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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Does Anyone Else Hate This?

Celeb Obsessed

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I can't stand it when I'm concentrating on something and then I hear someone sneeze so loudly, screaming it out. Especially if they do it on purpose, like my dad sometimes does. Makes me want to yell, "SHUT THE ***** UP!!!" Anyone with me?

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I completely agree with you. If its a female it won't bother me TOO much, but if its obvious they pruposely screamed it out, then yeah....its terrible. I want it to be natural! As for the men, all the loud sneezes drive me crazy, on purpose or not. One of the guys I work with has THE worst sneeze I have ever heard. Scares the crap right outta me. Its loud, and fast, and has this high pitched ring to it. Sorta like this fast "WHHOOOOEEWW", no CHOO at the end, or any kinda of trailing off sound, its exactly like an explosion!

So I'm wth you on this.


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i don't like overly dramatic, screamed on purpose sneezes either. Female loud sneezes that are natural i love though ;)

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Gosh, you are bringing back some memorys of my old social studies teacher. Ill give a vague description of her:

1. Had hair like a witch/Gray

2. Dressed... erm "Unique " ;)

3. Had a high pitched country accent voice.

Oh my god, She screamed her sneezes out so loudly I nearly took a crud in my pants. The first time she ever sneezed in class, I was there reading a travel brochure, and she came right next to me and like a hurricane, screamed, "HAAAAASHOOOO!" (This had been the loudest Ive ever heard anyone sneezed in my life.) I let out a yelp and everyone started looking at me. Gosh, I nearly wet my pants that day. o_o

It really annoys me when people overexaggerate their sneeze. And I really hate it when people actually say the word "AhChoo!" when they sneeze. Sure does bug me.

(Just my thought)


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I completely agree with you. If its a female it won't bother me TOO much, but if its obvious they pruposely screamed it out, then yeah....its terrible. I want it to be natural! As for the men, all the loud sneezes drive me crazy, on purpose or not. One of the guys I work with has THE worst sneeze I have ever heard. Scares the crap right outta me. Its loud, and fast, and has this high pitched ring to it. Sorta like this fast "WHHOOOOEEWW", no CHOO at the end, or any kinda of trailing off sound, its exactly like an explosion!

So I'm wth you on this.


I totally agree. My S/O is perfect example. ;)

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I hate it too. I know this one kid that was in the room with me, and he was behind me so I wasn't really paying any attention to him and then all of a sudden I hear a "HAAACHAAA!!!" Kinda like a really loud cough/sneeze thing (which BTW I dont care for much idk about you guys though) and that sneeze scared the junk outta me! I hit the floor. I thought it was a bomb. ;)

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Omg, my dad does this. He screams "YYEEEEESSHHH!" Excessively loud, attention-getting sneezes are so far from attractive.

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I used to be on the disliking side, and it's not that I like/love all loud sneezes, but some... the right kind... :unsure::) not sure what my criteria is, but I could find some of that attractive.

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Oh these types of sneezes drive me nuts. I hate them so much. There's a girl at work who does that and I just want to smack her.

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I can't stand it when I'm concentrating on something and then I hear someone sneeze so loudly, screaming it out. Especially if they do it on purpose, like my dad sometimes does. Makes me want to yell, "SHUT THE ***** UP!!!" Anyone with me?

I hate the screamers. :drool:

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i don't like either if someone screams their sneezes, not only does it scare it me, it's also I big turn off for me. Naturally loud sneezes will also scare me, but I also find to be a big turn on at the same time :drool:

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Guest Danielle
And I really hate it when people actually say the word "AhChoo!" when they sneeze. Sure does bug me.

(Just my thought)


I agree completely! I don't mind sneezes that are just loud (though I'm not particularly fond of them, especially my dad's :drool: ), but I really dislike ones that are literally more spoken than sneezed. A sneeze sounds like a sneeze all on its own, you don't need to help it along :laugh:

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Guest Kelly
And I really hate it when people actually say the word "AhChoo!" when they sneeze. Sure does bug me.

(Just my thought)


I agree completely! I don't mind sneezes that are just loud (though I'm not particularly fond of them, especially my dad's :drool: ), but I really dislike ones that are literally more spoken than sneezed. A sneeze sounds like a sneeze all on its own, you don't need to help it along :laugh:

I actually do this! I do a literal "AhChoo!", though I swear it doesn't happen on purpose. I guess I've never really thought about it, I've just always sneezed like that. Social conditioning, maybe. :rolleyes:

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Chui is the only person on earth who can "scream sneeze" and make me hotter than the sun. Anyone else makes me want to put my fist through the ozone. :drool:

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I like it when females do it (okay not too much) But i dislike it too when a male, or espaially my father does it :D

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i agree with my boy lord of sneezing. i love'em loud or screaming as long as its female instead of male.

