!


Kaoru considered this as she scraped the remains of lunch into a small compost that would no doubt be spread over the garden later. "Well, at least stop stifling, then."

"...stifling, Miss Kaoru?"

"Your sneezing. It sounds as if it hurts, I'm sure it can't be good for you, don't make me call Megumi to prove it," she added this last part with a threatening poke at the air with her fingertip. The words did not hold quite as much sway for Kenshin as they did for cowing Sano into submission, but her request seemed to work well enough, for the rurouni offered her a defeated smile.

"I apologize, I'll make an effort from now on," he chuckled, bowing slightly at the waist.

To be honest, while he supposed that he did make a conscious effort to subdue the sound of his sneezing, containing it into quick, successive little outbursts that were over with quickly, it was second nature by now. He did not admit to Kaoru that the original reason behind his stifling had been purely for one reason: stealth. When employed as an assassin, and indeed one of the bloodiest and fiercest "manslayers" of his time, it had been extremely inconvenient to endure a loud sneeze while attempting to remain hidden from one's enemies, lying in wait until the moment came to strike.

There was little need for this now, of course, and as much effort as he'd gone to to try and isolate his past from any possible repetation, that was one habit that he'd clung to fast.

Still, there were worse things that he could have held onto, Kenshin mused as he accosted the very tip of his nose with the heel of his palm. So itchy, and not in the same manner that occasionally made him sneeze in the springtime, when the cherry trees were in bloom, or from other random irritations. No, this feeling moreover resembled a slow fog creeping over his senses, both dulling and sharpening them in the familiar manner of a headcold. Ugh.

To his relief, Kaoru suggested gently, "Why don't you go out and start on the laundry, Kenshin? I can finish up here?" All too eager for the warmth of the sun on his back, the rurouni complied with a bow.

Outside, as Kenshin drew water into the basin in preparation for washing the latest load of dusty and sometimes bloodied clothes, he mulled over why it was he was always so happy to comply with whatever chores Kaoru requested of him. He was happy to help out and pay off his freeloading at the dojo in any way possible of course, that was the immediate reasoning. But somewhere deeper, it simply felt normal to be washing clothes and making lunch for his friends, and not living each day by the blade of his sword and the unthinkable amounts of blood it drew. There was something therapeutic in these mundane tasks.

Nevertheless, Kenshin supressed a shudder. What was the matter with him, reminiscing so much in one day? Determinedly, he cleared his mind of thoughts of the battousai and a burgeoning illness, and concentrated on laundry. For a while, at least.

It wasn't long before, finishing the rather daunting task of cleaning up after the three males, Kaoru was obliged to poke her head outside into the yard with a scowl at the sounds that emitted from it.

"Hkssht! Chssh! Chshht! Hihh..h.. HTCHsst!"

"Kenshin!" She scolded, prompting the small samurai to glance up with a fleeting look of irritation still hovering over his features, wrist to his nose. "What did I tell you?"

"I apologize Miss Kao--- hih-chhst! Hih-ihsh!" Well, that was a little better. With more effort than he had expected it to take, Kenshin paused for a moment with his slim shoulders trembling and a hand hovering just beneath his nose, attempting to override his reflex to stifle. "HehIISHhheh!"

Ugh. Difficult as it was, that had been enormously satisfying and it was a groan of relief that the rurouni half-leaned against the laundry basin, unaware of Kaoru's close proximity until she slid a hand over his back with a sudden, mothering familiarity.

"I told you you were sick."

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Much cuteness =)

Have to admit I'm more of an allergy-lover, but this is sweet and I definitely want more!

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unaware of Kaoru's close proximity until she slid a hand over his back with a sudden, mothering familiarity


More please - Kitty

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Eeee! Happy for the compliments, thanks y'all! And hahah, yes Kisa  I partially stuck Sano in there just for you. If I can get him to cooperate and sneeze at some point during this, I will.

AWWWWWWW!!! :laugh: I might have to like, turn into a bubbiling pile of fangirl goo after. :drool::drool:

EEE second part! VERY adorable, love the thought of Kenshin cat-sneeze stifling also! LOL I don't blame him, the thought of going to Megumi... plah! Hehehe! Can't wait for more, this is super sugar cute! And hot!!!

