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Sneeze Fetish Forum

FIC: The Morning News (M, all ages)


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This story was inspired by a post about some news anchor person having to sneeze and discussing it, I believe. It's been so long since I read the post, I can't remember! :winkkiss: Anyway, this is just a fun story about a poor guy whose worst fear is about to come true. I hope you all enjoy it, and yes, it does tend to be a romantic story!

The Morning News

Matt Roberts couldn’t help but feel just a little frustrated. His day wasn’t going at all he way he’d planned. Being a semi-famous anchorman on one of Chicago’s most popular morning news show, he had a reputation and an image to uphold. This morning, however, he was not only running late but also not feeling quite like his usual, confident self.

After walking a few blocks from the train station, Matt breathed a small sigh of relief once he hit the front doors of his building. As he sprinted towards the elevator, he felt a peculiar tingling sensation in his sinuses. That was odd, since he rarely ever sneezed. The tingle increased into an all out assault on his nose, making both nostrils tickle like crazy. He paused, allowing the feeling to grow in intensity. Even though he was standing in front of the elevator with a rather large crowd of people, he felt that the best thing to do was let the sneeze out. Yes, he needed to get it done and over with so that it wouldn’t happen when he went on the air. With his hand poised right underneath his nose, he took a couple of short breaths and then prepared for the oncoming sneeze.


Matt hadn’t been completely ready for such wet and messy sneezes. He sniffled as a few people around him mumbled, “Bless you.”

“Thanks,” he whispered, still very embarrassed by the whole thing. The only good thing was that his nose seemed to be under control once he stepped onto the elevator. Hopefully, it was totally out of his system.

The elevator ride was quiet and uneventful. Matt looked up to see that his floor was next, and got ready to exit the elevator. As soon as he stepped forward, the same type of strong tickle flooded his nostrils again. This time, the feeling intensified rapidly, and he just barely threw his arm over his nose before two more powerful sneezes erupted into the crook of his elbow.


Matt sniffed wetly, growing irritated at his sudden sneeze attacks for no apparent reason. It wasn’t like he had allergies, and he didn’t feel like he was coming down with a cold. He was thoroughly annoyed because he really didn’t have time for such nonsense, nor did he have a handkerchief. With another forceful sniff, he trudged on towards the studio.

Things were hopping when Matt got in and he sat down immediately for his hair and make-up. Since he was on time, but not exactly early, he needed to get ready to go on the air immediately. One of the hair stylists got right to work, since the Windy City had lived up to its name on this particular day, and Matt’s hair needed some serious help. Once his dark-brown hair looked perfect, the stylist moved out of the way for Cindy, who was Matt’s make-up artist.

“Hi there, Matt,” she said brightly. “How are you this morning?”

“I’ve had better days,” Matt grumbled. Right away he felt sorry for his tone of voice with Cindy. Her smile fell and she got right to work. She was always in such a good mood, and today, Matt wasn’t in the right frame of mind to deal with her cheerfulness. He sighed at his ignorance. It wasn’t Cindy’s fault that he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was having such bad luck. “Sorry Cindy. I’m just not in a very good mood today. How are you?”

“I’m doing pretty good,” she said as she began working on the dark circles under his eyes. Seeing those didn’t make Matt any happier either. He wondered to himself, how did he get such dark circles? Must not have slept very well, either.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Matt said, forcing a smile for Cindy’s sake. She really was a sweet woman, and sometimes Matt wasn’t very nice to her. He vowed then and there to change his attitude with her. Well, that was until she got a little carried away with his face powder, which floated up into his nose, causing another series of harsh sneezes.


“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Bless you!” Cindy apologized and handed him a tissue from a nearby box.

Matt took it, and gave a hearty blow.

“I’m terribly sorry, Matt. I had no idea I was applying too much powder,” she said, hanging her head in embarrassment.

Matt took a good, long look at Cindy, which he had never really done before. She was actually very pretty in addition to being so nice. He liked the way her long, wavy brown hair looked kind of tousled and free about her cute little round face. Seeing her so upset made him kind of sad, too. He suddenly felt awful for his behavior.

“Cindy, please,” he said with a short laugh, trying to lighten things up. “It’s hardly your fault. I’ve been sneezing like crazy since I got here this morning.”

Her blue eyes lit up and her smile returned.

