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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Help Me! I hate family sneezes!

Guest Leonard Fairbanks

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks


So we have cats, and my mother is incredibly allergic to them, and she's been sneezing and wheezing all day and I can't take it anymore. And then she talks about them too, and GAAH! It makes me feel like clawing my eyes out of my sockets or thrashing my head against a wall. Seriously, every time she sneezes I get a migraine, and it hurts so bad now.

I already don't like female sneezes, but my mother's sneezes...fdsjhsassdgflkjghfjdk! My thoughts are a jumbled mess because I just need a way to not hear her sneezes, and my house isn't very big so it's hard to hide in.

Will somebody please help me? (Well, I suppose that's a stupid question seeing as how you all live in places other than my house...) But some advice would be appreciated.

I feel like vomiting.

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Calm down mate :hug:

Dont stress it. First of all, nothings going to happen to you. You're mums sneezing? It's not the end of the world. It's just a particularly odd reaction that only a few people in the world get (US!) when family members sneeze.

I can totally relate to what youre going through anyway, becuase my mum has a cold and is sneezing all over the joint.

Meditate if you need to.

Here's some other options;

a. Stick a pair of earphones in and listen to some music or a tape that you like. Pod earphones work best. Ipods are ideal. I dont have one so i use a good ol' walkman :) When you're in the same room as her, just ignore her and focus on the music. Sing along if you want :unsure:

b. If the "discussing the sneezing" is a big issue, just (and remember this is jsut an option, if you dont feel comfortable, dont do it! :) ) just tell her that sneezing grosses you out (not HERS, jsut sneezing in general. lies, i know. This is just an option.) and you'd prefer not to talk about it becuase snot, allergies, etc you think is gross. This will mean hopefully she wont ramble on.

c. Avoid her! get outdoors. This may be a good time to enjoy the parks or whatever sort of public areas you like going to with your friends or whatever. Even hanging around drawing or doing homework or whatever outside is a nice option, which i take myself :)

d. Remind yourself it's only phycological (psch, im making this sound like a disease :lol: ) and it's not going to affect you in any way. It's just a disliking, and it's not going to kill you! :)

Good luck, and i hope that helped :hug:

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Get rid of the stupid cats! *duh* rolleyes.gif

^-- Ha! That made me laugh.

Yeah, I want to get rid of the cats, but she doesn't. And I know that my reaction sounds a little extreme, but that's honestly how I feel when she starts up. I hate it!

But thanks anyway, guys! Y'all gave me some good tips!

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:unsure: aww you poor thing! :hug:

i know the feeling...A, whom i live with, has the most heinous sneezes, and she sneezes everyday at least 6 times....ive been sitting in the room with her, and just convulsively shuddered and made the most horrific faces at the sounds...generally i look away or pretend to be insanely interested in something else, so she wont notice...but... :yuck: i can totally empathize with the :wacko: feeling. hippo has some great advice, and sternuto too, if you can get rid of the kitties... i try sitting in my room with the music/tv on really loud...just trying to block it out. and heaven forbid someone talks about it...then i just interrupt and say

"ok..you have to stop....thats just gross" and grin a bit so they think im joking, but it normally changes the subject... :rolleyes:

hope this gets a bit better for you... :shy:

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I hear you loud and clear, there is one bright side to this story... AT LEAST YYOU ARE NOT HAVING ANXIETY ATTACKS FROM HER SNEEZING!!!! My dad had to so that every night when he got home from the bar and I'd have an anxiety attack every night for 2 months until we moved away from him. I never slept! I told everyone that my anxiety attacks were caused by him coming home from the bar, because I'd have to tell people about the fetish if I were to say the truth, and I hate to lie!!! :shy:

Sorry, I got off topic... well my advice is that you could do what I did to avoid hearing the sneezing...

1. (someone already mentioned this, but it works unless if you're me, and can't sleep to music and the sneezing keeps you awake) Try listening to music

2. Another thing I would do, was stick my fingers in my ears and wiggle them around to filter out the noise, and make noise to over ride the other "sounds"

3. Now what I do if I'm at my dad's and this happens is run for my life!!! leave or go outside for a little while...

I know what you mean about the whloe cat thing, my dad was allergic to cats. The only difference is that I love my kitty and my dad was the one who hated my cat and my dog...

