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The "I enjoy sneezing" bumper sticker gets attention


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So, I had to pick up my grill this afternoon from the place I work (he he), and I had my van with the "bumper sticker" on it. I was wondering how long it would take someone to say something to me, and it only took about ten minutes. This new lot attendant, Mike, was trying to unscrew one of the trays on my grill, because the thing was too damn big to fit in my van the way it was. So, he was sitting on the ground, and suddenly he said to me, "So, you enjoy sneezing, huh?" I kind of smiled and said, "Yeah, who doesn't enjoy the feeling of a good sneeze." He said, "It figures you'd have a bumper sticker like that on your car." I asked him what that was supposed to mean. He said, "That's funny, like you." I said, "Oh, so you don't enjoy sneezing?" To which he went, "Huh-ppfffttt!" His pretend sneeze was pretty humorous, and I laughed! :D

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Oh my goodness!! That had me giggling!! :D I love that he faked for you! Do you have a photo of said bumper sticker, by chance? I'd love to see it - it sounds amazing.

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Oh my goodness!! That had me giggling!! :D I love that he faked for you! Do you have a photo of said bumper sticker, by chance? I'd love to see it - it sounds amazing.

Yeah, it was pretty cool that he faked, nd has no clue how much I actually enjoy sneezing! :blushing: I'll take a pic of it tomorrow, in the daylight, so you can see it, because right now, it's way too dark out! And then I'll post it here! It's pretty obnoxious, it's dark green with white lettering, you can't miss it! :laugh:

Edited by Sneesee
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Woman, you are so damn funny! :D I just adore everything about you. I so wish I could've been there to witness that exchange between you and Mike. Of course I would've been too embarrassed to add anything... But I'd have been all giddy on the inside!

Can't wait to see a picture of this bumper sticker!

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So, here's the picture I promised! It was embarrassing, too, because my next door neighbor was outside while I was taking said picture! He must've thought that perhaps I got rear-ended or something, and asked me, "What did you do now?" Then he laughed. I simply said, "Nothing yet."

Oh well! If you ever happen to see a dark blue Montana van, with this sticker, plus some NASCAR and Jeff Gordon stickers on it, it's totally me!

And VFP, you and I would have so much fun together if we ever hung out! :dead: I wish we lived closer.

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This is great. You never cease to amaze me. Where do find these things. :dead:

Edited by Jasmine
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Hahaha, wow Sneesee, that is SO cool! :) If only I had the guts to get me something like that... :D

You ROCK woman! :dead:

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Ahh! How cool! You're like the total opposite of me when it comes to openness about this fetish!

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Sneesee, maybe you should get a bumper sticker that says, "Can you fake a sneeze?" :blushing:

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Sneesee, maybe you should get a bumper sticker that says, "Can you fake a sneeze?" :lol:

Really? You think I should? Where might they sell something like that? The one I got was a fluke, this guy had a website, and it's not even around anymore. I got that sticker last year sometime. Maybe I could design one... :laugh:

And actually, I guess my one "Bless All Sneezy Men" t-shirt did get some attention, only they all waited until I wasn't around to talk about it. Our friends Mark and Shirlee had a Super Bowl Party, where we watched our Bears LOSE big time. :laugh: And I wore that shirt to see if ANYONE would bite. A few of the women did, and when Shirlee told them about what it meant, they were all like, "Wow, that's different." Well, I guess some of the men went out with Mark last week to a White Sox game, and they were all texting Shirlee, and somehow, the word "fetish" got mentioned. And then one of the guys asked her what my shirt had meant. When Shirlee explained, one of the guys said, "Invite her over again to the next party, I'm going to sniff some pepper." :laugh:

Heck, if it gets people talking, and I get either some fake or real sneezes out of the deal, how can I possibly complain? I love having this fetish! :blushing:

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wow really cool I give ya credit for putting that sticker on you car.....hehehehehhehe if people even knew.....LOL

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Sneesee, maybe you should get a bumper sticker that says, "Can you fake a sneeze?" :angry:

Really? You think I should? Where might they sell something like that? The one I got was a fluke, this guy had a website, and it's not even around anymore. I got that sticker last year sometime. Maybe I could design one... :laugh:

And actually, I guess my one "Bless All Sneezy Men" t-shirt did get some attention, only they all waited until I wasn't around to talk about it. Our friends Mark and Shirlee had a Super Bowl Party, where we watched our Bears LOSE big time. :lol: And I wore that shirt to see if ANYONE would bite. A few of the women did, and when Shirlee told them about what it meant, they were all like, "Wow, that's different." Well, I guess some of the men went out with Mark last week to a White Sox game, and they were all texting Shirlee, and somehow, the word "fetish" got mentioned. And then one of the guys asked her what my shirt had meant. When Shirlee explained, one of the guys said, "Invite her over again to the next party, I'm going to sniff some pepper." :evil:

Heck, if it gets people talking, and I get either some fake or real sneezes out of the deal, how can I possibly complain? I love having this fetish! :blushing:

Sneesee you have got to be the coolest person I have ever met :laugh: I'm so jealous of you. Your ability to embrace this fetish of ours is truly inspiring. I wish I had even 10% of your courage, it would make life so much more fun :laugh:

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Sneesee, maybe you should get a bumper sticker that says, "Can you fake a sneeze?" :proud:

Brilliant idea *_* I wonder if there's any place to design custom bumper stickers?

And Sneesee, that bumper sticker is AMAZING. Thanks so much for taking a picture of it :) You have so much fun with this fetish! I look up to you ;) I wonder if I could have that much fun if I were more open about it? I'll get there eventually, I'm sure...

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Brilliant idea *_* I wonder if there's any place to design custom bumper stickers?

And Sneesee, that bumper sticker is AMAZING. Thanks so much for taking a picture of it :drool: You have so much fun with this fetish! I look up to you :laugh: I wonder if I could have that much fun if I were more open about it? I'll get there eventually, I'm sure...

I do kind of hope there is a place I can make custom bumper stickers. There has to be, online somewhere, right? :twisted:

And the ONLY reason I can have so much fun with this, is because my hubby encourages me to be a huge dork about it! He may not indulge me, per say, but he does tell me to be as open about it as I want to be. Ah, to know me is to understand that I'm so silly and insane about this kind of stuff! I think that's why I can get away with it, people would expect nothing less! :P

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I do kind of hope there is a place I can make custom bumper stickers. There has to be, online somewhere, right? ^_^


The only thing is that you'll have to design the bumper sticker yourself. But then you can "order" a bumper sticker and...who knows... start a whole new fad.

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The band AC/DC wrote a song about you. It's called "She's Got Balls." :mellow:

I've seen that bumpersticker on a car. Might have been your car, I don't really know. I googled it; that's what led me to the forum. The guy who designed it has[or had] his own website.[might have to google it.]

And if I ever see you in your t-shirt, I'll gladly sneeze for you :laugh:*

*Provided ol' mr. sun is good and strong.

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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Guest mr_big_sneeze


I think your bumper sticker's great! You're much braver than me! How long have you had it? Have you been able to meet any other true sneeze fetishists with it?

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You rule :) seriously, we should get you a little crown and a wand and a throne, YOU RULE :lol: that sticker is awesome :) I suggest your next project be "Honk if you like sneezing" :rolleyes: (that way if anyone does want to comment about it while you drive at least you'll get a honk ;) ).

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I suggest your next project be "Honk if you like sneezing" :rolleyes: (that way if anyone does want to comment about it while you drive at least you'll get a honk ;) ).

I love that idea! army-girl, you ROCK! I'm checking out that website right now! Maybe I'll even order one! I'd love to see how many people would honk. :)

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I suggest your next project be "Honk if you like sneezing" :rolleyes: (that way if anyone does want to comment about it while you drive at least you'll get a honk ;) ).

I love that idea! army-girl, you ROCK! I'm checking out that website right now! Maybe I'll even order one! I'd love to see how many people would honk. :)

It'll be the funniest "honk if you..." sticker since "honk if you love peace and quiet" :lol: keep us posted on the honk-count :) *virtually honks for Sneesee*

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Sneesee, this is awesome!! I too hope to be more open with my fetish. I think the bumper sticker is funny and really cute. And I can see how if you're relaxed about it and kind of just attribute it to your regular outgoing fun and awesome personality then no one really overreacts or anything along those lines. If you figure out where to get the bumper sticker, I wouldn't mind knowing because I might one one as well. :D Maybe put it up in my dorm room next year or something seeing as I probably won't have a car still haha. The shirt idea is also fantastic, but I might still be too embarressed to wear that since atleast the bumper sticker is not on my person haha. You are for sure brave and amazing!! Keep us updated! :)

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