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Advice- how to write a decent sneeze fic?


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Right, I've been trying to write sneeze fics (female sneezing) but it just never works. Part of the reason is that Im still in school- I used to write stuff that was pure sneezing, once every punctuation mark. I even wrote a sequel to a goosebumps book. Its only now that I'm getting mature (finally) that anything good turns up.

So I'm hoping that someone out there can help me out- I'm usually great at stuff like this english is a great subjct for me and I get plenty of sneezes to draw on I just can't get it to work. What should I do, how many sneezes should I put?



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My advice would be this:

Go to a site like Serotica and look at a few of the female fics on there. See which ones you enjoy and that'll probably give you an idea of how other people write. Then, experiment. As long as you're having fun, that's what counts. There are no set rules, but most people like a balance between the fetish action and an actual storyline.

If you've got a good imagination and you're prepared to indulge it then you'll be fine.

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Right, I've been trying to write sneeze fics (female sneezing) but it just never works. Part of the reason is that Im still in school- I used to write stuff that was pure sneezing, once every punctuation mark. I even wrote a sequel to a goosebumps book. Its only now that I'm getting mature (finally) that anything good turns up.

So I'm hoping that someone out there can help me out- I'm usually great at stuff like this english is a great subjct for me and I get plenty of sneezes to draw on I just can't get it to work. What should I do, how many sneezes should I put?



er... may have put this in the wrong forum... sorry mods

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Another idea- get a "beta". Someone whose opinion that you respect. And someone that would be interested in looking things over and helping you out.

So what you would do would be to just write the type of story that *you* would like to see and have fun with it and then send it to someone to check over and make sure that grammar, spelling, "flow" and descriptions work. And then that person can maybe make suggestions and you can rework it.

Also, you could show it to someone that has similar taste in fics as you. And work the same way.

I think that if you write for yourself instead of trying to please the "unknown" type of person that you will probably be more "into" your stories and when you put yourself fully into a story I think that as a general rule they come out better.

I don't really read very many female stories. There are a Few that I do if I Really like the author's style. Then I read it more for the story element- not for the sf (if that makes sense).

But... if you want something looked over- for Basic suggestions, I could do that. Don't know how much help I'd be- but I'd be willing to give it a shot.

Best of luck!! :D

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Just like tma said, the most important thing is to write the story you want. Don't try and write a story for other people, because you don't know what other people are going to like and it just won't work.

Besides, the reason for writing fiction should be because you want to write it and enjoy writing it, not to try and please someone else.

Good luck! :)

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