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x files stories


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hi, well im a big x files fan (david duchovny very very sexy) and was wondering if any one knew of any good x files stories (???fanfic???) been on tarotgal's sites and tarot of sneezing site but was wondering if n e 1 knew of any more coz google keeps giving me useless rubbish. would write one myself but wouldn't inflict my writing on my worst enemy. keep reading my posts and u'll fully understand how poor mywriting really is. anyhoo if any one could help would be very grateful



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Look on the Tarot of Sneezing. I know there's at least one there. If you don't like it or want more, look on the archive. I'm not going there though...

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This is part of a longer story by Zipper on Comet's Message Board years ago, it's the only part with Scully in it so it's the only bit I kept, but better than nothing :twisted:

“I can go back to the broken bed.” Mulder knew she wouldn’t let him. The coughing fit that followed won his case for the good bed.

“No you can’t.” Scully tried to lie down on the collapsed bed. She stretched out and turned from side to side, causing it to creak and collapse little by little, with every movement she made. The middle of the bed was sagging and Scully knew any attempt at sleeping would be futile on this bed. “I’m tired.” Scully stood up and headed towards the bathroom. “I’m changing into my pajamas and going to sleep.” Mulder realized he was still wearing his shirt and slacks from the day before.

“I think it’s about time I changed my clothes too.” Mulder said as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Scully closed the bathroom door and Mulder heard her unzip her suitcase. He dove into his bag and pulled out a fresh T-shirt and some heather gray sweatpants. What he really needed was a shower, but tossing on some clean clothes was as close as the sick and lazy Mulder could get. He settled back into bed. Something had triggered his cold to start tickling his nose again and all he could do was brace himself for the impending sneezes. Scully came out of the bathroom to find Mulder sitting very still in bed, staring off into space and taking slow shaky pre-sneeze breaths. “Hahshooo!!! Ahshooo! Ahshhoooo!” Mulder's sneezes sprayed into his hands as he cupped them over his mouth and nose. Scully picked up the box of tissues and handed them to Mulder, who took two and sneezed hard into them. “Eshhhh! Eshhhhah!” He wiped his nose, took two more tissues and blew hard. He threw the tissues on the floor and started to cough harshly.

“You should sit up against a pillow Mulder. I don’t want all that coughing and sniffling keeping me awake again tonight.” Scully insisted as she crawled into the dilapidated bed. Mulder propped himself up and pulled the covers up to his chin. He reached over and turned off the lamp.

The rain tapped an unsteady beat on the loosely stapled tar paper roof. The room was completely dark except for a few cracks of streetlight coming from the sides of the curtains.

“Huh, huh, huh,” Mulder could feel a sneeze creeping its way from the back of his nose. The urge grew stronger with each sharp breath. “Huh, huh huuuuh” He tilted his head back, waiting for the intense sneeze to throw him forward. “Huh, huh, huh!”

“Chshhhhh!” Scully’s soft wet sneeze startled Mulder, and completely took away his urge to sneeze. “Chshhoooo! Shoooo!” Her sneezes came one after the other, she alternated between them and wet sniffles.

“Scully?” Mulder called over to her partner in the darkness.

“Chshhhhh! (sniff) Yes, Bulder.” Her voice was already growing congested from her sudden sneezing attack.

“Are you catching a cold?” Mulder asked, pivoting on an elbow and turning towards Scully.

“I couldn’t be. Echsshhh! The common cold has an incubation period of 72 hours. Chshhhh! I haven’t been exposed to you for more than, than, Shooo! (sniff) 48.” Scully’s words were breathy between the wet spraying sneezes.

“Maybe, you’re catching a cold of your own that I didn’t give you.” Mulder theorized.

“Echsshhh! (sniff) That’s possible.” Scully’s nose was running. Her small nostrils flared each time she sniffled. “Mulder could you hand me the tissues?”

“Sure, just a second.” Mulder turned on the light, grabbed the box of tissues and leaned over to hand them to Scully. He looked at her as she wiped her nose. Her nose was really running, the clear snot shined under her nose. Scully blew her nose and it gurgled as she forced the sticky obstruction from her nasal passages.

“(sniff) Thanks.” She grabbed a few out of the box and handed it back to Mulder. He turned the light off and they laid there in silence, each of them sniffling periodically. Scully’s nose began tingling again, she covered her nose with the tissues and tried to sneeze quietly. “Huhchhshhh! Chshhh! Huhshhh!!!” Mulder could hear the wetness of the sneezes being projected into the tissues.

“Scully?” Mulder turned the light on again. Scully was sitting up in bed with the tissues over half her face and she was looking as though she might sneeze again.

“Yes?” She tried to look as normal as she could under the circumstances.

“You don’t sound too great, and I can’t let you sleep on that broken bed by that drafty door. If you caught pneumonia who would debunk all my work?” Mulder scooted over in his bed and patted the space beside him. “Come on, get in.”

“In bed,” Scully’s eyes bulged. “with you?”

“Look, you can trust me. We’ll sleep back to back.” Mulder rolled over so his back was to Scully. “No hanky panky, I promise.” Scully sat there for a moment, her lips parted, debating the circumstances.

“I guess I have no choice.” Scully slipped tentatively under the covers next to Mulder and turned her back to him. Mulder closed his eyes and Scully lay there tensely.

“G’night Scully.” Mulder sighed as he drifted off.

"Good night.” Scully said, her eyes rolling around the darkness of the room, still unsure of the situation. Her back touched his and she could feel his breathing become slow and steady as he dozed off. The feeling was somewhat relaxing and she too fell asleep once her congestion subsided.

Mulder woke up the next morning to find himself in an interesting position. He had turned over in the night and Scully had snuggled up next to his chest. He was cradling her in his arms and had his lips to her forehead. He laughed softly to himself as he got out of bed. Scully rolled over, still asleep, and he pulled the covers up over her before heading into the bathroom for a much-needed shower and shave.

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hi, well im a big x files fan (david duchovny very very sexy) and was wondering if any one knew of any good x files stories (???fanfic???) been on tarotgal's sites and tarot of sneezing site
Look on the Tarot of Sneezing. I know there's at least one there. If you don't like it or want more, look on the archive. I'm not going there though...

Umm, she already said she checked TOS. And I don't believe there are any on the archive, but I could be wrong, as it's happened once or twice.

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