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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Pre-Sneeze Breathing


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My fellow sneeze fetishists may think I’m “poll crazy,” but I really am curious about many details that make up the sneezing process. This time I’d like to survey various pre-sneeze breathing characteristics.

Before I actually sneeze, I: A. Inhale a breath quickly one time, then sneeze immediately; B. do a series of hitched breaths before sneezing; C. inhale one long, sweeping breath, then sneeze; D. experience other pre-sneeze breathing scenarios (please describe).

Thanks and happy sneezes.

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i also do the few long shallow breaths before my sneeze, but sometimes just to be cute for those around me who may enjoy it, i put on a show and do the fast hitchy breath thing.

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A.- Sometimes two breaths. [is that a word?] :hyp:

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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it depends how the sneeze itself feels like treating me. So really I think I may do a little of all the above, but I really haven't thought that much on it.... I just know I tend to have some sort of build up before I sneeze because usually they don't like to come striaght out, stubborn lil butt monkeys (yes... butt monkeys) :hyp:

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Usually B, although the hitched breaths may not always be short quick breaths. Every once in a while an A scenario will creep up on me.

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hmmm... normally i have one long drawn out inhale... or none at all, but its not an audible breathe. its totally quiet...and i have to inhale through my mouth or the sneeze will futter off.


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B - if I'm alone, that is. Otherwise I just sneeze whithout the pre-sneeze breathing.

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I hate it when I sneeze, so I don't want to say what I do.... But I can say what I like.... I love it when I hot guy does fast hitched breaths, so hot :dead:

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  • 6 years later...

I normally do A. My sneezes sneak up quickly (I've been sneezing a lot lately as we'll, I'm really sick with a respiratory infection, and I never get sick lol) But I normally get no time to take a break I just sneeze. But I love when ppl do B

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I do A, but B and C are my favorites in other people. The hitching breaths are hot because it seems more torturous, but I like the suddenness and urgency of a long, 'sweeping' (love that description!) inhale.

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