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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Okay this is the weirdest thing I've ever though


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Okay so I was laying in bed the other night (I couldn't get to sleep it was so hot) and I was thinking...

Do you think the more you induce...The more you sneeze just on a regular basis? I mean it COULD make sense...Like your nose would become more sensitive and just start tickling itself on its own? Idk, but I figured that if it actually worked, you'd have to induce A LOT to get up to the point of sneezing more often on a daily basis.

Has anyone else thought the same thing?

Has this happened to anyone?

Give me some feedback please :wheels::innocent::heart:

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Ive always thought this, but Ive never actually done any research on it. Along with the other threads, it could go along with the mental thing.

Ive thought of this, But I wonder if there is anyone who could test it. Im interested in seeing this :wheels:


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It's funny because I feel like it would be the other way around - the more you induced, the more resistant your nose would become to irritants and you would sneeze less. I wonder if anyone's ever done research on this?

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I think it could go either way.

I'd do it, but I absolutely cannot induce for the life of me. I get one sneeze, and I'm done for the day :wheels: That, and I hate the way I sneeze.

We should find something that would be willing to give their nose up in the name of "science research" :heart:

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Umm inducing hasn't really changed anything.

Usually the same reaction, usually the same amount!

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I go through times when I am inducing quite a bit, and other times when I hardly ever induce. When I am inducing regularly, I sneeze naturally less often then when I am not inducing on a regular basis.

When I am not inducing I will sneeze naturally usually 10 - 15 times per day (without allergies or other irritants)

When I am inducing a lot I usually will only sneeze naturally 2-5 times per day (without allergies or other irritants)

Even after I stop inducing, it usually takes a week or two to get up to my regular sneeze count. I think this is because by nose is less sensitive. Not sure if this counts as "scientific" research, but here's a case study for you!

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Hmm. Yep, makes sense.

And you're lucky I wish I'd sneeze as much as you lol

I dont get squat >.<

Well, I think I was wrong. I think your nose becomes less sensitive.

Darn, I was kinda hoping it would go the other way :dead:

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Do you think the more you induce...The more you sneeze just on a regular basis? I mean it COULD make sense...Like your nose would become more sensitive and just start tickling itself on its own?

Boy that would be a great thing. :blushing:

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If it goes the more you enduce the more resistant your nose gets to sneezing, then would that mean the more your stop yourself from sneezing the more sensitive your nose gets to sneezing? I hope not because those of us who stop our selfs from sneezing don't want to sneeze, and if our noses became more sensitive we's have a problem...

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  • 2 months later...

I think that it probably makes me sneeze more. One day I induced and now I keep sneezing. Either that or my allergies got worse.

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