“Really? It wasn’t the powder?”

“No, I don’t think so. I’m not exactly sure what my problem is today. I can’t remember the last time I’ve sneezed so much,” he said, sniffling.

“Come to think of it, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you sneeze,” Cindy remarked.

“Well, being in television, I try really hard not to. Unfortunately, it’s not really working very well for me today,” he chuckled. Then he looked at himself in the mirror and noticed an awful sight. His nose was as red as Rudolph’s, probably from sneezing so much and blowing his nose. “Ugh, Cindy could you please do something with my nose?”

Cindy stood there, obviously hesitant to touch his nose again. Matt laughed at how adorable she looked, wringing her hands together and her blue eyes wide as saucers.

“I don’t think it’s going to matter that much Cindy. I’m already sneezing my head off today.”

Finally, she relaxed and took out a sponge and some concealer. Softly, she began dabbing at his nose with the sponge. Matt was relieved, because nothing happened at first. Cindy continued covering up his red nose, lightly touching it over and over and over again. Over the next few seconds, Matt felt his nose start to twitch every time she touched it.

“Oh dear, is that making your nose itch?” Cindy asked.

As if to answer her question, Matt turned his head and sneezed again into his elbow.


He took a quick breath, and then paused. His eyes and nose were dripping, but the tickle hadn’t completely left him, and was teasing him with each tiny breath he took.


“Wow, bless you,” Cindy said meekly.

Cindy handed him the whole box of tissues, and he took one out and blew his nose once again.

“Are you catching a cold?” Cindy asked, frowning at him in the mirror.

“No, it’s definitely not a cold,” he answered and cleared his throat. Whatever it was, though, it wasn’t going to leave him alone or give him any peace at all.

“Maybe it’s allergies?”

“I don’t have allergies,” he stated firmly. Although, the way his nose was behaving told a very different story.

“Okay, well, you must have come in contact with something that’s making you sneeze so much,” Cindy said.

Matt knew she was trying to be helpful, so he tamped down the urge he had to make a sarcastic comment to her. He blew his nose one more time, and that seemed to remove the itch that was causing him to sneeze.

“Could you please finish this up, we don’t have much time,” he said, as politely as he could.

“Sure thing.”

After just a few more minutes of Cindy working furiously on Matt, he was finally ready to go on the air.

“You look…great,” she said. Matt glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and he thought he detected a faint blush on her cheeks.

“Thanks,” he said, giving her a genuine smile this time. He admired himself in the mirror, amazed at the job she did. He caught her gaze in the mirror and gave her a quick wink. The rosy color in her cheeks deepened.

“You ready, sport?” One of the production crew called out to Matt.

“Yes,” he said, standing up. Then he turned to Cindy before heading over to the news desk.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Cindy asked, biting her lower lip.

Matt took a deep breath, since his attention was now drawn to how full and luscious her lips were. He gently shook his head and focused on her eyes instead.

“Thanks for your concern, but I’m fine. You did a marvelous job. Thanks for always making me look so good. Do you know how terrific you are?”

Again, her cheeks turned bright pink, accentuating all of her tiny brown freckles.

“I really do appreciate all that you do, Cindy,” he said seriously. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’d probably look like complete hell without you, especially today.”

“It’s my job,” she said, giggling.

“And you are amazing at it,” he said. He really wanted to say more and gush about her talents, but his nostrils flared as the tickling sensation returned to his nose. He raised his right hand towards his face, and held an index finger just underneath his nose, as his breathing became labored. Through squinted eyes, he saw Cindy wrinkle her face in concern. The fact that she was so concerned about him touched him deeply and went straight to his heart. Because he was so busy thinking about Cindy, he completely forgot that he was about to sneeze, and the tickle faded away.

“Ha, false alarm,” he joked.

Cindy burst out laughing, and Matt joined in.

“Let’s go, Matt!” Another crewman shouted out.

“I have to go to work. Thanks again.”

“Good luck. Have a great show!” she said excitedly.

“Thanks,” he said with a little wave.

Taking his seat behind the desk, Matt felt great. He knew that he looked good, thanks to Cindy. Immediately after going on the air, Matt felt totally fine.