Does that make it caramel? Hm... :)

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Awww, Garnet!!! That is SO CUTE!!! My GAWD, I just love making Kenshin sneeze.....it's such fun!! *snickers*

I had some . . . eh . . . issues this week, but I'm jumping back on "Sakura" tonight because dammit, I need some Garnet art!!! LOL!

You see, now you've spoiled me with fic AND art . . . you're in for it now . . .

Please write more soon so I be a crazy fanish dork!!


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Whoo, reply frenzy!

ever_so_clever: Eee! Glad you like! ... what makes it the best part, out of curiosity? o_o; As usual, I'm just playing this by ear and if anyone has suggestions as to stuff they'd like to see in it, I'm more than accomodating.

Kitty: Hee, yay, thanks! Kitty digs the mothering aspect?

Chate Noire: Aww, danke :q I usually prefer allergies as well, but can't resist sick down-and-out Kenshin. I also didn't want to ride Frack's coattails too hard, heehee.

Kisa: Mwuaha, will do then :twisted: Somehow. I picture him having a very...loud sneeze for some reason. Sano's awesome.

Frack: Right?! I feel like an evil fanfic deity. S'like... you will sneeeeze... NOW :twisted: And yes, get back to work on Sakura, you slave! Otherwise...otherwise I might be tempted to work on actual art for school and who wants THAT? Pleh.

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Ehehehe!! You so bad! I love it! :)

Actually his [sano] in the anime are really loud. Have you heard them? I have .wavs if you want them?

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Ehehehe!! You so bad! I love it!  :)

Actually his [sano] in the anime are really loud. Have you heard them? I have .wavs if you want them?

That's okay, I think Frack sent me most of them ^^; So cute. Thanks, though!

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Aaaand here's the next little bit. I have this rabid urge to start an Alucard sneezefic now too, with all the anime flying around XD (He's the guy in my sig and avatar, if you're not familiar with Hellsing), so this may get put on the backburner for a couple days.

Then again, it might not! Who knows. Hope folks are still reading. Enjoy!


Kenshin recovered slowly, and with a soft but persistent sniffle. A likewise persistent smile, however, was offered to his benefactress of sorts. "Perhaps I am coming down with something," he agreed amiably. "Nevertheless, it is not worthy of concern, that it is not."

"Well, sure, maybe not now," Kaoru admitted hesitantly. "But I'm keeping an eye on you anyway."

Inwardly, Kenshin wavered between groaning or not. He did appreciate Kaoru's noticing, but he hoped she wasn't one to make a fuss over something so silly. She certainly wasn't the coddling type, but all the same...

"Very well, but..--ih!" A sharp glance from Kaoru prevented him from pinching off the sound entirely, but nevertheless the rurouni managed to get out a muffled, "Tsshuh!" Picking his head up, Kenshin exhaled a sigh that communicated equal parts relief and weariness. "Forgive me, Miss Kaoru."

"Maybe you should lie down..."

"Nonsense," Kenshin dismissed, his usual bright cheer fading fast to simply smiling good humor, but he remained positive nevertheless. "There are other chores to be done. Laundry will not take much out of me."

Kaoru set her jaw, but yielded. "Alright, but if you --oh!" She interrupted herself as someone bellowed her name from within the dojo. "There's Sano, with the groceries."

Excellent timing, Kenshin mused to himself as she watched Kaoru retreat inside to contend with Sanosuke.


"I'm impressed, Sano," Kaoru commented as she took stock of the groceries, and the cash leftover. Everything she'd requested could be accounted for, and the street fighter regarded with with a lofty expression as she began to pack away the small sack of rice.

"Hmmph, occasionally I do what you ask me to," Sano agreed with a sharkish grin, folding his arms behind his head as he leaned in the doorway. As Kaoru fixed him with a look, however, he grudgingly came forward to assist her in putting away the nonperishables. "Though I'm not sure how we can afford the spices. I mean, you're cooking's bad but it's not tha--ow!" He yelped, as the smaller woman smacked him.