If you want to know why I had nightly anxiety attacks, from my dad it has to do with something he did to me in the past when I asked him why I always felt funny when people sneezed, this is the same reason I'm afraid of my fetish.... but thanks to this forum I have been over coming my fear... Thanks you guys :yuck:

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Thank you so much, guys! But...what about when I'm in the room? I leave just about every time she starts, but I don't want her to get suspicious, and sometimes it's impossible to avoid it (such as when we're eating dinner, or in the car, or in a public place, etc.)

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Well, I really don't have any useful advice for you, but what you're feeling is pretty normal, at least for a sneeze fetishists. Well, I guess most people without the fetish probably would think you're being weird, but most people within this community feel the same way about family sneezes, so you're definitely not alone there.

A few questions, and sorry if I'm threadjacking or anything, but do you get grossed out or annoyed with female sneezes in general, or just don't feel anything toward them? And if you had a girlfriend who sneezed a lot, would that bother you as well? Just curious. :yuck:

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Thank you so much, guys! But...what about when I'm in the room? I leave just about every time she starts, but I don't want her to get suspicious, and sometimes it's impossible to avoid it (such as when we're eating dinner, or in the car, or in a public place, etc.)

No clue how to help you here... sorry. I can only say try to distract your self. Sing really loud or something like that if your in the car. I hate family sneezes :yuck: *YUCKERS* I leave everytime my dad starts up, but of course this is another story, my mom only sneezes once I leave right after everytime, and she still hasn't noticed... if she noticed she would have mentioned it. Eating dinner try excusing your self to the bathroom, come right back in when she's done. I do that one almost everytime to get away from some sneezing, I did that one so often that I made joke about with myself... Public places, just tryi to distract your self, that is all I've ogt for those situations...

hope this helps~

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Indeed, it does. Thank you SOOO much, especially because it sounds like you can relate, CoyoteSara. I wish I could PM you, but of course I'm not a "member" yet.

Damn, I have to get that many posts? Crap.

Well, now I get to go watch American Idol...with my mother sitting right there... -hides-


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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Bondi: Yes, female sneezing usually bothers me, but on the occasion I do find it cute. However, I would rather do without it.

And she kept it up for the last two hours, and it really started to get to me. I'm not sure if I had an anxiety attack like coyotesara had said, but maybe somebody could tell me what's happening: I couldn't take it anymore, so I went into the bathroom and began to claw at myself. Not viciously, just harshly. And I looked in the mirror, and my face was white and my eyes were wild-looking and HUGE. My thoughts were spinning, and I was on the verge of tears.

What scares me is that I've only been feeling this way for about a week. I never minded her sneezes before, but now that I do it's too much for me to handle.

I don't think I need to worry about hurting myself, but after tonight I seriously wonder if my sanity is at stake here.

Do I need seek professional help? That's really the last thing I want to resort to.

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Do I need seek professional help? That's really the last thing I want to resort to.

No. I don't think so. I'm sure many of us go through the same thing. If everyone else doesn't, I do. There's a consolation.....

I think in your own time you'll find your own way of coping and staying in control.

*threadjack* maybe this is why so many of us are emet? we freak out because we can't control what others do? like parental sneezing and people being sick??

*end threadjack*

Sorry, was just a random thought.

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Well, if this is anything like the way my brother's coughs sound to me, you have all my sympathy. The only thing I know can completely drown it out is headphones with music or any other sound blasting. Mix that with taking walks once in a while, you know, just getting out of the house. Hang in there!

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I usually block my ears and hum. Works a treat.

Or play my music really loud.

This sounds like great advice. This is what I did when I lived at home. And as soon as I could drive, I spent as little time there as possible.

The trick is to find ways to ingore it. At least, that's how I feel.

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Aaaaargh I SO know what you're going through... Don't really have any great suggestions to add or anything, just listening to music or distracting yourself as others have already mentioned. If you're feeling really 'wild' (and believe, me I know that feeling!) maybe try getting it out iof your system in a way that won't really do you any harm - go attack a pillow in your room, or hold tight to ice cubes so that it kinda hurts but doesn't do any damage.

