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Sneeze Fetish Forum

inducing in front of how many people ??


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:laugh: ok...so i just had to be a complete nincompoop earlier....

i was on the phone with Aku, and since i hadn't sneezed or induced for her in oh...about 10 minutes...and i had the awfullest tickle lurking in my nosey...i just had to induce...in the car on the way to judo. -_- (i guess i should go ahead and say that i was sitting in traffic, with people in front of and behind me...some of them watching my every move)

so....i tried first using part of a necklace, a long pointy evil looking schminger..that absolutely didnt work...and i had been leaning down so that the watchful companions couldnt see me inserting said implement up my nostril..as that is not something i generally do in public...ok so its not something i EVER do in public...

so...next i decided to get out the dreaded napkin...oh yes...i am quite adept at attacking myself with that wonderful weapon...so i rolled up a wicked little point on a bright yellow and very stiff napkin...and proceeded to induce...it brought about two wonderful sneezes, of which Aku only heard one...but then lead to the absolute crazies on my part. I was so amused at my own daring in inducing in a crowded traffic jam, as was Aku incidentally... :laugh: that at her suggestion, i inserted the flaming device and turned around to smile at the guys behind me...and the guy in front of me...and numerous people along side me.. :bleh:

all in all i must have shown my wonderful contraption to at least 30 people...some of which stopped and stared :heart: i wish i would have taken a picture of this...as the napkin hung down past my chin and was quite fluffy at the bottom... i got the most interested looks from people...no telling what they were thinking... :huh:

so...of course ive decided the next time im over at Aku's we will randomly drive around while i have some large and colorful object hanging out of my schnoz, just so she can see the looks on peoples faces...and if i should actually sneeze around her...*shrugs* :lmfao:

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BWAHAHAHAHA!! You're just awesome, Chui! -_- That was a really enjoyable read, thanks for sharing!

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That is hilarious! I'm amazed that you could do it in front of so many people! I wonder what they were all thinking, and if there were any people with the fetish who saw you? He he he.

Akutenshi must have been going crazy, knowing what you were doing! You got some brass ones, chui, good for you! -_-

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Fabulous stuff. I love the idea of perhaps permanently having a long and outrageously ostentatious inducing device hanging from one's nostril; one day it will becaome fashionable and everyone will do it!

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Fabulous stuff. I love the idea of perhaps permanently having a long and outrageously ostentatious inducing device hanging from one's nostril; one day it will becaome fashionable and everyone will do it!

:drool: i dont know if everyone will have one...but i told Aku that i must repeat this fiasco of fun this friday when we are galavanting around town...being our usual miscreant selves. :drool: oh my...whatever will i do if i should happen to sneeze on Aku... :drool:

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