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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneeze Code


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Haeeshoo were playing with his "sneeze code" (see his profile and my signature) and we were discussing updating it. I think we need something cleaner and easier to interpret, but I think it is a good idea.

I'm posting the current questions below. We're open for suggestions on what to add and what to delete.


Questionnaire configuration file%init#1%sprof

Please answer the following questions. Answer 'x' to ignore a question.%text%

First some general questions.%text%

Are you male or female? (1-female)

What's your age category (27)?

Are you straight, gay or bi (0=straight)?

Are you single? yes

Now some personal sneezing related questions

Rate how much you like male sneezing (on average) (0=i hate it,5=don't care,10=yummy)?

Rate how much you like female sneezing (on average) (0=i hate it,5=don't care,10=yummy)? 7

Do you prefer producing a sneeze or having a tickle only (0=only sneeze,5=I like both,10=only tickle)? 4

How many times do you sneeze on a normal day (on average)? 5

When you sneeze of allergy, how many times in a row (on average)? 3

How much do you sneeze when you have a cold (on average)? 1

Rate how much you yourself like to sneeze (0=I hate it,5=don't care,10=I like nothing better)? 8

How easy is it for you to make yourself sneeze (0=I cannot,5=it works half of the time,10=nothing easier) When you feel comfortable, do you stifle or let go 8 (0=stifle,5=naturally let go,10=amplify)?

Do you have a mental sneezing block in some cases? yes

Rate how much you like a pre-sneeze face (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10

Rate how much you like a breathy build-up (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10

Rate how much you like the explosion (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 9

Rate how much you enjoy the recovery phase (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 7

Rate how much you like to hear a sneeze without seeing (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 8

Rate how much you like to see a sneeze without hearing? (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 8

Rate how much you like to see and hear a sneeze (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10

Rate your frequency of sneezing fits (0=never, 10=daily)? 1

How often does the sun or bright light make you sneeze 1 (0=never,5=sometimes,10=always)?

How often does it happen that you feel a sneeze coming up but the urge disappears (0=never,10=always)? 8

How often do you sneeze without covering when you're alone at home (0=never,10=always)? 8

How often do you sneeze without covering in the presence of other people (0=never,10=always)? 3

How much would you enjoy someone you really like making you sneeze (0=not at all,10=very much)? 8

How much would you enjoy making someone you really like sneeze (0=not al all,10=very much)? 10

Some questions about how causes and consequences of sneezing

Do you suffer from allergies that make you sneeze? very little

After how many sneezes do you generally need a handkerchief? 2

When you sneeze how much of your body is moving (0=nothing,10=all of it)? 5

Does it happen that your eyes start to water when the tickle won't come out? no

How stunned do you feel after sneezing (0=I feel nothing,10=I am nearly in coma)? 3

Did you ever make waves or film yourself when sneezing (0=none,1=waves,2=films,3=both)? 0

Rate your sneeze's regular loudness (0=no sound to 10=louder than anyone I know)? 7

Rate how early you feel a sneeze come up before the explosion (on average) (0=hours in advance,10=always surprised)? 3

Does your sneezing sometimes cause a burst of saliva? yes

Now some questions about relations with other people

Is your partner/best (girl-)friend informed about your fetish? no

Do other people (outside the community) know about your fetish? no

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing by family members (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)? 0

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing in the presence of family members (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)?

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing in public (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)? 9

Rate your feelings of shame after having sneezed in private (0=not at all,10=extremely ashamed)? 0

Rate your feelings of shame after having sneezed in public (0=not at all,10=extremely ashamed)? 1

How often do you sneeze while talking to someone (0=never,10=always)? 2

How much do you like being blessed by others (0=I hate it,10=I need it)? 9

How often do you say "bless you" when someone else sneezed (0=never,10=always)? 9

What causes you to sneeze more (0=allergy,1=cold,2=the same,3=none)? 3

Rate how much you (would) like to sneeze in presence of someone you like (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? 10

Rate how much you (would) like to sneeze on someone you like (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? 9

Rate how much you (would) like someone you like to sneeze on you (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? 7

Edit: Cleaned up a bit

Edited by achoo20
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Well, I wouldn't mind answering, but I am apparently too tired to understand half of it! I get some parts, but others have me a bit confused.

Or I could be wide awake and just confused. :D

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Actually, that was the idea. We wanted a better list of questions. This is just a starting point. (I admit, in the form I got the questions, It's a bit confusing). What would you like to see in a code.

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Actually, that was the idea. We wanted a better list of questions. This is just a starting point. (I admit, in the form I got the questions, It's a bit confusing). What would you like to see in a code.

Do we need a code? :wheels:

We don't "need" it. I think it's a fun and a good way to get to know someone's preferences very quickly. I think it could be much simpler but still work well.

I'm not suggesting we pressure anyone to use it. But if you would like, we'd like your input.

