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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Out of the blue sneezing fit (M)


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I was visiting with friends the other night, when a male friend of mine had a wonderfully intense sneezing fit out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. It started while we were all just sitting around talking. He sneezed once like HIT. . .choo! with is hands over his mouth and nose, it bent him over. We all blessed him and went on talking. Then he suddenly sneezed again, and again, and again. I think he sneezed at least 20 times. Big, overpowering sneezes that were loud and desperate. All through it, he just kept shaking his head, saying "I don't know what's making me sneeze." He sounded so miserable! I felt really bad for him, but I enjoyed it too! :lol:

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Very very nice obs mmmm I can just imagine a certain someone doing the very same thing - ohhh and I would so have my hands on him...

LOL - great description!


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