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Well, my poor dear girlfriend has not been feeling any better :yes: . In fact she has gotten quite worst. So, I'm torn between caring and loving and "I want to jump you", but for her sake, I've been able to contain myself and take care of her.

Now, since it seems I'll be posting about her quite a bit as there is no sign of what ever she has come down with giving her a break any time soon, I should give a bit of a physical description. Idealy the best way for me to paint somewhat of a picture is to tell you to think of a Precious Moments cartoon. She has long sandy blonde coloured hair that stops a bit under her breasts, she has a roundish face but with high cheek bones and dimples, big baby blue eyes, her lips are full but small and her bottom lip pouts, and she has tiny straight nose with a curved tip. She's built very small but she has an hour glass figure and I guess, I should say generous breasts, as she is petite. So, that description by far does not do her justice but, like I said, just painting somewhat of a picture.

Anyway, since she has been sick for about two weeks now, I decided to go check up on her more frequently. Today, I found her laying down in the middle of her bedroom floor. Immediately I was concearned so I hurried over and picked her up off the floor, and she just simply smiled and told me it was cooler on the floor and she had a fever. So, I got a cloth to put on her forehead and I just rocked her back and fourth in my arms changing the cloth everytime it got warm until her fever broke. A short while after that she got the look, you know which one I mean... and she sneezed three "tshoo"'s into her hands. She gave a really quiet sniffle and then, she started to tell me about how much it tickled and how it wouldn't come and well, she has no idea about my fetish but she was driving me crazy. Then she sneezed three more of the same type except wetter sounding. And, then in her small little voice she told me how "the feeling wouldn't go away". So, she basically sneezed until it gave her a migraine, and then I realized how much pain she was in like that so I asked her if maybe I could help. So I tickled her nose a bit and she finally sneezed a bigger sneeze (which was still small sounding lol) and the tickle left her. She was so shy for about 15 minutes after, but then I started making her laugh again and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

I guess I'm pretty lucky I had a pillow over me, which not only hid my obvious arousal but, made her more comfortable. lol.

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Well, my poor dear girlfriend has not been feeling any better :yes: . In fact she has gotten quite worst. So, I'm torn between caring and loving and "I want to jump you", but for her sake, I've been able to contain myself and take care of her.

Now, since it seems I'll be posting about her quite a bit as there is no sign of what ever she has come down with giving her a break any time soon, I should give a bit of a physical description. Idealy the best way for me to paint somewhat of a picture is to tell you to think of a Precious Moments cartoon. She has long sandy blonde coloured hair that stops a bit under her breasts, she has a roundish face but with high cheek bones and dimples, big baby blue eyes, her lips are full but small and her bottom lip pouts, and she has tiny straight nose with a curved tip. She's built very small but she has an hour glass figure and I guess, I should say generous breasts, as she is petite. So, that description by far does not do her justice but, like I said, just painting somewhat of a picture.

Anyway, since she has been sick for about two weeks now, I decided to go check up on her more frequently. Today, I found her laying down in the middle of her bedroom floor. Immediately I was concearned so I hurried over and picked her up off the floor, and she just simply smiled and told me it was cooler on the floor and she had a fever. So, I got a cloth to put on her forehead and I just rocked her back and fourth in my arms changing the cloth everytime it got warm until her fever broke. A short while after that she got the look, you know which one I mean... and she sneezed three "tshoo"'s into her hands. She gave a really quiet sniffle and then, she started to tell me about how much it tickled and how it wouldn't come and well, she has no idea about my fetish but she was driving me crazy. Then she sneezed three more of the same type except wetter sounding. And, then in her small little voice she told me how "the feeling wouldn't go away". So, she basically sneezed until it gave her a migraine, and then I realized how much pain she was in like that so I asked her if maybe I could help. So I tickled her nose a bit and she finally sneezed a bigger sneeze (which was still small sounding lol) and the tickle left her. She was so shy for about 15 minutes after, but then I started making her laugh again and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

I guess I'm pretty lucky I had a pillow over me, which not only hid my obvious arousal but, made her more comfortable. lol.

Precious Moments.

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I can't deny her sneezes sound damn sexy, Thorne, but on the serious side, have either of you considered medical attention? This sounds like more than a cold and it's gone on too long at a fortnight.

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I asked her if maybe I could help. So I tickled her nose a bit and she finally sneezed a bigger sneeze (which was still small sounding lol) and the tickle left her. She was so shy for about 15 minutes after, but then I started making her laugh again and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

That is the cutest thing. I mean not that the poor thing is sick, but that you asked her if you could help. The fact that she let you. And that she got so shy over it. How adorable.

BTW.......how did you tickle her nose? :dribble:

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I can't deny her sneezes sound damn sexy, Thorne, but on the serious side, have either of you considered medical attention? This sounds like more than a cold and it's gone on too long at a fortnight.

Of course,

I've been trying to get her to go to the hospital for a week now, but she won't let me take her. She says she's scared of doctors, and even if I'll be right there she doesn't want to go, but if things don't start looking up, I'll just have to scoop her up and carry her. lol.

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I asked her if maybe I could help. So I tickled her nose a bit and she finally sneezed a bigger sneeze (which was still small sounding lol) and the tickle left her. She was so shy for about 15 minutes after, but then I started making her laugh again and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

That is the cutest thing. I mean not that the poor thing is sick, but that you asked her if you could help. The fact that she let you. And that she got so shy over it. How adorable.

BTW.......how did you tickle her nose? :blink:

Well, since the tickle was so intense all I really had to do was take a tissue and give her nose a really gently little kind of poke and that made her sneeze. I didn't mention that it was into a tissue I was holding in my hand. lol, I still can't get over how shy she was.

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Your girlfriend sounds VERY cute from your description! It makes me wish I had a girlfriend like that (or any girlfriend at all).

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I've been trying to get her to go to the hospital for a week now, but she won't let me take her. She says she's scared of doctors, and even if I'll be right there she doesn't want to go, but if things don't start looking up, I'll just have to scoop her up and carry her. lol.

How is she doing? I'm hoping better. Has the girlfriend improved on her own or did you get her medical attention. I do hope that she's still not so sick and feverish.

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I asked her if maybe I could help. So I tickled her nose a bit and she finally sneezed a bigger sneeze (which was still small sounding lol) and the tickle left her. She was so shy for about 15 minutes after, but then I started making her laugh again and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

That is the cutest thing. I mean not that the poor thing is sick, but that you asked her if you could help. The fact that she let you. And that she got so shy over it. How adorable.

BTW.......how did you tickle her nose? :innocent:

Well, since the tickle was so intense all I really had to do was take a tissue and give her nose a really gently little kind of poke and that made her sneeze. I didn't mention that it was into a tissue I was holding in my hand. lol, I still can't get over how shy she was.

That's very cute. :blushing:

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Just like Sneezter, I'm also wondering if she's ok. As cute as this situation is, it's not a good thing if she's been having a fever for so long :) I'm a bit worried!

Is she better now ? Did she see a doctor ? :unsure:

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