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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My first ob ever so please read it


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Ok a guy I have a crush on, well you guessed it, he had a sneezing fit. It was night time, and I was over his house just to hang out. He has reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes (I think I like him because he reminds me of Gaara, when Gaara goes nice after Naruto's influence) He is skinny and alittle muscular under his shirt.

He's allergic to cats and dogs, and loves cats. We were sitting down on his bed just talking about random stuff nothing, really important. At one point he got that pre-sneeze look on his face and told me, "wait, I gotta sneeze" . Me, being me I didn't stare for fear of being figured out. So he sat up and looked up, tilting his head back, he looked like he was preparing to sneeze, by holding his hand up to his nose just waiting for his sneeze to come. He started doing the hitched breathing thing and then did 5 quick sneezes, " aachoo, heeeeshooo, huhcooo, huhshoo, huhtshooo!!!" I looked at him and he said, " wait I'm not done" He got that look again :heart::drool: :drool: and then just starteed sneezing louder and more powerful sneezes, " hup, hup, hup, hupchooo" then his breath got more hitched and another, " hup, hup, hup, hupchooo" . Then he said, "ok I'm done" I was to nervous to bless him so I didn't. I thought my face must have been so red :blushing: . Then without warning he suddenly just sneeze, " AAhhchooo' uncovered right on my shoulder :omg::blushing::drool: Then he tried to say sorry, but it sounded more like, "sor-aa-ry-aa-eechoo" then he covered his mouth and turned his head quickly to the side and sneezed into his hand. He didn't stop there, he started doing the hitched breathing again, "HHhaahhchooo, AAaahchoo, aaashoooo, eeshooo" then he didn't have any sound for the beginning but a really nice, loud, " CHOOO" (I really loved that for some reason) . After that I just had to leave, got to nervous that he'd figure me out (that I like him and have a sneeze fetish). So I said I had to go home and do some stuff around the house.

The good thing was he wasn't the kind of guy to get angry if he can't stop sneezing.

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Oohhh, so hot, SO HOT!! :heart: I'm so envious right now :drool:

Lovely first obs, thanks for sharing it!

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An excellent first obs, and you are really lucky to get such a good one. And he sneezed on your shoulder too!

You really mustn't worry about them finding you out; if you go on leaving the house every time someone sneezes, it willl look much stranger [and think what you will miss]. And after a snezing display like that, it would seem very odd if you didn't give ONE "bless you" at least; so, if you're happy to do it, just enjoy your self.

I really think you have been very unlucky to come across someone with such a hostile attitude to sneezing; I admit that i have encountered more than one, but I still think it is uncommon and you shouldn't "despair" about this, horrible though the xperience must have been in your position.

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aww! that was soo cute! sounds like while it might have been a bit nervewracking that you had fun. thank you for sharing :heart:

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That was a completely amazing and well written observation! I loved it! Especially the part where he sneezed on your shoulder on accident, and then couldn't get the apology out without sneezing again! Yummy! Thank you so much for sharing! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I'm so envious. The best sneezers, IMO, are the guys who sneeze in fits and seem cheerfully resigned to it . . . frustrated/angry sneezers creep me out a bit.

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Oh, I'm so envious. The best sneezers, IMO, are the guys who sneeze in fits and seem cheerfully resigned to it . . . frustrated/angry sneezers creep me out a bit.

yes. I agree!!! Totally!!! If someone gets angry or fustrated for sneezing I will get super scared :yes: I could even have an anxiety attack, I blame my dad for my fear of this....

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