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Sneeze Fics: Likes and Dislikes

Celeb Obsessed

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What do you guys like and dislike about sneeze fics? Regarding the amount of sneezes, I think sometimes less is more. I'd rather have there be lots of detail and description and less sneezes, as in Mistress Quickly's "Finding Neverland" fic. When the characters sneeze too much, I don't appreciate the sneezes as much.

Also, I hate it when the characters sneeze like "Hechoo, Ishoo. Hatchew." with no exclamation points. It just bugs me cause sneezing should seem like an explosion, not like you're "saying" the sneezes.:wheels:

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

Less is more sometimes, I agree with that. For instance, when a character sneezes like "Achoo! Hechoo! Issheew! Chmpht! Het-chuh! HeCHUUH! Kishoo!" -- it takes away from it. Unless it only happens one time, maybe twice depending on the length of the story.

I like when a character sneezes every five seconds and there is a LOT of description in between every couple of sneezes. I like them when they're not too wordy, simple, get to the sneezing quickly and maintain it throughout, and have a good plotline all at the same time.

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Oh boy, I hope I don't sound like too much of jerk by answering this! :lol:


  • PLOT. A story MUST have a plot, even if it's a simple one.
  • Creativity.
  • Interesting spellings.
  • Writers who takes "risks" with their fiction, as in "not the same old story over and over."
  • WELL-WRITTEN fanfiction.
  • Excellent command of the English language. Verbosity. Eloquence of speech.
  • Pieces that make me think.
  • Characters I can identify with who seem "real."


  • Bad grammar, poor spelling, etc. For fuck's sake, USE PUNCTUATION and learn how to spell before you write any fiction.
  • "achoo achooo accchhhoooo!" :rolleyes:
  • Fiction that goes like this: "She sneezed and her big boobs bounced up and down. "ACHOO ACHOO!" she sneezed all over her chest. "I don't know why I can't stop sneezing ACHOO ACHOO!" Her sneezes made him hot. He wanted to watch her boobs bounce some more.
  • "Unrealistic" stories.
  • Too much sneezing and not enough plot.
  • Lack of SPACING in a story. When it's all one giant blob of sentences, I tend to ignore it.
  • Repetitive, boring sneeze spellings. (as mentioned above)

What can I say? I'm a bit of a picky pie about what I will and will not read. But hey, everyone has their preference! :wheels:

Edited by Akutenshi
Hit "enter" too soon as usual! FAILURE.
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1. Stories should have a plot !

2. The amount of sneezes should be realistic.

3. I do not like fanfic if I do not know the characters (sometimes problematic for a European who does not watch TV a lot - that is not your fault, guys!)

4. I LOVE unexpected developments.


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I like when a character sneezes every five seconds and there is a LOT of description in between every couple of sneezes.

Yes, it's really annoying when it's supposed to be some seconds between each sneeze and it's a description between them that takes minutes to read; that just doesn't work out :drool:

- I like it when there's a plot in it.

- And when the story-telling is logic.

- If it's a fandom oriented fic, the cause of the sneezing should be something that could happen to him/her in the original storyline. Or at least make it look like it could. (for example, a fic about Link sneezing from being cold, witch he does in the Ocarina of Time).

- Male-oriented stories! :clapping:

Note: these are all my opinions, so if your stories that you've worked hard with don't match these, then don't kill yourself, OK?

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I actually forgot one thing that REALLY bothers me. I believe Fifi mentioned it....

"Congested" spelling of words.

I'm sorry, no one REALLY says, "I hab a code" for "I have a cold." I find that it makes the story REALLY hard to read and enjoy if I'm trying to figure out what the characters are saying constantly. I usually give up and read something else.

And like TeaParty mentioned, don't be offended if someone's likes and dislikes don't fit your writing. People have mentioned disliking several things I personally love to write about and I don't care! :wheels:

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Yeah. If someone's congested. Just make it say 'her' or 'his voice was tainted with congestion'. Sounds lame. But its better than uh.....yeah. I don't know. I was just stalking Aku XDDDDD

I may not know what I really like. But I can tell you one thing I absolutely ABHOR in a sneezefic.