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Oh my! I am incredibly confused! All those pluses minues in your signature ... do you think maybe we could just answer the questions in this thread with words?

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I still have no idea how to even answer half of your code questions, even AFTER a nap and dinner. I have no idea what goes where and what to subtract or add. Forgive me, but that's way too much effort. We have many, MANY surveys that cover this sort of thing and also, you can read about preferences in a profile.

I think your code is clever, even if I do not understand it.

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Perhaps I should jump right in and give some explanation:

The point of the system is to have the answers to a complete poll

in your signature, without overloading your signature.

The code as it appears in a signature is not meant to be written

or digested by humans directly. Instead, it is a very condensed

way to summarize sneezing preferences, generated and interpreted

by computer programs.

In order to read someone's code, you feed his/her code into

a computer program and the computer program translates it back

into a readable questionnaire (questions + answers).

In order to create your own code, you run a computer program in

which you answer the questions the program asks you, and in

return you get your personal code as result. This code can be used

in your signature, and someone else can decode it to get to know you better.

The required computer programs do exist, and they come completely

for free. You can download them by reading my signature.

Of course they can be improved upon - after all they are but a rough

proof of concept, but improvement most likely will not happen

unless people show some interest :D

If you own a pc running windows, you can download some executables

to create and decode codes.If you own a mac or you run linux, you

will have to install python, and run the programs directly from the source

code which is also available at the download site.

Ways to help include: suggesting better questions - the answers to which

will be encoded in each one's personal code -, or just

using the system and give some feedback on the user experience.

Feel free to contact me in case you want more help.

*surprised that after all these years someone noticed the code :drool: *

Best regards,


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Dude, I understand what the code IS and what it IS FOR . . . what I DON'T understand is how to answer the questions correctly so that said-code would actually work properly.

Man, am I speaking English? :drool: The problem is that people don't understand how to ANSWER. They don't know where to put the numbers or words. Unless you thoroughly explain THAT, people can't participate.



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what I DON'T understand is how to answer the questions correctly so that said-code would actually work properly

Ahm .... not sure what to explain?

Did you visit the download site? It contains a 4-sentence manual. and a link for downloading the computer programs.

(If you own a mac, or you use linux instead of windows, I agree some more explanation is needed -

I cannot provide it here and now.)

In windows, you run the encode.exe program by double-clicking it in your explorer window. Then it starts to ask questions.

If a question can be answered with y/n, you type either y or n.

If a question can be answered with 0-10: you type any number between 0 and 10, 0 usually meaning the least possible and 10 the most possible,

as indicated at the end of the question).

As a result of answering all the questions, a file called "signature.txt" appears in the same folder

where you ran the program containing the code as calculated by your computer.

The user interface admittedly is very bare-bone and could be subject of a first improvement :drool:

For sure some of the existing questions do not make much sense. In my defense,

they are based on a popular poll posted on the forum a long time ago.

As a way of contributing: feel free to formulate better questions

(in English) -- questions that tickle your interest, together with the possible answers

(e.g. 0-10 means: on a scale of 0 to 10; y/n means yes or no).

I can then revise the code, creating a new version of it, incorporating the extra info.

The computer programs will then be adjusted to generate/understand the new code.

If some questions are too hard/or too meaningless, you can also suggest that they be removed

from a future version of the code.

Or you can just ignore the whole code stuff...

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Okay, I see that Achoo edited the post....before, it was extremely, EXTREMELY confusing as to where to put stuff. That is MUCH simpler. What was confusing people was the whole %text%#0=23984 goodness. If this had been done in the first place, there would be no confusion. :drool:

Questionnaire configuration file%init#1%sprof

Please answer the following questions. Answer 'x' to ignore a question.%text%

First some general questions.%text%

may look simple to you, but for many people, it's like ".......what the?"

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Okay, I see that Achoo edited the post....before, it was extremely, EXTREMELY confusing as to where to put stuff. That is MUCH simpler. What was confusing people was the whole %text%#0=23984 goodness. If this had been done in the first place, there would be no confusion. :lol:

Questionnaire configuration file%init#1%sprof

Please answer the following questions. Answer 'x' to ignore a question.%text%

First some general questions.%text%

may look simple to you, but for many people, it's like ".......what the?"

Ok, I see what caused the confusion. What achoo20 posted is in fact the contents of a file which is not meant to be read by humans. It serves as input to a computer program that uses the contents of that file to ask questions and generate the code.

No-one (except for me) is supposed to read/write these weird symbols by hand :lol:

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HAHA! Okay, THAT is what was confusing me! I was utterly baffled. I see that you and I had a breakdown in communication, soldier. *snicker* Anyway, do you just want suggestions for questions and such or did you want us to actually answer these questions here?

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HAHA! Okay, THAT is what was confusing me! I was utterly baffled. I see that you and I had a breakdown in communication, soldier. *snicker* Anyway, do you just want suggestions for questions and such or did you want us to actually answer these questions here?

