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Sneeze Fetish Forum

So how often do you have one of "those" fetish days


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Well, this thread might eventually end up on the Adult Board, but at least for now it can start here in the General Discussion...

Surely many of you know what I'm talking about. You know, those occasional days when the fetish is running rampant and is particularly strong? Not that there are ANY days when I wouldn't love to hear or see a nice observation, but some days seem to pass where I don't think as much about it while other days it's just about ALL I can focus on.

So what do YA'LL out there do when you have one of "those days"? Do you spend more time than normal on the forum? Do you listen to wavs until you get your fill? Do you watch video clips, movies, etc.? Do you do things that would end up getting this post relocated to the Adult Board? Do you try to distract yourself and focus on a different topic (and if so, does it work?) Do you do nothing out of the ordinary and just wait for it to pass?

Just curious. By the way, today is not necessarily one of "those days" for me yet, but it's still early...... :-)

Thanks to anybody who's willing to share....

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Well, so far this thread is tame, so hopefully, it can stay here. :) I actually did start a similar thread in the Adult Board once, so if you have time, you could go check that out and some of the answers.

I know exactly what you are saying, though. Some days, I think about it, but it's not constantly on my mind. The days it is on my mind ALL DAY, I spend most of my time on here, and at the wav page, and going through my personal files of wavs and videos. It's like I can't get enough sometimes. And when it's really bad, after I've gone through all of my wavs, I'll even read some of my favorite sneezefics, and use my imagination a lot. I also spend a lot of time on the forum on those days, as well. :lol:

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I know what you mean :laugh: There're some days when I just can't seem to get enough of this fetish, when I walk around thinking about sneezing almost constantly. Just as Sneesee, I will spend a lot of time on here, as well as re-read some of my favorite sf fics. For the 100th time :unsure: There's not much more you can do about it. But oh, I love those days! :dead:

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Oh man, I sure had one of "those" days yesterday. Shoot, I don't even need to read fics or look at clips or anything when I get like that.

My only advice is, enjoy it and don't try to make your brain focus on anything serious since it probably won't want to! :dead: That's what I do, anyway!

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I know what you're talking about. Those days can be fun and frustrating at the same time. I don't know if it has to do with my cycle or what, but every once in a while, it gets really strong. On those days, I usually spend a lot of time on Youtube, if you know what I mean! And I probably do visit the forum more often, especially the observations board. And then I just fantasize all about cute guys sneezing.

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I know what you're talking about. Those days can be fun and frustrating at the same time.


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Dudes, I've been having one of "those" fetish days for the last freaking month. I think it's because I'm so bored at my new job, and I don't have much to think about. And with the removal of my old job (which was basically slavery) all the sexual feelings I was too depressed to acknowledge for so long have come flooding into my mind. It's crazy.

Like just today my boss showed up at work with a cold. I tried so hard to ignore it, but after hours of squirming in my chair I couldn't take it anymore, and I started texting Sneesee about it. It was too exciting to keep to myself! Speaking of Sneesee, I sent her a big stupid email last week when this hot guy at work randomly started talking to me. You know what she said? She was like "Too bad he didn't sneeze!" Do you think I was able to concentrate at all for the rest of the day? Hell no! Because it was one of "those" fetish days. I'm starting to wonder when I'll ever get back to normal. :blushing:

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Oh, but it's no fun to be normal, VFP. :blushing:

And I have these days about once every two weeks...sometimes more often when I'm not as busy. Ok, maybe it's more often than that...sometimes there are weeks when I think about it all the time, and sometimes I go awhile without dwelling on it. I handle it different ways...if I have the ability to be online and play around, I do, but if I'm somewhere with no computer I have to just use my imagination...a lot. :lol: But I agree- it's fun and yet frusterating all at once.

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Dudes, I've been having one of "those" fetish days for the last freaking month. I think it's because I'm so bored at my new job, and I don't have much to think about. And with the removal of my old job (which was basically slavery) all the sexual feelings I was too depressed to acknowledge for so long have come flooding into my mind. It's crazy.

Like just today my boss showed up at work with a cold. I tried so hard to ignore it, but after hours of squirming in my chair I couldn't take it anymore, and I started texting Sneesee about it. It was too exciting to keep to myself! Speaking of Sneesee, I sent her a big stupid email last week when this hot guy at work randomly started talking to me. You know what she said? She was like "Too bad he didn't sneeze!" Do you think I was able to concentrate at all for the rest of the day? Hell no! Because it was one of "those" fetish days. I'm starting to wonder when I'll ever get back to normal. :blush:

And I'm so glad you did text me with his yumminess! And it's good that you are joining the rest of us in those "fetish moments." Why would you want to go back to normal? Isn't fun over here? :omg:

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I don't think I've ever had a day like you described, where the fetish is my #1 focus point. If a woman near me sneezes, sure, I'll get turned on by it and it'll be a bright spot in the day. If I'm in a public place and she's within earshot when sneezing, I may casually move closer to her so I might see/hear her sneeze again. But it won't ruin my day if I can't, or if I don't hear any female sneezes.

