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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Guest Snippetlala

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Guest Snippetlala

My boyfriend was the first one to bring this site to my attention. As our relationship progressed he revealed his fetish, and I never realized there were people out there who enjoyed hearing others sneeze.

I have had allergies for as long as I can remember. Whenever I was around cats it would send me into a sneezing fit that lasted at least an hour. It was the feeling that I got when I sneezed that I secretly enjoyed.

There are several things I’m allergic to cats, pollen, mesquite, horses (just to name a few) , and it would start out as a tickle in my nose. The anticipation was erotic...Feeling it build up inside me...teasing me. I had the overwhelming desire to let loose and I would start to breathe heavy. My eyes start to water and then it happens.... Ahhhchooo. Most of my sneezes are singles with the occasional double or triple except whenever I’m around something I’m allergic too.

Whenever I sneeze it is high pitched with a little squeak at the end. All my life I have had people tell me my sneeze was cute and girly.

This man has opened up a new dimension to my life, and It excites me to sneeze for him knowing he is enjoying hearing me as much as I enjoy doing it for him. I have never let on that i enjoy it this much. :D

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