Ever since he was a child, Matt was a natural behind the camera. It really hadn’t surprised anyone that was close to him when he decided to go into television after college. After a few years of behind the scenes work and a brief stint as a field reporter, he finally hit the big time when he landed the anchor position on the Chicago Morning Show. He truly loved his job.

Feeling much better, and extremely proud of his ability to overcome such and absurd and sneezy morning, Matt breezed through the first few news stories, and then sat patiently during the weather forecast. It was during the commercial break that a very small tickle started to form way back in Matt’s nostrils.

No, not again, not now, he thought desperately. He sniffed and rubbed gingerly at his nose with his index finger. He had to make it go away because soon they would be back on the air.

“Matt, are you okay?” His co-anchor, Robin, whispered.

“I’m fine,” he said, sniffling and wishing that there were more he could do to stop himself from sneezing.

He continued sniffling as they came back from commercial, and Robin went through her next story. Only the tickle in Matt’s nose grew and threatened to finally become the sneeze that he was dreading. He had never, ever sneezed while on the air, and he didn’t really ever want to. That was the #1 rule in TV, to never let any bodily function happen while on the air. It just wasn’t ever done.

Unfortunately for Matt, the sneeze wasn’t going away. He was aware that he was supposed to speak, but couldn’t quite get the words out. He froze, his body going completely still, except for the twitch of his nostrils. Through watery eyes, he could barely read the teleprompter, and was missing out on what he needed to say next. Robin looked over at him, smiling a very fake smile that showed off her blinding, white teeth.

“Matt,” she hissed through her clenched teeth, still smiling.

Matt was helpless. He couldn’t answer her, and his worst fear was about to come true. The tickle intensified to the point of no return, and Matt closed his eyes, powerless to stop from sneezing on TV. This isn’t fair, he thought angrily as he cupped his hands over his nose and mouth and then lunged to his left side, away from Robin.


“God Bless you, Matt,” Robin whispered with wonder in her voice.

He would’ve said thanks, only a few more sneezes escaped, even though he tried like hell to stifle them.


“Bless you again! Are you all right?” Robin said with a nervous giggle.

Matt was absolutely mortified at such an embarrassing loss of control. The crew went into emergency mode as Matt convulsed into a full blown sneezing fit. The next thing Matt knew, he was being escorted off the set and into one of the dressing rooms while being handed tissues as he continued to sneeze. He felt a little weak and disorientated from sneezing so much as he was propped into a chair.

“Thanks guys, I’ll help him from here. You go back to the show,” a soft and familiar feminine voice said.

“Cindy,” Matt croaked in between a few more sneezes. “Is that you?”

“Yes, Matt, here, drink this water,” she said, her voice calm and soothing.

Matt felt the cool liquid touch his lips and drank like he’d been stranded in the desert for a week.

“Easy, Matt,” Cindy chuckled. “Does that feel better?”

It did. Matt no longer felt the incessant tickles that had plagued him on the air. What the hell was going on with him today? He’d never sneezed like that ever before.

“Yeah, thanks Cindy. I wish I could figure out what my problem is today,” he said, irritated.

“Well, I know you said you didn’t have any allergies, but…”

“What are you thinking, Cindy?” Matt asked, and then blew his nose.

“Perhaps something has changed, and you are reacting to it.”

He supposed she could be right, but Matt was a creature of habit, and rarely changed anything in his life. He had no pets, and preferred it that way. He was too busy anyway. Absently, he scratched the back of his neck, and realized that it had become very itchy as well.

“Try not to scratch Matt,” Cindy said. “Have you changed laundry detergents or cologne or anything,” she suggested as she scrutinized his neck where he had just scratched.

“No, why?” he asked, slightly amused at her close inspection of him. He could almost feel her breath on his neck, and he had to admit, he kind of liked it.

“Well, it does look as though you are starting to get some hives, too. I think you are definitely having some sort of allergic reaction.”

Matt was dumbfounded. He couldn’t imagine what could possibly be causing an allergic reaction so suddenly.

“I think I should get you home and you need to take an anti-histamine,” Cindy said sternly.

“Are you serious? I don’t keep anything like that at home. I’ve never had allergies, why would I need and anti-histamine?” He looked at her, waiting for her to answer, when another sneeze escaped. “HAAAA-SHHOOOOOOO!”

“I rest my case. Come on, Matt, I’ll drive you home. And I’ll stop at a drug store on the way to get you some Benadryl or something.”