If I am in the mood for some feminine sneezing, I will log onto to Bondi's wav page or look at the (I only own one) sneeze video I own. But it's nothing that I absolutely HAVE to do on a regular basis. Not to disrespect anyone who feels otherwise; that just isn't my experience. It's more a matter of convenience---if I've got the time and I'm in the mood, I'll indulge my sneeze fetish.

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Ohhh I know about those. :)

Shy put it perfectly. They can be fun and frustrating at the same time. Well they used to be anyway.

Now that I'm pretty much opened up to anyone who'll ask about it, I don't have to worry about keeping it secret so I find that the fetish doesn't need to be really really strong somedays and not so much any others.

I mean, I normally am pretty fetish-minded :lol:

But yeah, somedays it's like, " Holy hell... come on. Sneeze already!". lol

Of course, my personal collection is rather lacking but then those are the days I visit the forum for more than just blogging. :winkkiss:

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I haven't had one of "those" days in a loooong time, but when I did... they were interesting. It felt almost like a dream. Just kinda floating through the day without paying much attention to what's happening. Of course, other stuff happens, too. But I'm not authorized to go into that juuuuust yet :winkkiss:

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I know what you're talking about. Those days can be fun and frustrating at the same time. I don't know if it has to do with my cycle or what, but every once in a while, it gets really strong. On those days, I usually spend a lot of time on Youtube, if you know what I mean! And I probably do visit the forum more often, especially the observations board. And then I just fantasize all about cute guys sneezing.

I DEF. notice a correlation with my sneezefetish days and the cycle shy....its def true for women...there is that whole day 14 thing where all women are supposed to hit their peak during whatever day is day 14 for your cycle. Anyways I notice it on certain daysssss


I LOVE those days!

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I know about those days. When I get them it's like anyone that I could possibly be remotely interested in i'm just like 'ok, sneeze!' and think about it a lot. Apart from that, yeah, I spend a lot of time on here, reading fics, or on Bondi's site. There's not a lot I can do about it, but hell, I wouldn't want to. It's one of the reasons I like having a fetish so much: from what I've read I don't reckon other people get such intense feelings about something that turns them on. I think it's fantastic that there's something that you know will do so whatever time or place, (within reason).

Also, it hadn't occurred to me that it could be linked with my cycle, so that's an interesting idea.

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I always go crazy trying to hear/read/watch as much sneeze related stuff as I can. I usually wind up downloading heaps of stuff on my computer, and maybe printing off a few stories or burning a CD with wav files on it...then after the phase is has passed, I feel a bit embarassed about it all and get rid of everything. Not just because I'm worried that someone may find it, but because it just makes me feel stupid to have it hanging around.

Then a month or 2 later I'm back doing it all again, wondering why I ever got rid of everything the last time...

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I know what you're talking about. Those days can be fun and frustrating at the same time. I don't know if it has to do with my cycle or what, but every once in a while, it gets really strong. On those days, I usually spend a lot of time on Youtube, if you know what I mean! And I probably do visit the forum more often, especially the observations board. And then I just fantasize all about cute guys sneezing.

I DEF. notice a correlation with my sneezefetish days and the cycle shy....its def true for women...there is that whole day 14 thing where all women are supposed to hit their peak during whatever day is day 14 for your cycle. Anyways I notice it on certain daysssss


I LOVE those days!

Yes, when it's day 14, I'm a complete goner. I hardly talk to anyone and am generally quiet when I'm overly fetishy, just because I hate drawing attention to myself, let alone drawing attention to the interest in sneezing. And it kind of sucks for me because there's only one guy whose sneezes do the trick perfectly, and circumstances are such that we're being forced to spend time apart right now, even though he lives down the street from me...gosh, it's absolute torture some days...I have concluded that I have NO CONTROL over my imagination WHATSOEVER....it's like I'm wasting away the allergy season because we aren't allowed to spend time together, I'm kicking myself! Arg! So yes, frustrating. I usually try to forget about it, since there's nothing really I can do. :lmfao:

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  • 5 years later...

It has been one of those months for me - think about it ALL the time and check forum

And you tube multiple times - I want to snap out of it but at the same time I don't want to - eventually it will mellow out but there is rarely a day I don't think about it and if I good a good observation I can spend days replaying it over and over in my mind until it is cemented in - I swear I I could concentrate so intently on other things I would have super powers :)

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I know I've been having those days a whole lot more since I met my boyfriend. He has really bad allergies and is sneezy most of the time, so I can't seem to get my fetish off my mind recently. He can be sat on the pc and have a fit, and I'll be laid on the bed hiding behind my laptop screen so he can't see my red face. He's absolutely adorable but doesn't know about my fetish, so it usually leaves me surfing this site and reading my fave fics just because I can't get it off my mind. But yep, when we're out with our friends and he's having a bad allergy day, it's pretty frustrating for me. Especially seeing as they make him feel sucky so he just wants to sleep. I definitely settle for major cuddles with him though :D

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  • 2 months later...

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