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I have never ever really had a cold where I was congested and sneezing....and although I'm sure it would kill me, I kind of want one. So I'm trying to catch one. My immune system is fantastic, though.

There is obviously no surefire way to catch a cold, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help it along easier.

Now everyone thinks I'm stupid. Oh well. :D

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Its not stupid. It's awesome. I am so not one of those people who will say dont do it.

if you want to catch a cold this may increase your chances

dont sleep to make sure your run down

be stressed out ( so retire those nerves of steel and let everything bother you)

Eat poorley ( no veggies for you)

Hang around childeren ( they always seem to have some malady. It is a fact that many teachers seem to sucumb to illness they pick up from the kids they teach)

Hang around public places inside ( ie malls or subways )

DONT WASH YOUR HANDS and touch your eyes and nose alot. ( Beware of eye infections though I imagine you may become a candidate following this particular instructin)

there ya go

Good luck!

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*takes notes* i'd like to catch a sneezy cold too. if you have access to a clinic or doctors office, thats a great place to catch one too.

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I, personally, don't think it's worth the other symptoms that come with it. Besides for sneezing, there's also the possibility of a sore throat, coughing, being so stuffed up you can't breathe, a headache, chills, maybe a fever, etc. Plus, if you follow prisma's instructions, you may get a stomach flu or laryngitis instead of a cold. So why bother? Enjoy your immune system and if you want to sneeze so badly, why don't you just induce?

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If you want to actively try to infect yourself you can wait till someone you know has a nice sneezy cold then handle something they are likely to have contaminated (if you are really crazy, a used handkerchief is something that has been mentioned before) but anything they have handled after sneezing into their hands or blowing their nose is likely to be infested with viruses. Then just introduce those viruses into your nose.

Of course if your immune system is that good it may not work. Research at the common cold centre did conclude at one point that sitting with your feet in icy water for thirty minutes increased the chances of succumbing. Not that I've been researching this or anything.....

And Sneezster might have some useful advice if you have a look through some of her recent topics.

Alternatively just have some first-year-at-nursery aged children. I'm just getting over my fourth this winter and actually I think that's more than enough for one year.


Edited by Vetinari
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Thanks, guys. I will try some of this stuff...although I am definitely not going to stop washing my hands.

But I also don't want to just induce in order to sneeze. I've never been a sneezy person, so I want to know what being sneezy feels like.

Thank y'all!

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sounds like you've done this before prisma?

Nope! I just think sickness in general is dead sexy!! I am one of those rare few who has no guilt about enjying someone elses sufferring!

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Nope! I just think sickness in general is dead sexy!! I am one of those rare few who has no guilt about enjying someone elses sufferring!

Are we so rare??? Anyway, I too think it' dead sexy. :D Cheers for suffering.

And yes, like Vetinari said there's a brilliant topic by Sneezester about stealing a cold around here. I haven't tried it myself but I know that the symptoms vary from person to another so you might not end up as sneezy as the person you're stealing it from, but it's still worth a try. At least if you're crazy, that is. (I am!)

Good luck! Keep us updated if you engage in some succesful action.

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Thanks, guys. I will try some of this stuff...although I am definitely not going to stop washing my hands.

But I also don't want to just induce in order to sneeze. I've never been a sneezy person, so I want to know what being sneezy feels like.

Thank y'all!

oh and i thought i was the only one.

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I don't know about anyone else but inducing regularly seems to reduce natural sneezing to almost zero, even on occasion with a cold. I haven't induced for a few weeks and the last cold I had was much sneezier. But perhaps that's just me.....

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I don't know about anyone else but inducing regularly seems to reduce natural sneezing to almost zero, even on occasion with a cold. I haven't induced for a few weeks and the last cold I had was much sneezier. But perhaps that's just me.....

Actually, I've noticed the same thing. I wonder why is that? Such a shame, I wish it worked the other way around...

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Haha, I have to seriously stop inducing then. I enjoy natural sneezes more.

Well, I tried.........and instead of sickness in the nose, my chest is aching. Right now my nose is starting to get congested though, which is a good sign I think....but I still don't feel sneezy.


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It took Sneezster five days as I recall. Give it time!

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Haha, I have to seriously stop inducing then. I enjoy natural sneezes more.

Well, I tried.........and instead of sickness in the nose, my chest is aching. Right now my nose is starting to get congested though, which is a good sign I think....but I still don't feel sneezy.


Poor thing. Sorry about your chest. I agree with you, natural sneezes are always more enjoyable. But if I notice that I've gone awhile with out any, I have to get my fix. :yes:

You should just have someone with a sneezy cold sneeze ON you. :)

*****whoops, edits herself when realizing you're only 16********* :yes:

Edited by Dawnie
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