Matt was too embarrassed, upset, and weak to argue with her. She put her arm around his shoulders and led him out of the studio while everyone watched. He heard someone say that one of the field reporters took over anchor-duty for him, and that kind of pissed him off. But there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. His scalp had now begun to itch and sting, and he wondered what he’d done to deserve all this crap today.

Cindy walked him out to her car, which was a cute little red coupe. He sat down in the car, let out a couple more sneezes and then let his head fall back against the headrest. This had to be the worst day ever.

He was scratching the top of his head when Cindy plopped herself in the driver’s seat. She looked over and clucked her disapproval.

“I can’t help it,” he whined. Gosh, he hated that he sounded like such a baby.

“What about your shampoo?” she asked, starting the car.

“What about it?”

“Did you change it recently?”

Matt had to think hard. He always bought stuff ahead of time, before he ran out, so he couldn’t remember which brand of shampoo he was using. But he did realize that he had just opened up a brand new bottle that morning.

“You don’t think…” he started to say, and then proceeded to sneeze some more. “HEH-SHOOOOOO! ESSSHHHOOOO!”

“God bless you! Matt, did you change shampoos today?”

“Ugh, I think I did,” he groaned. Of all things, shampoo was causing this? It was so ridiculous, but it had to be true.

“Well, then I think we’ve found your culprit,” she said. “What kind were you using before?”

“Um, I think it was just a plain daily clarifying shampoo or something. And I think I opened a bottle of some fancy stuff I thought would make my hair look shinier,” he said dejectedly.

“Well,” Cindy said, pulling into a drugstore parking lot. “Let me get some Benadryl and a bottle of shampoo, because I think you’ll need to shower once again to get that stuff off of you.”

Matt sighed and rubbed at his nose. He hated the fact that she was right, but he was glad she’d helped him figure out the mystery.

“Hey, Cindy, in case I forget to say it later, thanks.”

“No problem, Matt. Anything for you,” she said with a smile, her cheeks all pink again. Then she hopped out and went inside the store, while Matt waited in the car.

Cindy was back only a few minutes later, and she handed Matt the bag of goodies. She asked him to navigate for her, since she didn’t know where he lived. He gave her the quickest directions possible, because he couldn’t stand the itchy feeling he was starting to get all over. He couldn’t wait to get home, take the Benadryl, and take a shower.

“Well, Matt, here you are,” Cindy said, pulling up in front of his apartment building.

Matt looked at her, and he felt a longing to spend more time with her.

“Would you mind…I mean, could you…” he said and faltered. Her blues eyes stared into him, and he felt lost.

“What is it Matt?”

“I need your help.”

“My help?”

“Yes, would you come up to my apartment with me, and help me with this medicine. I’ve never taken anything like this before,” he said. He knew he was grasping at straws, because he was 26 years old and a grown man. He could do it by himself, but he really just wanted her company.

“Well, um, okay, if you think you really need my help,” she laughed.

“Oh, I do, definitely…HahHAH-ESSHHHOOOO!”

“Bless you. Where should I park?”

With his free hand, he pointed to a spot a few yards down the road. His other hand held a tissue over his nose while he sneezed two more times into it.

Cindy parked the car, and together they walked inside his building. It had been awhile since he’d had a woman in his apartment, but since he was a neat freak, he wasn’t really worried about how the place would look. With his key in his right hand, and his left hand still holding a tissue, he opened his door and motioned for Cindy to enter.

“Nice place,” she said, surveying everything as she walked around.

“Thanks,” he said, and then headed towards the kitchen.

Cindy followed him and dumped out the bag onto the table. She grabbed the Benadryl and started reading the back of it.

“You need to take two of these with water,” she said, tossing the packet to him.

Matt caught the packet and grinned. He liked her tone of voice when she was ordering him around. Somehow, he always thought he needed women who were submissive and agreeable. He found that he liked how strong Cindy was. She was more confident than any woman he’d ever met before.

He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Then he downed two pills.

“It shouldn’t take too terribly long for those to take effect,” she told him. “You should probably hop in the shower and get rid of that shampoo immediately.”

“Yes master,” he said, jokingly. Her cheeks flushed again. “Help yourself to whatever’s around while I take a quick shower.”