Those sneeze orgy situations where every body is sneezing like crazy. I mean SERRIOUSLY! Its okay if they all sneeze at like random intervals for a REASON. But when they are all non-stop 'h'kstchuh!' and 'ha'stchhh!' and the lot of the different spellings it gets really old REALLY fast.

I'll stop ranting now. o_O;

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Hmmm.... for me...

Basically my list is very similar to Aku's.

As far as "amount" of sneezing- it really depends on the type of story that it is- some stories seem to "work" better with more sneezing than others but there is definately a point for me where it is too much and becomes redundant.

The congested speaking... I've finally come to the realisation that I think that a little of it in some stories (using b and d for m and n) is really cute. Of course this is my own odd taste. If it makes it sound more real without getting overdone and making the reader go "what did they say??"

I also really like if the person's is sneezing mid sentence if they Show that the person's voice is changing.

When a fic. is out of character (Especially when I know the character) it really INSANELY will annoy me. And I feel like a horrid snobby person- but there it is.

If things are "over the top" I cringe and don't like it. I personally Don't like cartoon sneezing. I'm not saying this to offend people that do. Just not my taste. It makes me feel like someone is making fun of the fetish and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Therefore I don't like it when when stories are overdone.

I'm definately Much more into male sf ficts, but I have enjoyed a female story or two- but with female stories, since I'm not reading it for the "fetishy" part- it is Extremely important for me to have Really good writing.

And a personal taste thing- I just am not real big on the male being a huge baby (especially in the beginning) about things.

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And a personal taste thing- I just am not real big on the male being a huge baby (especially in the beginning) about things.

Yeah, I have to kind of agree. I mean. Its good in small doses. Use it psraingly XD But if the guy won't stop whining and saying "I'm gonna...die...." and crap like that. Its tedious to read. If its incessant, its unpleasant. <-- yay rhymes. O-o;

and if its rare, that seems fair <3

Mm-hmm. Another sentenced mauled by Baniira's weirdness. o_O;

By the way, tma, I love the Wilson icon. XD

I loved seeing him stoned. It cracked me up <3

:blush: I MUCH prefer a literary description of the way their voice sounds to actually spelling the words differently. Good description makes me horny to begin with (See, there's a good reason I'm a massive Tolkien fan), so good description of something fetish related? Yes, fire in my panties, thank you.

Mm. Indeed. I do roleplaying on this site called gaia. and I'm in the advanced group, right? So I do like. two page intros for one on one sessions. I usually play like six characters, but hey. I like to poetically describe the surroundings. Use some sensory details when I do that. So naturally it just tends to stretch.

But of course, Fifi, when there is sneezing, it is indeed a bonus. A bonus WELL LOVED -evil laugh- -hack hack-

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I like when a character sneezes every five seconds and there is a LOT of description in between every couple of sneezes. I like them when they're not too wordy, simple, get to the sneezing quickly and maintain it throughout, and have a good plotline all at the same time.

Soooo very true, the first part. Added to that, I don't like when all sneezes are spelt out. It's just like reading through a bunch of onomatopoeic nonsense. :rolleyes: (Not that I'm not totally guilty of that, however.)

Though I love wordyness where sneezing is later on and gives me a really good read. Which is probably why I like non-fetishists fics better. It's not centered around sneezing and it make-a me happy. (Which is probalby why I get into RPing with non-fetish friends more so.)

I don't enjoy female sneezing, though Baniira has changed that a bit. XD

- If it's a fandom oriented fic, the cause of the sneezing should be something that could happen to him/her in the original storyline. Or at least make it look like it could. (for example, a fic about Link sneezing from being cold, witch he does in the Ocarina of Time).

Omg. I am a HUGE stickler for that. :twisted: I can't write something I can't obviously see as canon because that's my own pref. (Thankfully, my fandoms are opened to my fiddling and it can work. :blush: )

(And - WHOOHOO! I wrote that Link fic! X3!)

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Yeah. If someone's congested. Just make it say 'her' or 'his voice was tainted with congestion'. Sounds lame. But its better than uh.....yeah. I don't know. I was just stalking Aku XDDDDD

I may not know what I really like. But I can tell you one thing I absolutely ABHOR in a sneezefic.