They had to be careful with their spendings, true, but occasionally she would sell an old ink painting of her fathers', or somesuch thing, and they could splurge a little. "Quit complaining, you! Anyway, I thought you liked your food spicy."

"I do," Sano agreed, holding up a small satchet of spices and giving it a tentative sniff. "But...ugh..."

Kaoru scowled, fully prepared to scold him for complaining, again, but upon glancing up from her task noted that the expression Sano seemed to be making wasn't one of disgust so much of irritation. At least, from what she could tell before be abruptly tucked his face into the white sleeve of one arm and shuddered all over with an alarmingly loud and violent sneeze.

"HMHNFF!!" Despite herself, Kaoru jumped a little, laying a hand flat to her chest as Sano lowered his arm just long enough to drawing a quivering inhale and... "HEHMMSCHT!! HNXXGHT!"

"Sheesh, you're not allergic, are you?"

"Nope," Sano got out waveringly, "Just wasn't expecting it to be so ssss... HEHTSSHHU! Ugh. Strong." Sniff!

"As long as I don't have to worry about you too," Kaoru prompted, eyeing Sanosuke as he composed himself again, sniffling gently.

"I don't think you have to worry about Kenshin either, if that's what you mean. Snff!"

"I'm not!" Kaoru huffed, stealing the spices away that had induced such an impressive reaction from the roosterhead, and stowing them away as well. She'd have to use that condiment in moderation, she noted mentally. Or not, if Sano was being a pest on any particular day.

"Good, then act natural. Snff!"

"What? Oh! Kenshin," Kaoru chirped with a wavering smile and a blush creeping over her cheeks as the rurouni stepped in from the yard, working a wrist under his nose and smiling sheepishly.

"I think...I'm going to take you up on that suggestion of lying down for a while, Miss Kaoru, if you don't mind."

"N-no, not at all. Get some rest, please."

Kenshin nodded, but hesitated a moment before exitting the kitchen. "Was that you sneezing, Sano? Are you alright?"

"Sure, sure, Kaoru here was just torturing me inhumanely," Sano grinned, using the girl in question as an armrest, much to her squawking dismay.

"Uggh, you're impossible!"

Strangely comforting to see his friends bickering so, Kenshin merely chuckled and shook his head, leaving the pair to their squabbling as he slunk discreetly out of the room. Bed, he decided, was sounding like a better and better idea. He usually did not like to be anywhere near it when the sun was out, but the exhaustion creeping over him was slowly convincing his active mind otherwise.

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*SQUEEEE!* You DO realize Kisa is going to DIE, right?? Tee heee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Oh.....Sanosuke sneezing. Mmmmm....now THAT is a DELICIOUS thought. He and Kenshin should have a contest! :)

Yeeeah, MEOW.


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That was so INSANELY hot I think I need a new chair for this one melted. OMFG The decsription and SOUND and into sleeve.. OMFG!!!!!!!!! :boom:

I love you. :)

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Meh, I probably could have written more in this before posting it, but wtf that would totally throw off my "posting in tiniest snippets possible" mojo.

Yarr, beware the nonproofreading, as usual!


Kenshin's dreams were rarely peaceful, but apparently even less so under the influence of a verging illness, casting is mind into an uncertain fog where present and past became blurred into terrible, dark images. Bloody images, memories mostly, ones that he often tried to desperately suppress. In the subconscious, however, there was no getting away from that painfully surprise look in her eyes as he...

"Kenshin? Keeeeenshin?"

The rurouni snapped awake abruptly, although the haze of his thoughts was slower to disperse as a pained and confused "Tomoe?" left his lips.

"To-- what? No, Yahiko," the person calling his name corrected, and after a moment Kenshin focused in blearily on the familiar boy leaning over him, peering down at him in bewilderment. He scrambled backwards as Kenshin sat up and sneezed explosively into an upraised arm.

"Ki-SHHt! EHKshht!" Painfully stifled, but apparently effective for despite a lingering, faint prickle, no more sneezes were to be elicited even after a displeased wrinkle of his nose.

"Yahiko," he mumbled in agreement, squinting his eyes closed and rubbing doggedly at his nose, before giving up and lowering the arm with a sigh, turning warm violet eyes back upon the boy who sat staring at him. "I'm sorry."

