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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Darren Criss?


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I have been looking for him sneezing too actually...haven't been successful B-P but i have been seeing these cute fanfictions of him as blaine sneezing on the sotires section. it's soooo cute *_*

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Oh i did find this though..no sneezes sadly but he talks about how he had the sneeze but it wouldn't come out...sexy *_*


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Oh i did find this though..no sneezes sadly but he talks about how he had the sneeze but it wouldn't come out...sexy *_*


Hahaha I love Darren...thanks for the vid :P

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm going to say that, in all likelihood this was a cough. But still, he turned away sharply and had a look of anticipation and frustration. Perhaps a sneeze that got away? Let me dream, please.

(around 4:30)

P.S. I know he had a cold during this time because of a few articles and this clip.


After studying the first clip for a while, i think that i could be a sneeze and he coughed a lot afterwards. But what do you others think?

also, the link to the second video wasnt working, i don't know, could you possibly post it again?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to revive this thread with some absolutely wonderful news biggrin.png

I was fortunate enough to get tickets to Team Starkid's NY SPACE tour show today. Darren Criss was their guest-star, alongside with their usual guest-star Charlene Kaye. So the show is progressing like normal, when they reach one of their numbers from their show Starship, known as "Beauty". One of the lines is: "Check out the bees, they don't buzz around for money. They do it for free, making love, making honey. Spreading pollen, how can you not fall in love? And it might make you sneeze, but you better believe it's beautiful stuff."

And at that moment, Darren Criss pretended to sneeze.

I was just like "O_______________O;;" and couldn't comprehend anything. I can't even remember if I started cheering or not, but it was amazing and so friggn' adorable.

Currently it's not up on YouTube yet. I say yet because, hey, it's Darren Criss and it's bound to be up soon. His performance with Charlene Kaye is already up there, so I predict it should be up soon. My friend that we went with, however, has the full thing recorded.

Keep an eye out for it, guys!! :3

EDIT: EEEP, he does it in the Boston show, too!! I think it's better-done in the NY show, though, buuuut that's just me. It's still really adorable (:

It's around the 3:30 mark :D

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What did I say?? Not 5 (5?) hours later, and the NY performance is up on YouTube.

Better yet, this was the one I was at. XD

It's lower quality than the Boston one, but the sneeze is better, in my opinion.

1:18-ish, and then after the sneeze Joe Walker like, puts his arm around Darren and flicks his nose. I can't even. They're so adorable.wubsmiley.gif

(Okay, I'll leave you all alone now and commence fangirling on Tumblr for awhile. Or sleeping. I pick Tumblr.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

UGH. This makes me so sad I missed the Space Tour :/. I was supposed to go to the NYC one too, but then I was really sick and couldn't make it. I told myself it was fine because I saw them at Leaky Con/will see them again this year, but yeah.

Sorry, haha, just had to post in this topic and say that that is one awesome little clip right there. I love the Starkids so much <3.

C-can we be friends...?

I honestly thought I was the only Starkid fan on the board!

The clip was awesome, I agree. I remember, when I saw it, I would have yelled something at that moment, but I remembered my mom AND my sister were behind me, so I couldn't do much but cheer. XD

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I got to meet them in VIP at the tour. I was moving really slow and shaking so hard they were probably all annoyed with me. And I skipped like, 3 of them (which I wholeheartedly regret and hope for another chance to see them one day so I can apologize to Joe Walker for skipping him. XD) But I did get them to sign my art book with stuff I drew for them, so it didn't all end badly.

I'm not the world's biggest Harry Potter fan and neither is my twin sis, but my little sister is an absolute fanatic, so maaaybeee we'll get to go to LC this year? It's so expensive though... O_o

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  • 4 weeks later...

But at least you spoke to them! Haha, I was just so terrified, I basically nodded and smiled. The only time I had legitimate conversations with any of them was at the ball and, weirdly enough, with Darren in the hallways when I was with my friends. You're so, so luck you got the VIP tickets! I wanted those really badly, but they were sold out when I clicked. If I'd gotten those, I probably would have gone even though I was sick, haha.

I know, it's ridiculously expensive. My parents only let me go because it's basically my entire world, all in one place. John Green is there, and all my other favorite authors, and wizard rock, and Harry Potter, and, of course, Starkid. It's really perfect. Plus, the people there are absolutely the nicest you'll ever meet.

(Wow, I'm so sorry for highjacking this thread! I know I shouldn't do that :/)

highjacking is a worthy cause if its for starkid <3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 years later...

Resurrecting this post many years later! Still love this guy, but has anyone come across any real sneezes from him?

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