Those sneeze orgy situations where every body is sneezing like crazy. I mean SERRIOUSLY! Its okay if they all sneeze at like random intervals for a REASON. But when they are all non-stop 'h'kstchuh!' and 'ha'stchhh!' and the lot of the different spellings it gets really old REALLY fast.

I'll stop ranting now. o_O;

You can stalk me anytime. :blush:

I'm totally with you on the description being better than the "weird" congested talk!

And OMG, don't EVEN get me started on the "sneeze orgy" thing. :twisted: When everyone is just sneezing like crazy, I get seriously annoyed! I mean, I like the person to sneeze for a REASON, not just because it's a fetish fic, so CLEARLY, they must sneeze every five seconds.

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I'd say that having the female sneezing a lot is going to be important most of the time. I say this because in general I read sneeze stories to get off on them, just as I would do the same with listening to wavs, so I'm going to want a lot of sneezing throughout the story. A plot is good, but in general, I probably wouldn't have much interest in the vast majority of the stories posted here (including most of the ones I've written) if not for the sneezing in it, so seeing as that's the main draw for me, it's important that there is ample female sneezing in the story. This is of course a personal preference for me, and I have read a few sneeze stories that I would've liked even without the sneezing (such as some of the ones written by Squizzle--I think that's what his name was--on Serotica), so in those cases it wouldn't have to have abundant sneezing in it. That's not to say that I would want to read stuff with fifty sneeze sounds in a row and few if any details, description, dialogue, or any kind of well-formed narritive, as anyone can do that and that can get tedious to read at times if that's all that's there. But basically plot is important if it's the type of story I would want to read anyway; otherwise, I would be more concerned with the sneezing, how it is described, and the type of situation the character is in and the cause of her sneezes, and the details around all of that stuff.

As for sneeze sounds, I do like it when the sneezes are spelled out, though not when the spelling is taking up half a line of text as that can also get tedious to read. What I like in sneeze sounds is kind of hard to explain, I guess it goes along with how well the story is written and stuff like that and if the story is really written well, then the sounds would enhance the written and enjoyment for me. I don't know; hard to explain and I do hope that made sense. If not, then I'm not really sure how to clarify it.

I also don't like stories about girls who have hurricane sneezes that blow everything away; I prefer more realistic sneezes. The story itself doesn't have to be bound within reality, but the sneezes would need to be realistic and not cartoony.

I also like believable characters who are well-developed, at least to the point that would be allowed by the short length of most of the stories. In other words, the characters should be at least somewhat fleshed out and interesting to the extent that it is possible, given the length of the story. Hope that makes sense. :twisted:

And this is one of my personal preferences, and I know that some people don't share this preference, but when there are two or more main female characters, I would want the other female characters to sneeze at least a little it at some point in the story, along with the main female sneezer. It's not a necessity for my enjoyment, of course, but it's still nice when it happens. :blush:

And finally, Fanfiction vs. Original Characters: Again, my personal preference is for original characters, and if I'm going to write a sneeze story, I would only write about characters that I made up myself and have zero interest in writing fanfiction or messing with someone else's characters. I have read fanfiction before and I did enjoy a few of those stories, but I still prefer original characters. :rolleyes:

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How come everybody is worried that people will be upset at their opinions? :twisted: Differing opinions are wonderful!

As for me, my tastes are very simple. And I'm not saying I hold myself to these rules when I am writing, but heck-nobody's perfect,right?

-I like it to have a story first. Sometimes the sneezing can even be secondary to the plot, and I will like those types of stories the best. I like it when it's "about something" first and then there's sneezing in it. See, I never know if those even count as fetish fic...I've written some stories which are more "action" oriented but happen to have sneezing as a major factor in them and just never post them because I don't think they count as "fetish"!

