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Help with a story


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The other day I remembered (again) a story woth female sneezing, where a kind of female ghost or something like that, enjoyed making sneeze a girl, and when the girl discovered the ghost, made it sneeze too. The ghost was called Dybbuk or something like that.

I remember that it was on the old Bondi´s page, so maybe you can help me, Bondi


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For some reason I remember that Bondi's old page is somewhat dead. He might still have the stuff on his computer, or maybe someone else does, but if not, I wouldn't risk going to the site (if it even exists anymore) unless you have a mac or super-uber-1337-haxorz virus protection.

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and it's still fine. I don't know. Just wait till he comes around and ask him about it.

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Don't know if it's the same, but a story on Serotica [alaias The Languag e of Sneezing] called "Smoking in the Dark" has a Dybbuk who makes two girls sneeze.

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It´s not in Serotica, or Language of sneezes.

The Dybbuk of this story waited the girl in a forest or something like that. There, she started to throw dirt or mold to the girl to make her sneeze. When the girl discovers that it was the dybbuk was making her sneeze, took revenge and meda the dybbuk sneeze too.

It´s one of the stories I liked the most, but I cannot find it again :D

Hope someone helps me with this.


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