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cute sneezy guy at nursery


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ok so i was helping my great-aunt with this tree at the nursery (the plant kind of nursery) and i'm not really sure why she asked me instead of one of my brothers bc i'm not all that strong, i guess i'm just her favorite, and besides in the end i was REALLY glad she brought me along. So anyways i was rolling this cart thingy with the tree on it to her cart when all of a sudden i see this cute guy that i'd seen earlier (Hollister/preppy type guy) helping his mom put plants in their van. When he's all done putting the plants in the car he backs away slowly then suddenly spins around and bends in half with a, "hap-CHOO!" he stays bent over and i can vaguely see a pre-sneeze face before his head snaps forward with a, "huptchyeew!" it was masculine and to the point, i stopped dead in my tracks and gawked! lol. i couldn't help it and my great-aunt is just staring there looking at me like, "What the hell did you stop for?" i regained my composure as quickly as possible and helped her get the stupid little tree in the van.

it was funny too because normally i'd be thinking about a cute guy sneezing, just wishing he would, but this time i didn't even think about it, which is odd for me, and it ended up happening. Weird....

SweetP :blushing:

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AWsome obs :blushing: I loved how he got got bent over like that :lol: I wish I could get some good obs like that... and your great aunt asked you why you stopped, if that were me I'd be a little nervous that she might find out (even though I know it's not that obvious, even if you stop when someone sneezes, people still wouldn't be able to guess that you have a sneeze fetish, but I'm a super paranoid person :omg: ) what did you say to your great aunt when she asked you "why did you stop?"

~I'd love to see Gaara sneeze like that~

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Lovely. I often see/hear people sneezing at nurseries . . . probably a combination of flowers, sunlight, and those wonderful dusty gravel paths.

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Mmmm, yummy obs, SweetP! Thanks! I adore cute, sneezy guys around plants. In fact, I have made sure to work out in garden at my own store, on a couple of nice Saturdays, just to see what kinds of obs I could get. Nursery's make for great obs in my opinion! Aren't you glad your aunt likes you best? :blush:

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I see this cute guy that i'd seen earlier (Hollister/preppy type guy) helping his mom put plants in their van. When he's all done putting the plants in the car he backs away slowly then suddenly spins around and bends in half with a, "hap-CHOO!" he stays bent over and i can vaguely see a pre-sneeze face before his head snaps forward with a, "huptchyeew!" it was masculine and to the point.

Lovely obs and very hot.

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