He didn’t give her time to protest, he just left her alone in the kitchen. He jumped into the shower with his new shampoo, and proceeded to clean himself off. As he lathered and rinsed, he thought more about Cindy, and why he’d never really paid much attention to her before. He really liked her kind heart and her spirit. He sneezed a few more times, and realized if he hadn’t been sneezing all day long, he might not have ever looked twice at Cindy. As he sneezed once more, he was sort of thankful for his sneezy day. It opened his eyes to all the possibilities that were always around him.

After he was done in the shower, he got half-dressed. He slipped into some briefs and a pair of jeans. With his towel draped around his neck, he headed back into the kitchen. Cindy was sitting at the table, talking on her cell phone. Form what he heard her saying, she was probably talking to one of the crewmembers of the show. Matt heard his name a couple of times, and some mention of things being “taken care of.”

He snuck up behind her quietly, and then brushed against her as he walked past her to go to the fridge. Cindy practically jumped out of her skin, and Matt had to bite back his laughter. Her eyes wide with surprise, she just stared at him. He wasn’t exactly sure, but he thought he even saw her tongue dart out to lick her lips. He followed her eyes, and they were definitely directed at his bare chest. His lips curled into a sly smile. He was suddenly very glad he spent a lot of time at the gym and worked out hard. Her look was one of total appreciation. He knew that because he had given the look to many, many women, and could spot it a mile away.

“So, right, I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said after clearing her throat once. “And I’m sure Matt will be back as well. Tell everyone he seems to be look, I mean, feeling just fine.”

Matt almost burst out laughing at her slip. He tried so hard not to, but his grin widened, and Cindy smiled as she flipped her cell phone shut.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, avoiding his stare.

“Much better, I think,” he said, unable to stop from smiling at her. Gosh, how could he grow to like someone so much in one day? He was really attracted and attached to her. He felt a primal urge to take Cindy to his bedroom, only he also felt an urge to sneeze again. He wondered silently when that would finally stop. He stood there and posed himself for what felt like a really huge sneeze.

“You okay, Matt?”

“Hold on…”

He stood there, frozen in place again as the prickling sensation traveled slowly up his nostrils. He held his towel in front of his face, knowing that this sneeze would probably be very messy. Once the full feeling flooded his nose, he lurched forward with an extremely loud and uncharacteristic, “HUHHHHH-CHIIIISSSSHHHHHHHOOOOO!” The brunt of the sneeze was caught in the towel, and Matt was glad.

“Wow, my goodness, Matt. God bless you!”

He took a moment to compose himself, and blow his nose harshly into a couple of tissues. Once he was done with that, he actually felt ten times better. The huge sneeze must have cleared out all of his airways, because he could breathe clearly again.

“Thanks, I think I need all the blessings I can get,” he said with a laugh. Then he started feeling a little light-headed, and he grabbed on to the back of one of the chairs to steady himself.

Cindy reached out and touched his arm.

“Whoa, Matt, what’s the matter?”

“I just got a little light-headed, that’s all,” he said.

“That’s the Benadryl, it makes you a little woosy and tired.”

“Oh,” he said, sitting down. “Yeah, I do feel kind of sleepy all of the sudden.”

“You should get into bed. Be sure to get plenty of rest. If you still feel the hives, or any more symptoms, you can take a couple more in another eight hours, okay?”

Matt nodded, indeed feeling very drowsy and wishing he was in his bed.

“Well, then, I’m going to take off.”

Matt watched her rise from the chair, and he gave her a half-hearted smile. He knew she had to go, but he was kind of disappointed that she was leaving.

“Bye Cindy, and thanks again for everything you did for me.”

“It was no trouble, Matt. See you in the morning,” she said, smiling at him and then walking away.

Matt shuffled into his bedroom, flopped onto his bed, and fell asleep almost immediately.


The next morning, Matt felt like his old normal self, only with one major difference. He couldn’t wait to see Cindy again, and he wanted more from her than just a working relationship.

He’d seen into her caring and giving nature, and that made her even more beautiful to him than just her looks. And he couldn’t get over how badly he’d overlooked her outer beauty, as well. All in all, he’d been an ass, and it was time to make good on his vow to change all of that.

Matt went about his morning ritual on his way to work, only he found himself whistling one of his favorite songs. Things were definitely looking better this morning for him. He was in a great mood.

