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Sneeze Fetish Forum

sneeze obs (Fs and one M)


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OK I did not see that many people yesterday but I did see relatively a lot of sneezes per personseen. It was a high pollen day here before major thunderstorms set in. The only bad thing was most obs were behind me.

First in a hospital lab to have blood drawn for routine stuff. The check in attendant sounded a bit weird in last words as i finished registering and as I had turned and headed away from her, she sneezed a stifled one and got a bless you from her adjacent check in nurse/attendant. She was maybe 28 dirty blond hair in a bun and relatively attractive. Later while have the needle inserted by aquite attractive blond (no sneezes) apparently the same attendant (out of my view but relatively close) sneezed a louded two syllable one. The nurse drawing my blood commented "their sneezing out there".

Second obs walking across the campus to a late afternoon meeting. Saw a tall blond womsn mid 30s across the street walking in opposite direction on sidewalk (with sunglasses on). She had a very loud two syllable sneeze bending her body. I had tried to truren soem to watch but could not watch long as someone I knew was coming my way opn my side (greeting ensued----darn I don;t know that many people--why then).

Third, in a restaurant. A dark blond long haird 30 year old woman had a large two syllable sneeze while surveying the menu and waiting to order. She was largely behind me and off to a side. My wife had takjent eh seat making me face the wall instea dof the people--yuck. The woman sniffed a lot after that but no more sneezes. (I wonder if she might have been pregnant buit did not get enough of a look to know for sure.

Fourth a male 20 something, althelitic wslightly unshavcena nd with obvious allergies. At a minigolf place. He was two holes ahead in a gourp of six people (yes we did we get behind the only two huge groups of people?) and sneezed about 6 times all singles separated. I think he went to get tissue just before we left.

Finally, fifth my wife while playing mini-golf. Group of five 20 something males were one hole ahead. of us. I had gotten a strong whiff of some aftershave/colegne earlier. While waiting for them to finish a hole, my wife sneezed a half stifled triple (body bending). She said the cologne was making her sneeze and I/we should find out what it was. It needed to be adeed to our list of her known inducers. She gueesed maybe Axe (any suggestions from 20 somethings on this boards???--help?? what should we test??) Lightening approached fast and we shortly thereafter had to skip the slow playing not so accomplished guys to get any holes completed before the delunge and electrocution risk increased dramatically.


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Guest WalterDESneeze

If it is Axe, they have like 7 different scents, but I sometimes sneeeze when I put it on

OK I did not see that many people yesterday but I did see relatively a lot of sneezes per personseen. It was a high pollen day here before major thunderstorms set in. The only bad thing was most obs were behind me.

First in a hospital lab to have blood drawn for routine stuff. The check in attendant sounded a bit weird in last words as i finished registering and as I had turned and headed away from her, she sneezed a stifled one and got a bless you from her adjacent check in nurse/attendant. She was maybe 28 dirty blond hair in a bun and relatively attractive. Later while have the needle inserted by aquite attractive blond (no sneezes) apparently the same attendant (out of my view but relatively close) sneezed a louded two syllable one. The nurse drawing my blood commented "their sneezing out there".

Second obs walking across the campus to a late afternoon meeting. Saw a tall blond womsn mid 30s across the street walking in opposite direction on sidewalk (with sunglasses on). She had a very loud two syllable sneeze bending her body. I had tried to truren soem to watch but could not watch long as someone I knew was coming my way opn my side (greeting ensued----darn I don;t know that many people--why then).

Third, in a restaurant. A dark blond long haird 30 year old woman had a large two syllable sneeze while surveying the menu and waiting to order. She was largely behind me and off to a side. My wife had takjent eh seat making me face the wall instea dof the people--yuck. The woman sniffed a lot after that but no more sneezes. (I wonder if she might have been pregnant buit did not get enough of a look to know for sure.

Fourth a male 20 something, althelitic wslightly unshavcena nd with obvious allergies. At a minigolf place. He was two holes ahead in a gourp of six people (yes we did we get behind the only two huge groups of people?) and sneezed about 6 times all singles separated. I think he went to get tissue just before we left.

Finally, fifth my wife while playing mini-golf. Group of five 20 something males were one hole ahead. of us. I had gotten a strong whiff of some aftershave/colegne earlier. While waiting for them to finish a hole, my wife sneezed a half stifled triple (body bending). She said the cologne was making her sneeze and I/we should find out what it was. It needed to be adeed to our list of her known inducers. She gueesed maybe Axe (any suggestions from 20 somethings on this boards???--help?? what should we test??) Lightening approached fast and we shortly thereafter had to skip the slow playing not so accomplished guys to get any holes completed before the delunge and electrocution risk increased dramatically.


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