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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Another one of my stories! Female sneezing.


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Here is another one of my stories from the past :o

I wrote this one for a member who liked big sneezes among other big things HEE, HEE :omg:

Enjoy :omg:

The Presentation

Cindy was so nervous. Here it was only her first week with the company and she had all ready been promoted from the mail room to receptionist, receptionist to legal secretary and now secretary to full partner. There was allot of talk going around the office as to why Cindy had moved up the corporate ladder so fast but one reason was more than obvious and it wasn’t her GED it was more like her 34 double D’s. Cindy always had a chest that she liked and men loved. She always felt that she had been given her breasts to make up for her nose which she hated. It wasn’t so much her nose that she hated though she did wish it was a little smaller but more the sneezes that came out of it. Cindy’s sneezes were hugh and when we say huge we ment that they could cause property damage when they were at full force..

Well none of this mattered any more to her. She had climbed her way up the corporate ladder and now had a chance to prove her self. She had been invited to a board meeting with the CEO and all the other partners were she had been asked to make a presentation on a still unknown topic. This was the company’s way of seeing if she could think on her feet and she knew she was ready.

Cindy entered the long narrow board room and strutted her stuff to the far end knowing very well that all the male eye’s were on her. She walked up to the far end of the long table and took her position in front of the large white screen and announced “I’m ready”.

The CEO stood up and said “OK Cindy as you know we have a new product that we plan on launching this Spring, or new giant fast growing lily’s. Here is a sample for you to work from” as a member of the board handed Cindy a large basket filled with the giant flowers. The sweet smell of the lily’s seamed to fill the air below poor Cindy’s nose as she began to feel like a million little feathers had gone to work tickling the walls of her nostrils. Cindy just stood there frozen as one part of her brain worked trying to think of an opening statement while another part began to fight with her building sneeze.

“Well Cindy we are all waiting” the CEO said and then said “oh sorry LIGHT’S”. The room suddenly went black and Cindy quickly tried to take advantage of the situation by slowly raising her free hand in hopes of itching her nose. Suddenly the room went white with light as the overhead projector snapped on and Cindy found herself starring right into it. As if the lily’s weren’t bad enough Cindy was always a photonic sneezer and always found herself having to fight off one of her monster sneezes when ever she walked outside in to bright sunlight.

Cindy just stood there frozen like a deer trapped in headlights. The terrible tickle in her nose had now turned into a stabbing pinching pain in the far back of her nose. Her hand just hung motionless in the air unable to continue it’s path up to her nose. Cindy could feel her eye’s begin to tear up as her lower lip began to quiver. Her breath hitched once and then a second time much loader “Haaa, HAAAA!”. Cindy just looked out threw her watery eye’s into the large group of men as she could feel her face beginning to contort. She could hear herself inside her mind thinking “ oh please not now, you blowing it! not a sneeze, not one of my sneezes! Not here, not now!”. Cindy felt herself take in another shuttering breath “Aaaahhh!” as her chest continued to expand. She felt a button pop off of her blouse and ricochet off the far wall. She felt her eye’s beginning to close as she took in yet another hitching breath “HHHHHAAAAAAAA!” while two more buttons popped. Cindy could feel her abdominal muscles contracting as her eye’s closed tightly. There was no fighting it any more, she was going to sneeze. She took in one last giant breath before it came “HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA” “HHHAAAACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”. The power of the sneeze blew all the papers off of the table, and Cindy’s blouse and bra right off her back, her bra landing right on the CEO’s head. Cindy just stood there mortified when all of a sudden each member of the board stood up and applauding. The next day Cindy was made vice president.

I wonder what will happen too her next week at work!

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Thanks, that was a fun little venture into the absurd. I feel like this fetish lends itself to such stories.

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Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

"Silly" yes, "absurd" you bet :heart: . Thats the great thing about this fetish, it's what we each make of it :(

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I think you accidentally wrote "photonic" instead of "photic". After reading the whole thing however, I have come to realize that both are true! Great yet silly story!

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