-Like many others have also said, "congested spelling" turns me off. Simply because it can be beyond my skills to decipher it and sometimes I'll have to abandon a perfectly good story because I can no longer understand the dialogue. English is a cruel mistress. Also, I'm not a fan of "congested spelling" that doesn't even make sense-I think someone used "I hab a code" as an example...that's not even how someone who WAS congested would even talk, so agreements all around there. :blush:

-"Caretaking" fics are generally ALWAYS going to leave this little KawaiiKitty happy! :rolleyes:

-Ditto for "denial" fics. I ADORE denial-fics.

-I'm actually not too big on stories with the sneezing being sexualised. It's as if I have to focus on two things at once. I like the naughtiness to happen inside my head after I read it, not on the page. Or...I'm weird. :rolleyes:

And that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure right after I post this I will go "Ah! I forgot this and this and this and this..."

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I like most stories,as long as they've got plenty of sneezes in them; or even only a few with lots of sneezy talk surrounding them; I spose I'm with Bondi generally. But I don't really care if they're realistsic or very sexual or fantasy or cartoony; I have a weakness for magic and similar fantasy, as long as there are LOTS OF SNEEEZES.

I happen to like Achoo or even Atishoo sneezes; I mean in reality. So while variety is the spice of life, I'm happy with the old faithfuls. I think a certain amount of exagggeration is fine; this is fiction [ although as we all know there is nothing unrealistic about a hay fever fit lasting twenty minutes with up to a hundred sneezes, and probably all identical achoos; the fiction can't rreally give all that without becoming boringg.]

I agree congested talk can be incomprehensible and boring; but it can be done well in moderation. I disagree largely with KK. The sort of fic I don't like goes

" Mr Darcy's face was impassive as he stifled another sneeze. 'Hnkt'. 'Oh, Fitzikins, said Mr Bingley, kissing him passionately, 'Is oo getting a cold?' ' Certainly not, ' denied the other. 'Well, I'll just go into the kitchen and make you some chicken soup'. He placed 6oz of best butter in a chafing dish and added......."

And my understanding of fanfic is obviously very different from most people's; I feel ther should be aparodic elelmemnt. I mean mainstream fiction is just not going to have enough sneezes in it. And for heaven's sake spare us the "Could Elrond really catch a cold>?" debates; it's fiction based on another fiction. It's supposed to be fun; Mrs Jardine was so right when she admitted that the purpse of literary criticism is for a clique of academics to prevent other people from enjoying books.

Oops, bit of a rant developing there. Sorry.

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KawaiiKitty - I am totally with you! Although I don't mind reading shipping/sex in fics, I much prefer to just read non-sexualised sneeze fics and let my imagination do most of the work!

For some reason I'd already written a kind of little manifesto about what I like in a fic, so here goes:

- Good writing, first and foremost, with decent dialogue and a sense of structure in the storytelling.

- I almost never read female fics because they just don’t appeal to me (although strangely, female wavs do!)

- I’m mostly interested in fanfiction, because I like the fact that you ‘know’ the characters and can play with the expectations of them. I like to see characters as true as possible to the originals, although I don’t mind people acting out of character if the story makes it believable.

- In terms of the actual sneezing, I don’t like too much. Lines and lines of phonetically-spelt sneezes just bore me and I skip over them. I’d much rather have a sense of anticipation built up so that the sneezes are fewer but better.

- I HATE congested talk! It's hard to read and it just jars on me. I prefer maybe a mention of congestion and then people trying their best to talk normally.

- In general I like fics to show people trying not to sneeze, or trying to hide their weaknesses from others. I like build-ups and a sense of urgency, and then the revelation point where they can’t hide it any longer and lose their control. I like others taking care of them and getting sick themselves.

- Overall I think I prefer colds to allergies in stories, probably because not everyone gets allergies but absolutely anyone can catch a cold. I also don’t like people getting too sick – a fever yes, fainting possibly if it’s very well written, but anything more is usually just too far-fetched and makes me just roll my eyes and scroll on!

The good writing part is especially important to me where shipping is involved. I’m not a huge fan of this aspect of many fanfics, perhaps because I prefer the juxtaposition of two people who don’t see eye to eye rather than just reading fluff about a happy couple. Of course, relationships in stories can be fine, especially those which stick to canon, but that’s not my main point. Anything’s possible and in fact I actually prefer some of the unlikely combinations of characters to the canon pairings! But if invented, the ship has to be very well written to make it believable. Within shipping, slash or hetero makes no difference to me… it’s all about the writing! I don’t feel the need to read or write sex scenes just to turn me on, so while I don’t have any objections to reading them if well done, they’re not terribly important to my enjoyment of the fic.

