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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Baseball Fanfic-M - (3 Parts)


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Guest misswindextor

As I am from the UK I know nothing about baseball, but I have to admit I am now a fan!l Your story is HOT, please continue!! :drool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sneeeeseeeee..........(tries to sound endearing rather than whiny....) :rolleyes:

Any chance of some more of this because I just love it SOOOOOOOOOOOO much :innocent:

Pleeeease (almost forgot it despite spending the majority of my day exhorting my 2 year old to remember!) :wub:

I'll even make you a cheesecake :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here's just another sample that I couldn't wait to post. Perhaps it's because baseball season has now started, and I'm feeling the itch, I don't know. There is still no actual playing yet, at least not by Jon, that's still to come. Believe me, he's totally on my ass to finish this, as he doesn't like having a cold for months on end! :D This is just a short section, sorry!


Jon felt someone poking at his back, so he shifted himself and opened his eyes. Scott was sitting on the edge of the bed, half-smiling.

“Hey bud, I tried to let you sleep as long as I could, but you really need to get up now. It’s already past ten,” Scott said softly.

Jon shot up and shook his head, which hurt like Hell. Damn, it was after ten o’clock and he still felt like crap. How was he supposed to pitch an entire game like that?

“Ozzie called already this morning to see how you were feeling. He wants the team doctor to take a look at you before practice. Just to make sure you can pitch tonight.”

Jon coughed so hard, he felt like he might just throw-up. Thank goodness there wasn’t anything left in his stomach, or he might have done just that. The queasy feeling passed right before he thought about making a beeline to the bathroom.

“So, buddy, why don’t you go and get yourself cleaned up, I’ll call room service and see if I can get you something you can choke down. Then, I’ll take you over to see the doc, okay?”

Jon went to speak, and realized he had no voice left. Talking would’ve hurt almost as much as coughing anyway, so he clammed up and simply nodded at Scott. He dragged his sore, aching ass into the bathroom for the hottest shower he could stand. Once it was going, the steam was great because it eased some of his pain and emptied out his clogged nasal passages.

Exiting the shower, Jon had just started to towel off, when his nose decided to act up. He used the towel like a tissue and muffled a bunch of sneezes into it. The sneezes effectively stopped up his sinuses that had just been cleaned out by the warmth of the shower. He coughed, shivered, and then got another towel to finish drying off with. Then, he got dressed and left the bathroom.

“Hey man,” Scott said, giving him a smile.

Jon cleared his throat, smiled, and then croaked out, “Hey.”

“Well, you look halfway human again, but you don’t quite sound like it,” Scott teased.

Jon was about to make some sort of snappy, sarcastic comeback when there was a knock at the door.

“Ah, room service!”

Scott bounded over to answer the door, and Jon flopped down at the edge of the bed. Great, now he’d have to try to eat something, since Scott went through all the trouble of ordering room service.

“All right, man. I’ve got scrambled eggs, toast, and tea,” Scott said as he pushed the cart in front of Jon.

Jon suppressed a groan. He didn’t want to appear ungrateful, but he wasn’t hungry at all. At least the stuff Scott ordered wasn’t necessarily un-appetizing.

“Thanks Scott,” he said, voice cracking a little.

“Dude, stop thanking me!”

They both laughed, and just to appease Scott, Jon started drinking his tea and eating his toast.

“Atta boy, Jon.”

Jon just smiled and glanced down at the eggs. He hated eating plain scrambled eggs. Usually he doused them with salsa or ketchup or something, because otherwise, they were totally bland. Unfortunately, there was neither ketchup nor salsa on the room service cart. He did see a salt and peppershaker, and figured it was better than nothing, though. As soon as he started sprinkling the pepper, he realized what a huge mistake he’d made.

He felt an immediate tingle in his nose from the pepper dust and quickly turned to his right side.


He didn’t even cover the sneeze, and it sprayed all over his shoulder and back.

“Whoa, bless you, man!!!” Scott said, laughing. “Ha ha! Dude, you said shit on the end of your sneeze. That was kinda funny.”

Jon grabbed another tissue, blew his nose, and groaned.

“It’s not funny, it sucks,” he muttered, hoping Scott didn’t hear him.

“Sorry man, you’re right. It does suck. Eat up, buddy, so you can take some of this daytime medicine and feel better,” Scott said, holding the box in his hands and reading the label.

Jon dug into his breakfast, grimacing at how tasteless and slimy the eggs felt on his tongue. He gagged slightly as they slid down his throat, coughed once, and then shivered.

“You all right?”

Jon didn’t want to snap at Scott again, but he was growing weary of that question.

“I’m fine.”

His rough tone must’ve gotten through to Scott, and they finished their meal in silence. Jon was really glad for the peace and quiet. After choking down his breakfast, he grabbed the box of daytime cold medicine. With the remainder of his orange juice, he swallowed two pills and then fell back onto his bed to rest a few minutes.

Scott made himself scarce in the bathroom while Jon closed his eyes and waited for the medication to kick in. It seemed that all at once, his nasal passages opened up, and he could breathe freely once again, which was a huge relief.

“Okay, buddy, time to go see the doc,” Scott said, snapping Jon out of his semi-sleepy trance.

Jon reluctantly sat up and followed Scott out of the room. He’d get the doctor’s visit over with and then get ready to pitch the best game that he could.


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Cheers Sneesee!!!!! :twisted:

Fantastic as ever. I'm enjoying this hugely.

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