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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A really big fit (f)


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I saw something today that made me think of you guys. I was practicing tennis serves and this girl comes walking along the street opposite the tennis court sneezing like mad. I saw her walk about half a block, and in that distance she sneezed five or six times quite loudly. The sneezes sounded like "Heh'ISHOO" and made her head jerk forward each time. If I would have had my camera with me I could have taken a film clip for you--since the tennis court is raised above ground level you can easily watch people walking along the street and few of them notice you're there. I couldn't get a good view of the girl because I was somewhat far away, so I can't comment on what she looked like, but the sneezes were obvious both to see and hear.

Edited by brokensneeze
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Very nice obs. I don't know about you, but I would have found it hard to concentrate on tennis (or anything else) after seeing and hearing a fit like that!

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Very nice obs. I don't know about you, but I would have found it hard to concentrate on tennis (or anything else) after seeing and hearing a fit like that!

Yep. Things like that have the same effect on me whatever I'm doing.

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