"Uhhh, that's okay. Here," the boy offered, digging into the folds of his gi and producing a plain square of white fabric that he tentatively handed over. "Kaoru makes me carry them, but I never use it."

Kenshin accepted the offer with gratitude. It hadn't exactly been a restful sleep, and he was dismayed to find that upon awakening to find the congestion in his sinuses having escalated. What a bother. Turning, Kenshin busied himself for a moment with clearing his nose, while Yahiko tipped his head aside and pretended not to notice.

"Who... err... what were you dreaming about?"

"Oh... something I'd rather not recall," Kenshin replied gently, and the boy seemed to take the hint as the rurouni turned back, sniffling softly. The room was quite dim, although light poured in from beyond the door that had been slid back and left partially open. Ugh, how long had he been out? "What time is it?"

"It's...um, dinner time? That's why Kaoru sent me in here, she wanted to know if you were hungry. You were asleep for awhile, but she said it was better not to wake you."

Disoriented, but surprised that his stomach did not automatically reject the thought of food, Kenshin nodded his acquiescence. "Thank you, Yahiko, I'll be along in a moment."

The boy nodded shortly and scrambled out of the room, headed back intently towards the scent of food. Despite her frequent need to prove that she could not, in fact, cook to save her soul, those spices that Kaoru had made Sano purchase earlier today certainly smelled appetizing.

"Kenshin said he was coming. Kuso, Kaoru, did you actually make something edible?" Yahiko wondered aloud as he plopped down next to Sano, and Kaoru gave him a slit-eyed glare from the direction of the still-cooking food.

"Watch your mouth," Sanosuke scolded hypocritically and bowled the young swordsman over with an offhanded shove.

"Ow, hey!"

Quickly intercepting a typical Yahiko-and-Sano scrap, Kaoru stepped forward to set down the steaming food. Fish, apparently, heavily doctored fish at that "Enough, eat! Sheesh." It did indeed smell awfully good, the air in the kitchen hanging heavy with the odor of spice and vegetables freshly harvested from their modest garden.

The scent, in fact, was a familiar one Sano noted as the food was set down. Appetizing, but quite strong in a a manner that teased at his normally unshakeable senses. "HHMPSCHT!!" He smothered it abruptly into a shoulder, turning from the meal at hand. "Gaaah, Kaoru, did you have to use that spice?"

"Well if you'd quite inhaling it and just eat it, I'm sure you'd like it," Kaoru scoffed, before turning eager eyes to Kenshin as he slipped silently in and settled at the table with a wearied smile. He looked a little worse for the wear, but she schooled herself not to fuss, only scooping a portion of fish for the rurouni with a curious, "Feeling better?"

"Ah, not really," Kenshin admitted with an abashed grin. He neglected to mention that he in fact was feeling quite a bit worse, and the air redolent with sharp perfumes of dinner was not precisely helping his sensitive sinuses. He was hungry, though. "I'm sure it will pass. E- excuse me... ksshih!" Quickly smothered into the handkerchief Yahiko had given him, the cloth pressed firmly to his nose as the rurouni unintentionally replayed the events of earlier that afternoon. "KSHhn! Ehkkshih! Ohh-hh..."

Darting her eyes between the sniffling Kenshin and the likewise irritated, but brighter-eyed Sanosuke, Kaoru furrowed her brow. "Well, this should be interesting."

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Guest Oleander

EEEEEE!!!!! you two are getting me interested in anime.... and i've COMPLETELY forgotten why i didn't ever like it before!!! :proud:

It should be interesting indeed.... the dinner, that is....

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Oh man, this story is so good! I can't wait to read more. I haven't seen much Kenshin at all, so I was scared to read it, and I'm so glad I did. Thank you for sharing.

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Ahem. YAAAAAAAAAY So happy for update! So GOO for Sano-goodness!! Omg, no idea how I went GAH I want to eat that fighter for hire like woah!

*loves on yoooooooooou!!*

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Such a great story!! MUST WRITE MORE!!! Absolutely LOOOOVE the duo sneezers!! Can't wait for the next part!

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