Being a huge HP fan, by far my favourite fanfic character is Severus Snape and I have to say that I prefer fics which don't ship him because I prefer him to be firmly in character most of the time. He’s such an amazing character anyway that I feel there’s plenty of room to write exciting sneeze fics on him just the way he is - at least in the style that I like to read! I've also just got into House and am dreaming of lots of lovely House fics...are you seeing a pattern here?! :laugh: I guess I like that whole 'snarky evil bastard trying to deny he's vulnerable' thing!

Anyway, has been really cool reading other people's preferences...sorry to rant on so much about mine! :laugh:

Essie x

P.S. Aku, I'd stalk you any time... or at least just follow you round bowing down to your general awesomeness!

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I like most stories,as long as they've got plenty of sneezes in them; or even only a few with lots of sneezy talk surrounding them; I spose I'm with Bondi generally. But I don't really care if they're realistsic or very sexual or fantasy or cartoony; I have a weakness for magic and similar fantasy, as long as there are LOTS OF SNEEEZES.

I can also enjoy stories that have fantasy or sci-fi elements to them and some stories that I've liked had fantasy elements in them and I still enjoyed them. For example, I enjoyed the female sneezing parts in one of Sneesee's stories in which that fairy thing granted the woman a wish to be able to make her husband sneeze whenever she wanted him to, so I do enjoy those kinds of stories as well as the ones more grounded to reality. What I meant was that I didn't like those stories where the woman has this sneeze that blows everything away in some huge gust of wind, sort of like Lil' Sneezer on Tiny Toons or something of that nature; that sort of thing just wouldn't do it for me, though if other people like it, that's fine, just not for me. :bounce: So basically fantasy or sci-fi sneeze stories are fine, as long as the female is sneezing the way someone would in reality. :laugh:

And yeah, I'm with everyone else about the congested talk. Just say that the person sounds stuffed up and congested; much easier to read that way. :laugh:

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And my understanding of fanfic is obviously very different from most people's; I feel ther should be aparodic elelmemnt. I mean mainstream fiction is just not going to have enough sneezes in it. And for heaven's sake spare us the "Could Elrond really catch a cold>?" debates; it's fiction based on another fiction. It's supposed to be fun; Mrs Jardine was so right when she admitted that the purpse of literary criticism is for a clique of academics to prevent other people from enjoying books.

I have to disagree with you as well. I write quite a lot of fanfiction and like Fifi, I try to keep it as close to the original characterization as possible. After all, I'm essentially "borrowing" someone else's creation. Therefore, it is my job to stay true to that creation.


I often try to bring forth facets of the character that other writers would not normally display. If a character is known for being arrogant, I make him as such, but I give him a reason to show compassion as well.

"Fiction based on another fiction" is not accurate to me. I must do the character justice because ANY character that I write (my creation or not) is a part of me when I write them. You're reading a little piece of my soul on paper, even if it's coming through someone else. I am comical in my fiction, yes . . . but I could never be disrespectful to a character I adore.

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Shipping? Golly, I really am out of my depth here....again.

Does that mean that "The Shipping Forecast " is a hilarious pun, and if so has anyone told the BBC?

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I think that some people like their fanfics more on the order of parody and others don't. I have enjoyed Many humourous House parody fics that just crack me up. But I don't like parody in fetish fiction. I'm not sure why. I think that it is because it makes me uncomfortable in the same way that cartoon sneezing does.

To me it depends on what the intent of the story is as to whether or not I think that it is well-written. I judge a pardoy fic or those terms, not on the terms of more serious "character piece" or story that explores the relationship between two characters. I judge a story that is supposed to be light and fun as just that. And I don't *think* that I overanalyse and nitpick every detail of a story, but I might be wrong.