Nothing was going to put a damper on his day. He was convinced of that. It didn’t even faze him when one of his “buddies” on the staff walked up to him with a box of extra-large tissues. Matt simply laughed and said, “Thanks, man.”

Yeah, by the time he was sitting down and getting his hair done, he’d heard a bunch of snickers behind his back, and a few not-so-nice comments, but he refused to let any of it bother him. So, he sneezed on air, what was the big deal? He lived, and came back. It didn’t drive him underground or anything. While the hairstylist fixed him up, he even checked his e-mails on his laptop, and he had a ton of fan mail from people wishing him well, hoping he wasn’t sick, and several remedies for sneezing. He chuckled to himself as he browsed through all of them. He knew exactly what he’d needed yesterday, and that was Cindy.

Once his hair was done, he looked around for Cindy, but she hadn’t shown up yet. Where could she be, he thought anxiously. And then as if to answer his question, she strolled over, looking absolutely radiant in Matt’s opinion. She’d pulled her hair back into a ponytail, and her blue eyes sparkled as she walked towards him.

“Good morning,” he said as calmly as possible.

“Good morning to you, Matt,” she said, and immediately started working. “How are you today?”


“I’m glad to hear that.”

Matt just watched her silently as she worked. Every once in awhile he’d catch a faint hint of her perfume and it was beginning to drive him crazy. He needed to ask her out, and do it soon. But, very soon he was being rushed because he needed to go on air shortly.

He rose to his feel and took a moment to drink in the sight of Cindy. She shuffled her feet nervously, and giggled.

“What?” she asked, obviously feeling self-conscious.

“Nothing, I’m just looking at you. Do you know how terrific you made me feel?”

She bowed her head, smiling. Matt wanted to say more, but another crewman tapped him on the shoulder.

“Time to get going, Matt, we have a show to do.”

“You should go,” Cindy said. “And if you need anything else from me, just sneeze or something, okay?”

Matt laughed and started to head towards the set. But then what she’d said had given him a brilliant idea. He stopped and turned enough so he could see her. She made eye contact with him and then he then faked a very large sneeze, “HUH-CHOOOOOO!” A bunch of crew people, and even Robin his co-host all looked shocked, but Cindy laughed, and so did he. She walked over to him.

“So, what do you need?” she asked innocently.

“I need to see you again, outside of work. I was hoping I could persuade you to have dinner with me, tonight.”

She looked slightly taken aback, but then smiled at his offer.

“I would love to have dinner with you Matt, and tonight would be great.”

“Wonderful. We’ll exchange numbers and all that after the show. Okay? I can’t wait,” he said anxiously.

“Me either.”

So, with a fresh new outlook on life, Matt went and gave one of the best performances of his career. At one point he did actually sneeze softly on the air, but he didn’t care and even joked around about it. He was looking forward to his evening with Cindy, and that was all that mattered to him.

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Awwwww.... B-P

Sneeeeeeesee, you write the loveliest romantic fluff goodiness EVER, d'you copy?! :winkkiss:

What a delightful bunch of wheeee-everybody-happy-and-sweet-dreams prose this is. I'll sleep sooo well over it, you have no idea :winkkiss:

I LOVE the characters you come up with! They're such NICE people always. Reading one of your stories makes me feel as happy and positive as watching an episode of The Flying Doctors. All like :proud: and :laugh: and hippie-ish :laugh:

If there's any more fiction you have, be it fetish-related or not, I'd love to read that too. Seriously. You can send it attached to a PM or something. Yes? You're one of my favourite authors, darling, and that's the truth.

:lmfao: Sanne

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Wonderful! I especially loved the part where Cindy was putting the powder on him. Thank you so much for sharing. :winkkiss:

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awwwww!!! very cute.

Thanks for writing that.

And yes- any more of that or other stories- please post. :)

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Awwwww!!!! Sneesee! I absolutly LOVE reading your Fanfics! You have an amazing talent for writing. This story was fanfic-fantastic! (I know, I can't believe I just typed that ... I'm really tired, HA HA.)

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Wonderful story sweetheart. What I wouldn't give to see a new cast like that. Terribly sweet and romantic too. You're terrific, babe.

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One of the cutest male sneezefics ever :shy: Thanks for sharing!

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