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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Not quite an obs...


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I spent the afternoon with R today and when we were sitting very snugly close together in a countryside pub garden (it's been a really warm day in England), he got all sneezy-looking. It was just delicious - I wanted to undress him there and then! I put my hand in his lap and snuggled even closer to him, gazing lovingly at this miracle that I thought was about to unfold.

He looked SO sneezy :hug:


and then he said, "I'm going to .... I need to .... sneeze...." and delved into his shorts pocket to get his hankie (white today - and as always stored in his left pocket because he's left handed) ...


... blew his nose.

And that was it.

I nearly cried. :wheels:

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Oh my...holy....oh my GAWD!

I am so sorry.

That sounded magical...

until he DIDN'T sneeze.


Well, there will be more.


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Well, let's say it makes you appreciate it even more when he does sneeze. Which seems to be quite regularly!

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Um, it was really good, up until the point where he didn't sneeze! :angry: Although, you seem to get plenty of those. This was still a cute almost obs, though. Thank you! :wheels:

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