Suggestions will do fine :lol: The questions which we have are not really the best possible ones...

(And that's formulating it politely :cryhappy: )

If you are interested in answering the questions, you are welcome of course.

Perhaps you could then even try out the computer program, and generate your own code with it :hug:

One more advantage of having a cryptic code is that you never have to fear that someone will

find it, read it and guess what it means :nohappy: Unless (s)he is a fetishist h(er)imself of course.

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  • 1 month later...
Are you male or female? F

What's your age category? 18

Are you straight, gay or bi? straight

Are you single? yes

Now some personal sneezing related questions

Rate how much you like male sneezing (on average) (0=i hate it,5=don't care,10=yummy)? 10. no, 100! :D

Rate how much you like female sneezing (on average) (0=i hate it,5=don't care,10=yummy)? 3 :huh:

Do you prefer producing a sneeze or having a tickle only (0=only sneeze,5=I like both,10=only tickle)? 2

How many times do you sneeze on a normal day (on average)? once or twice

When you sneeze of allergy, how many times in a row (on average)?I don't have any allergies

How much do you sneeze when you have a cold (on average)? Er, 3?

Rate how much you yourself like to sneeze (0=I hate it,5=don't care,10=I like nothing better)? If once, 7. if more, 2

How easy is it for you to make yourself sneeze (0=I cannot,5=it works half of the time,10=nothing easier) 1, there's a nerve or something in my eye, that I sometimes can make myself sneeze with, but only sometimes

When you feel comfortable, do you stifle or let go 8 (0=stifle,5=naturally let go,10=amplify)? I always let it go

Do you have a mental sneezing block in some cases? What's a mental sneezing block? :blink:

Rate how much you like a pre-sneeze face (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10!!! I usually include them in my drawings.

Rate how much you like a breathy build-up (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 5, a mere buildup is fine

Rate how much you like the explosion (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10

Rate how much you enjoy the recovery phase (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10, especially after an intense fit, when he's all exhausted and miserable :drool:

Rate how much you like to hear a sneeze without seeing (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 8

Rate how much you like to see a sneeze without hearing? (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 8

Rate how much you like to see and hear a sneeze (0=not at all,10=yummy)? 10

Rate your frequency of sneezing fits (0=never, 10=daily)? 0

How often does the sun or bright light make you sneeze 1 (0=never,5=sometimes,10=always)? 0

How often does it happen that you feel a sneeze coming up but the urge disappears (0=never,10=always)? 8

How often do you sneeze without covering when you're alone at home (0=never,10=always)? 1....dunno exactly :mellow:

How often do you sneeze without covering in the presence of other people (0=never,10=always)? 0!!!

How much would you enjoy someone you really like making you sneeze (0=not at all,10=very much)?Er, I don't really care :) ...5

How much would you enjoy making someone you really like sneeze (0=not al all,10=very much)? 5 I don't care....

Some questions about how causes and consequences of sneezing

Do you suffer from allergies that make you sneeze? nope :nohappy:

After how many sneezes do you generally need a handkerchief? I usually don't need one

When you sneeze how much of your body is moving (0=nothing,10=all of it)? Not much...4

Does it happen that your eyes start to water when the tickle won't come out? no

How stunned do you feel after sneezing (0=I feel nothing,10=I am nearly in coma)? 5

Did you ever make waves or film yourself when sneezing (0=none,1=waves,2=films,3=both)? 0

Rate your sneeze's regular loudness (0=no sound to 10=louder than anyone I know)? 6

Rate how early you feel a sneeze come up before the explosion (on average) (0=hours in advance,10=always surprised)?6 (about a minute)

Does your sneezing sometimes cause a burst of saliva?no

Now some questions about relations with other people

Is your partner/best (girl-)friend informed about your fetish? no

Do other people (outside the community) know about your fetish? no

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing by family members (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)? 0!!! no. effing. way ;)

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing in the presence of family members (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)? 1

Rate how much you enjoy sneezing in public (0=I hate it,10=I totally adore it)? 3

Rate your feelings of shame after having sneezed in private (0=not at all,10=extremely ashamed)? 0

Rate your feelings of shame after having sneezed in public (0=not at all,10=extremely ashamed)? 1

How often do you sneeze while talking to someone (0=never,10=always)? 0

How much do you like being blessed by others (0=I hate it,10=I need it)? 0, I don't like the attention

How often do you say "bless you" when someone else sneezed (0=never,10=always)? 1, it has happened

What causes you to sneeze more (0=allergy,1=cold,2=the same,3=none)? 1

Rate how much you (would) like to sneeze in presence of someone you like (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? well, I don't mind..

Rate how much you (would) like to sneeze on someone you like (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? 0!

Rate how much you (would) like someone you like to sneeze on you (0=not at all,10=wherever, whenever)? 0, no thank you

Edit: Cleaned up a bit

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