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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wow busy night


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Well, I had a movie night with some of my friends, and my sweetie, earlier tonight, and i did not leave empty handed. First of all I got another snuggle sneeze from my boy. We were watching National Treasure and he was holding my around my stomach and I was leaning on him. Now he'd been rubbing his eyes and sniffling all day, he was clearlt miserable. Anyway, he moved one of his hands and suddenly his body tensed and he stiffled a sneeze right above my head. I about died. :laugh: Nobody else but me noticed and it was too inconvienent to bless him. I think he thought it went unnoticed, but it didn't! :twisted: He was definitely stuffy all night and he was absolutely adorable trying to hide it and his stuffed up voice makes me melt! :D

At another point a friend of mine, Jay, suddenly with absolutely no warning bent into himself and almost stiffleda sneeze. Personally i felt nothing; it sounded kinda like hekiiiiiiickick I think (it was pretty unspellable lol). Jay has almost a full beard, but its not too long and very long kina scraggley light brown hair. When he sneezed his hair fell around his face and i didn't get a good view. Another girl at the party said "Oh bless you I thought it was a laugh not a sneeze. I guess that's why people didn't bless you!" Not the reason why i didn't...... :laugh:

As for the female sneeze, it did nothing for me either, but i thought I'd share anyway. My friend Lisha is 5'7ish, thin, very tan skin and dark hair at about her shoulders. We were swimming between movies and we were the only two in the pool. She sneezed once uncovered a very feminine but strong hih hishhhhheww She giggled and said I think the water made me sneeze. I just laughed with her unsure of what else to say. :blushing:

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You're killing me with the snuggle sneezes! :twisted::laugh: That is so awesome!! It must have been a sneezy night last night, because I saw and heard about ten different sneezes at work!! Too many to write about!! Funny how some people sneezing can drive you absolutely crazy, and others are like whatever. It's strange how the mind can shut that kind of thing off! Nice obs, keep 'em coming!!!

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