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My second favorite F sneezer of all time


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Most of you know my favorite type of F sneezer. The hearty, guttural, explosive HAAAAAACCCHEWWWAHH! type with a little buildup. As wonderful as those types of sneezing ladies are, there was one totally against my type that so turned me on, that 5 years on, I still dream of her.

She worked with me in the same office as the sneezing fit secretary (this was THE PLACE to work for a female-sneeze loving guy, I tell you). This woman was in her mid-20s. Frail, pale, with a pug nose and a tiny, almost-whispery voice. Not a conventional beauty, just a nice girl. She did have nice full red lips, though, and beautiful blue eyes. Not a conversationalist, given to standing off to the side by herself in company meetings. Nobody in the workplace seemed to know much about her.

However, this frail girl (who sat across the aisle from me) was given to frequent fits of 4-12+ sneezes. Sometimes with a slight "ah....ah...ahhhh..." buildup. Then she would cut loose into "hhhhhhheeetttttcccCHOO! hhhhettccCHOO! hhhetCHOO!" The first part of her sneeze sounded like a rush of air, no voice, like an old steam radiator. The last part was a delicate, utterly female exclaimation of the word (is this a word?) "CHOO!" Sometimes, all I could hear would be "CHOO! CHOO! CHOO! CHOO!"

Sometimes, a sneezing fit would kick in while she was walking down the hall. Soon, "CHOO! CHOO!" would be echoing off the walls, and the poor dear would have to stop, do the oh-so-womanly hands over the nose and lips, and simply wait for the fit to pass. Once, I saw her doing this one Spring day outside the building, standing alone next to a bed of red and yellow flowers. "CHOO! hhhhessssttcccccCHOO! CHOO!" Lord, I so wanted to run up there and offer her a hankie. Didn't, though. Too chicken.

I did start carrying an extra hankie in case the chance ever presented itself again (it didn't). Soon, I left the company and never saw her again. But to this day, I always carry an extra hankie (I recommend it, boys---you become Prince Charming to a sneezy Snow White, and that can often lead to other wonderful things) with me. And I often dream of the frail, pale "CHOO! CHOO!" woman. God bless her wherever she is.

Lord, I love sneezing women.

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Really, there are countless types of ways that women sneeze and you have just described another one :drool: .

Excellent obs. :D

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Great story, sneezepal. I love the kind of sneezes you described. Nice description too; I always like to have a good mental image of the sneezer.

I also carry two clean handkerchiefs, the second one reserved for just such female sneezing emergencies!

Thanks for sharing this!

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You pretty much sumed up all my top favourite F sneezes, especially with your description of the "choo choo choo" type :drool: And thanks for sharing those great obs.

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