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Not a huge fan. I have PTSD, so I can be fairly jumpy plus I've never been a big fan of loud noises. My sis is a bit loud (but it's natural not exagerated) and she's a "sudden" sneezer, no build-up, warning, nothing. I keep telling her one day she's going to startle me into oncoming traffic. But she doesn't get warning either, so... She's also about the only one in my family who's sneezes don't make me cringe. Other than occasional being spooked, I've got no reaction to them which is good as she's a pretty frequent sneezer. But yeah, her sneezes are mostly just like a "chuh" or "cheh" but not cough like if that makes any sense.

There's a woman at work who does this and it just makes me want to scream (mostly because she is unattractive on the inside...outwardly she's not that bad looking, but she is just so mean and nasty and thrives on everyone elses misery so to me she's hideous). And it's never just one. Gah....makes me want to claw out my eardrums.

On the other hand, I've got another coworker who can be loud if he doesn't stifle and we'll just have days where something, no one knows what will set him off. But his don't bother me as much because he's a pretty great guy and he gets so frustrated that it's kinda cute. Although I start to feel bad for him and will give him benedryl or tissues if I have it. And if he's really bad he will stifle but it doesn't help him much. With him, I can handle it, especially because I know that after the first few, there's going to be more so it doesn't spook me. Only problem I have there is that after a while I feel like jumping him and he's gay and well, that just isn't appropriate for the workplace.

For the most part, not a fan, although it does depend on the sneezer and my mental state at the time. And it does make a difference if I know that they are how they sneeze naturally as opposed to if they try to exagerate it. Exagerated sneezes just irk me for some reason. But if someone is naturally a loud or powerful sneezer, I'd rather they sneeze normally than hurt themselves trying to hide it. There's some people who I can't even stand to hear sneeze quietly, so...

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My entire family has really loud and obnoxious sneezes, and it's drives me crazy. Especially my brother, who does this weird sputter-thing at the end of it. I entertain ridiculous fantasies of punching him every time he does it.

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My entire family has really loud and obnoxious sneezes, and it's drives me crazy.

Yes, my mom, dad, and sister all have pretty obnoxious sneezes. Thank goodness I don't live with them anymore. This drove me nuts when I still lived at home, and didn't have this forum to vent!

It really depends on the sneezer for me. I have heard spme guys, who are either loud, or have a bit of a scream to their sneezes,a nd they honestly were kind of fun. Although, every once in a while at work, I'll hear a really obnoxious one and be like, "ICK!"

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its pretty annoying or just flat out scares me :blushing: .....I'm not going to like it if it makes me jump outta my skin :yes:

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Guest WalterDESneeze

Guess Im in the majority, I love explosive huge sneezes

I have two reactions to loud sneezes depending on what kind of loud sneeze it is. If it's just that the person naturally has a really loud sneeze and there's nothing they can do about. That's just the way they sneeze. Then it doesn't bother me. It doesn't really do anything for me fetish wise, but it doesn't bother me either. It just doesn't really have any effect on me at all. Well, aside from if it's really loud and sudden I AM liable to fall out of chair or jump three feet in the air. Sudden noises make my body spaz the fuck out. :D

However, and I find that I seem to witness and hear this more with female sneezers than male, if the sneeze is overdramatic or exaggerated. Like the sneezing is PURPOSEFULLY making that loud and highpitched, the scream sneezes, it's just obnoxious and, as Aku put it so well, it makes me want to put my fist through the ozone. >_<

Not a huge fan. I have PTSD, so I can be fairly jumpy plus I've never been a big fan of loud noises.

Ah the joys of PTSD :D:laugh: *snuggles*

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I don't mind loud sneezes from a guy if that's just naturally how he sneezes, but I think most shouted/screamed sneezes are just horrible! Both my parents do it and it drives me MENTAL! It's making me shiver just thinking about it...yuck!

Estrelleta x

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I'm a loud sneezer myself (theres a sample somewhere in the trading section). There isn't much I can do about it, except try and muffle it with my handekerchief. I am also a lover of loud female sneezes, the louder the better, but they gotta be natural. Intentionally screamed sneezes don't do a whole lot for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:):hyp: BCM at my office does the exageratedly* loud "Macho" guy sneeze. Makes ME want to "put my fist through the ozone."

*'Scuse my poor spelling. :hug:

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