As for sneezy conversation...uuuurgh! I can't deal with this at all, let alone with family members. All I can suggest is just a non-committal 'mmm' as though it's not very interesting, and then changing the subject as soon as you can think straight again!

Good luck - I'll be thinking of you!

Estrelleta xxxx

Edited by estrelleta
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So we have cats, and my mother is incredibly allergic to them, and she's been sneezing and wheezing all day and I can't take it anymore. And then she talks about them too, and GAAH! It makes me feel like clawing my eyes out of my sockets or thrashing my head against a wall. Seriously, every time she sneezes I get a migraine, and it hurts so bad now.

I already don't like female sneezes, but my mother's sneezes...fdsjhsassdgflkjghfjdk! My thoughts are a jumbled mess because I just need a way to not hear her sneezes, and my house isn't very big so it's hard to hide in.

Will somebody please help me? (Well, I suppose that's a stupid question seeing as how you all live in places other than my house...) But some advice would be appreciated.

I feel like vomiting.

I don't know why family sneezes are repulsive to so many peole. I never thought about it one way or the other. Sorry, I can't help you except to say someday you will be out on your own and you will only have to bear family sneezes at family gatherings. -_-

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Get rid of the stupid cats! *duh* rolleyes.gif

^-- Ha! That made me laugh.

Yeah, I want to get rid of the cats, but she doesn't. And I know that my reaction sounds a little extreme, but that's honestly how I feel when she starts up. I hate it!

But thanks anyway, guys! Y'all gave me some good tips!

Hope that helped, glad to know that Coyotesara's ideas worked -_-

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Bondi: Yes, female sneezing usually bothers me, but on the occasion I do find it cute. However, I would rather do without it.

And she kept it up for the last two hours, and it really started to get to me. I'm not sure if I had an anxiety attack like coyotesara had said, but maybe somebody could tell me what's happening: I couldn't take it anymore, so I went into the bathroom and began to claw at myself. Not viciously, just harshly. And I looked in the mirror, and my face was white and my eyes were wild-looking and HUGE. My thoughts were spinning, and I was on the verge of tears.

What scares me is that I've only been feeling this way for about a week. I never minded her sneezes before, but now that I do it's too much for me to handle.

I don't think I need to worry about hurting myself, but after tonight I seriously wonder if my sanity is at stake here.

Do I need seek professional help? That's really the last thing I want to resort to.

It sounds like you might actually be having:

a.) an anxiety (not exactly an attack but...) problem or,

b.) an anger thing or,

c.) a mixture of the 2

I know that I get angry sometimes when certain people I don't like to see sneeze, sneeze. I get angry to the point where I can't take it and end up close to tears, like you said. Your face being white sounds like me when I get scared, but not an anxiety attack.

In case if it is fear, I'll let you know what an anxiety attack is like for me:

I start to have shallow, rapid breaths, shake worse than I do when someone I have a crush on sneezes (I get turned on and will shake like crazy, but not as bad I shake when I 'm scared) I feel intense fear, sometimes I start to cry... and pretty much just freak out...

hope that helps some how... :wheels:

I don't think you need professional help, I had so many anxiety attacks from my dad, and never got help, although the cure was moving away from him.. :D If my dad ever starts up when I'm around I leave though, He was the kind of guy who could never sneeze ony once... :P

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Yeah, I think it's just anxiety but without the attacks. Because I have had anxiety attacks before, but for different reasons and completely different circumstances, so I wasn't sure if all attacks felt the same. My dad thinks I have anxiety because I can't sleep or wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I wake him up all the time just to tell him something isn't right. But I usually shrug it off, because it's really only at his house that I have the constant insomnia. At my mother's house (which is my primary house) I only experience the sleeping problems sometimes.

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I usually block my ears and hum. Works a treat.

Or play my music really loud.

And as soon as I could drive, I spent as little time there as possible.

This is probably really unfunny.....


This just gave me an image of Sneese speeding away from her house, all hunched over the steering wheel of her car all grumbling and angry, with the music up really loud, with headphones and humming! :drool:

This may also work!

(Just call me Captain Dork)

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  • 4 years later...

suggest to your mom about allergy medication? that way she can keep the cats and you don't have to hear her sneezing etc. best of both worlds?? =/

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