It is sometimes difficult for me to write fanfic stories, because sometimes I feel like people think "oh... it's JUST a fanfic." and for me it isn't. For me it is exploring dimensions of characters that I love and seeing what happens if.... It isn't about me saying, "Ok- I paired up these two characters in this story, now any other stories I do in this fandom it has to be the same pairing." I know that some people cannonize their fanfics- and that is cool, but... I don't. There are some things that I keep the same- but other things I try different things with.

Because I (and I know that some other writers in here are the same way) have a deep sense of the character(s) in the story and are writing non-parodies than it Is important to have the characters be consistant.

Ok... non-sf example. I maintain that "Scarlett" (the sequel to "Gone With the Wind") was CRAP!!! Because Scarlett was Completely out of character. I don't care that the author got the permission of the Mitchell estate to write that tripe. Scarlett was NOT a feminist. She did things the way that were most expediant for herself and at the time of the sufferigist movement it was a FAR easier road to play to the male ego and let men take care of you. Which Scarlett proved over and over in the Orginal book that she was more than capable of doing.

THAT is the type of thing that annoys me with people using characters that others have created if they are writing something serious and making it out of character. If you want to make a story with a sappy mushy gooshy guy and his annoyingly perfect wife Don't use House and Cameron. If you want to have an ultra-sensitive, politically correct male- Don't use James Bond. Just Don't!!

Oh Count... a "ship" is short for "relationship", which is generally conotated in a romantic way. "Shipping" is a generalised term for the act of writers pairing off different people.

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: I guess I like that whole 'snarky evil bastard trying to deny he's vulnerable' thing!

P.S. Aku, I'd stalk you any time... or at least just follow you round bowing down to your general awesomeness!

Hoo hoo, I know NOTHING about the "snarky evil bastard" scenario! *gets threatened with sword from annoyed Muse of DOOM!* BACK, YOU! I have a PEN and I assure you, it is most DEFINITELY mightier than your sword could ever be in this case! :lol:

And by all means, stalk me all you like! I'm really just a weirdo, though. "Awesome" is stretching it! :lol: I think "freakishly weird crack-assed bastard" works much better! :innocent:

P.S. You said "General." Huhuhuhuh.....


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Stories that are poorly written, with no regard for grammar and spelling, don't bother me; I just don't read them. Stories about fandoms that I care nothing about -- um, anime, anyone? -- don't bother me; I just don't read them.

My biggest gripe is stories that start out AWESOME, well-written, good character development, plot that absolutely draws me in and gets me hooked and then...go unfinished! TBC means to be continued so, continue already! Sheesh! Some people whose writing I really enjoy (um, calling SNEESEE) leave me hanging all the time.

Oh, the tease! Number one biggest gripe!

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It's incredibly difficult to write when one no longer has inspiration for the subject matter. Hence, many of my fics also go unfinished. Sometimes, you just "lose" your momentum.

Also, just because someone writes about a fandom you do not not know does not mean that you cannot enjoy the story. I read a lot of TMA's fiction, for example, and I've never seen a single episode of "House," yet I still GREATLY enjoy her stories.

It's good to try new things. :innocent:


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I wasn't going to chime in on this thread just yet, but saw my name mentioned twice, and couldn't leave it alone! :lol:

For example, I enjoyed the female sneezing parts in one of Sneesee's stories in which that fairy thing granted the woman a wish to be able to make her husband sneeze whenever she wanted him to, so I do enjoy those kinds of stories as well as the ones more grounded to reality.

First of all, thanks Bondi! :innocent: I'm glad you enjoyed those parts to that story, because I really had a lot of fun writing that one.

My biggest gripe is stories that start out AWESOME, well-written, good character development, plot that absolutely draws me in and gets me hooked and then...go unfinished! TBC means to be continued so, continue already! Sheesh! Some people whose writing I really enjoy (um, calling SNEESEE) leave me hanging all the time.

Oh, the tease! Number one biggest gripe!

