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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Halfway Home (M)

High on Lullabies

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Don't you just hate hot weather? Well not just hot weather, but hot, humid weather which makes you all sweaty sticky and horrible. Give me winter any day. Well, it's not winter, it's summer, and it's just the sort of weather I was describing here right now, it's okay if I don't have to do anything, I can just stay in the house and keep cool, but no, I have to go to work.

Okay, I'll stop moaning now, I went to work, and came back again, my train was cancelled about 30 seconds before it was meant to arrive (shortest notice cancellation I've ever seen!) so I had to get the next one. Uneventful journey, got to the station and started my walk home.

About halfway home I was wandering along enjoying the tunes from my MP3 when I saw a couple walking towards me (they might have been just good friends but to me hand-holding=couple, stereotyping it maybe but there you go smile.png). The girl was about 5' 7" wearing a black strapped top and jeans, her shoulder length black hair was tied back in a ponytail. The guy was taller, though not quite as tall as me, I'd say about 5' 11" and he had hardly any hair at all, shaven very, very short and it was very difficult to see what colour it was meant to be, dark brown I think, his face was also clean shaven.

He was wearing a grey vest and jeans with a very wide black belt on them, the sort of thing that makes you think he must have stretched the loops on the jeans just to make it fit. Or maybe it wasn't through the loops at all, maybe it was just being worn to look cool. He had a tattoo on the outside of his shoulder, no idea what it was, could just see the blue-ness, the sort of tattoo that has clearly been on there for a long time and lost some of it's colour. He was a well built man, not bristling with muscle but clearly substantial.

Anyway, as we got closer to each other (about 10m or so away now) and at this point I looked away, I don't like walking past people (and this is gonna sound really odd now) because I never know where to look. I don't want to look at them, but I need to look where I'm going! Anyway, I found some position for my gaze I was happy with and carried on, out of the corner of my eye I saw the girls hand drop away to her side as if the guy and started to lift his hand up and she'd let go a few seconds after.

I switched my gaze to the guy and followed his hands up to his face where he cupped them around his mouth and nose, eyes squinting with the irritation for a second or so before he squeezed them tight shut and sneezed powerfully into his hands just as we passed by each other 'HURAASHOO!'. His head snapped forwards and the last thing I saw was the girl just turning his head to look at him. Whether she blessed him or not, I don't know, I couldn't hear or see, but when I turned round to look at them were back hand-in-hand again and wandered off into the sunset together.

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Beautiful observation! So glad you caught it!! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

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Aww, that is really cute how they were holding hands like that. Thanks for paying attention and writing about the sneeze, especially with so much detail and description. That's one of the reasons I love reading your obs, is because you write things so detailed. :yes:


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