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Sneezy Conversation (m)


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Victor stopped by this evening to visit for an hour on his way to work; the first thing he did after kissing me hello was to grab a couple of paper towels off the roll in the kitchen and blow his nose very thoroughly indeed.

"These just work so much better than tissues," he said. "When you have really tremendously bad hayfever, like I do, you can go through a whole box of those flimsy little things in about -- ahhh ahhh HARASHOOOOO! -- five minutes flat."

I managed to snap out of my "Holy God, are we actually having this conversation?" trance long enough to say, "I'm sorry you're uncomfortable."

"Oh, this isn't a bad day," he said cheerfully, after another nose blow. "Usually I just sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze . . . sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop."

"Wow, that's too bad," I managed to say, almost as though I meant it.

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Depends on what he's allergic to. . . you should ask him. He sounds pretty cool, I'm sure he'd tell you. Right now in the U.S. it's grass pollen and mold season in most places, unless you're in Florida or California, where it's probably everything at once. Grass/mold season lasts until about August, then ragweed (& also mold) season until about October, again depending on what part of the U.S. you're in.

By the way, I'm loving your observations about Victor. Very yummy! :yes: Keep posting them.

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Thanks, Trillium -- I'm glad to be able to share Victor with the forum. I was really concerned for a while there that he'd be a sneezing washout. How nice to be wrong.

We are in Oregon, the Scotch Broom capital of the world. He mentioned that his sneezy wondrousness usually starts in early May (he's late this year) and continues on and off through early fall. I doubt he knows what he's allergic to . . . he's had a weird prejudice against doctors ever since he was a small child, and hasn't ever had allergy testing done. He also mistrusts all Western medicine, so he refuses to take antihistamines. :clapping: I anticipate a long, hot summer. Oh, so very very hot.

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Nice obs :clapping:

Just as Trillium said, the allergens change during the summer. Personnally, I can't wait for august... My fiancé is allergic to grass and tree pollens and such, but SO not near as much as he's allergic to ragweed. Ragweed triggers fits of 7-8 sneezes for him :clapping:


AND I'm finally getting my visa to immigrate and get married and move in with him IN AUGUST. That month is gonna be my favorite of all time :hug:

Anyway, hopefully Victor is also very sensitive to ragweed. Apparently, it's one of the worst allergen, so there's a pretty good chance it'll be paradise for you too :laugh:

(Go August <3)

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Thanks for the update, Liricospinto, much appreciated! Your SF friends are getting almost as much out of your boyfriend as you are!

Endless, tu vas quitter le Québec! Quel dommage! but if it's to be with your (future?) husband...

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Thanks for the update, Liricospinto, much appreciated! Your SF friends are getting almost as much out of your boyfriend as you are!

Endless, tu vas quitter le Québec! Quel dommage! but if it's to be with your (future?) husband...

Oui :clapping: Je vais m'ennuyer... Mais bon. Qu'est-ce qu'on ferait pas pour l'Amour hein ? :clapping:

(And I plan on getting him to move back in Québec in a couple of years... after I teach him French.)

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Thanks, Trillium -- I'm glad to be able to share Victor with the forum. I was really concerned for a while there that he'd be a sneezing washout. How nice to be wrong.

We are in Oregon, the Scotch Broom capital of the world. He mentioned that his sneezy wondrousness usually starts in early May (he's late this year) and continues on and off through early fall. I doubt he knows what he's allergic to . . . he's had a weird prejudice against doctors ever since he was a small child, and hasn't ever had allergy testing done. He also mistrusts all Western medicine, so he refuses to take antihistamines. :clapping: I anticipate a long, hot summer. Oh, so very very hot.

He's probably allergic to everything, then -- tree, grass, mold, and ragweed. -- What category does Scotch Broom fall into? Although I'm a gardener, I'm in an area of the country where that doesn't grow, and I haven't read about it. Is it a weed?

Lucky you! :clapping:

I'd like a hot, dry summer, too, but for other reasons I shan't mention here lest I thread-jack.

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Yes, it's a pollen-heavy weed, similar in concept to goldenrod. I do hope you post about your own summer longings, Trill -- and actually, I don't even mind if you threadjack. :clapping:

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Lovely! I mean, hopefully it lasts and lasts and lasts!

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And hopefully he sneezes and sneezes and sneezes and sneezes and sneezes ... like he promised!

(did he REALLY say sneeze THAT many times???? You must have almost fainted at that point....

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Juliette -- Yes, that was a verbatim quote. I was just so . . . yeah. Since I haven't marked the thread 18+, I think I'd better not say what I was. Amazing, isn't it, how non-fetishists have no association with the word "sneeze?" They'll just haul off and say it! Lots and lots, in some cases!

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"Usually I just sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze . . . sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop."

My god in heaven. Talk about the most hottest words ever spoken. :twisted::):innocent:

Wonderful obs. Keep us posted.

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  • 1 year later...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (imagine a jaw dropping smiley since I'm to lazy to find one ;D)

wow. great obs. can't wait for spring...and summer...and hayfever...and allergies..and colds....

dont you love the seasons?

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