Ahem, well, there isn't too much I can say here, but I do feel the need to defend myself as a writer. I completely agree with Aku as far as sometimes, even though things start off with a bang, they sometimes fizzle out. And it's not neccessarily because of the subject matter, sometimes it's just that I can't move the story the way I want to, and I get frustrated. Call it writer's block, or whatever, but sometimes, the story just doesn't flow right, and until I can get it right, I won't post the rest of it. You should see all of the unfinished crap (fetish and other stuff) I have sitting here in my computer. With some of the stories I began posting, I had no idea they'd fizzle out quickly, so my bad! Sorry for that. I do plan on finishhing a few of those. The rest of my stories, I won't even post until they are done now. I don't ever mean to be a tease. :lol:

What do I like in my sneeze fics? Well, the main thing would be male sneezing, because that's what I prefer. Although I do read stuff with female sneezing sometimes, too. My main focus on any fic is how well it's written. I'm huge on spelling and grammar. I don't like run-on sentences, so if there's no punctuation, I probably will lose interest in reading it. I enjoy fanfics, even if I'm not familiar with the genre. I also like original subject matter.

What don't I like? Hmmmmm, well, I already mentioned poor spelling and punctuation, that turns me off real quick. Congested speak isn't too bad (considering I used it in a few of my first fics), but lately I do prefer it being described instead of used. I guess as long as it isn't over-used, I don't mind reading it. It can be very cute, like tma said. And I think she's used it a couple of times where I went, "Awwwwww."

I guess I'm not that picky. I like all kinds of fics, sex and no sex, characters with the fetish and without. As long as it's written well, I'll probably enjoy it!

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Sneezster- I feel your pain- but... I know that I Totally can't say anything about people who have "left me hanging" and DYING because....weeeeeellll.... I have a bit of an issue with finishing things myself :hyp: , so I am 99.9% sure that as much as it is killing me- it is probably killing them more.

So sometimes I torture myself by reading, and re-reading, and re-reading old, MUCH loved by me, unfinished stuff that other people have written, hoping that magically it will re-appear. And on rare occasion, generally when I was not expecting it, it is there and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy that I'm practically giddy.

Plus.... I figure that I'd rather have part of a killer story to enjoy multiple times than none at all. :)

Oh... and :hug: to Aku and Sneesee... I'm totally blushing... can't tell you how ahdkghakghkahgkfahgkahf!! I get when people that are so frickin' talented with stories and words compliment my stuff. Ok... will shut up now- but I just had to let you guys know that.

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Ahem, well, there isn't too much I can say here, but I do feel the need to defend myself as a writer. I completely agree with Aku as far as sometimes, even though things start off with a bang, they sometimes fizzle out. And it's not neccessarily because of the subject matter, sometimes it's just that I can't move the story the way I want to, and I get frustrated. Call it writer's block, or whatever, but sometimes, the story just doesn't flow right, and until I can get it right, I won't post the rest of it. You should see all of the unfinished crap (fetish and other stuff) I have sitting here in my computer. With some of the stories I began posting, I had no idea they'd fizzle out quickly, so my bad! Sorry for that. I do plan on finishhing a few of those. The rest of my stories, I won't even post until they are done now. I don't ever mean to be a tease.

If you want to post them, you might as well (especially if they're female stories :) ); if it would bother some people, I guess you could put some kind of disclaimer stating that the stories started out well but they just don't currently have an ending, that way people know that there isn't going to be any kind of closer, at least not for the foreseeable future, if ever. While I'd rather the story have an ending, I can still enjoy it if it cuts off suddenly, or if the ending isn't as satisfying as it should've been because you intended to do more but never got around to it. Or if you don't think it's ready for whatever reasoon, then I guess you can withhold it; up to you, but if its female I'd still be interested in reading it. :hug:

As a writer, I personally don't really have too much of a problem finishing stories, but for me, I usually have a good idea of where I'm going with it before I actually start writing it. I think of a few small details, then think of other stuff, and slowly put the pieces together in my head, kind of like a puzzle, I guess, so that whenever I do get around to writing it, I usually have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do and how I want to end it, though I might change my mind over the course of writing it. I do have a couple unfinished stories, where I did in fact either get stuck, or lost the motivation to go forward, either because I thought of something else I wanted to do, or maybe because I decided that I didn't really like the story after all. But usually I do try to finish my stories. But that's just how I do things and I do know that different writers have different systems that work for them. :hyp:

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