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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A wonderful sneezy morning !!!!

Guest sandy from paris

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Guest sandy from paris

Hello everybody !!!!

I have some news of my sneezy boyfriend for you !!!

That was just this morning ! i was in his arms and ....i looked at him : he was sleeping very cute as usual !!!!

But this morning was fantastic!!!! :D i mean when i looked at him i feel that he was not confortable : he swiched his nose and snif a lot and you know i thought that he made a bad dream because he shaked a little bit .....BUt that was not a bad dream !!!!! :)

So i have kissed his nose and he imediatly wakes up with a sneezy face :innocent::lol::cryhappy::innocent:

i looked at him " hey good morning " :)

and him with a sneezy face " oh ..good ...." and " aichouuuuuuu" on the pillow !!

i was so happy and i blessed him and he told me " oh thanks , i am sorry you know it's because of my alergies !!i had to sneeze !! "

and his wonderful sneezy face appears again :cryhappy: " i am gonna aaaaaatchouuuuu.... :blushing: snneze again " And just after the sneezes he blows his nose and told me " Pardon my sneezes...!!you know this night was terrible for me !!have you noticed something ???"

and me " NO NO i don't "

and him " In the middle of the night i felt so bad ...i had a sneezes attack ...i was in the bathroom because i didn't want to disturb you !!!!"

And me " noooooooooooooooooooooo really a big sneezes attack ????" :-o

And him " yes yes a very very big one!! you know when you feel that your nose itchy a lot "

and me " oh yes ....i know what you mean " :laugh:

and him " oh no no no ...." and he touch his nose " i need to sneeze again " and he sneezes on his tissue with a very shy face !!! " oops i am sorry i am ridiculous !!! "

and me in heaven " oh no problem bless you !!!!!come here give me a hug "

and him " oh yes sure " and when he was in my arms i felt that he needed to sneeze again ..so i sayed " hey you can sneeze ...don't worry about it " and him " But i am in your arms ..so i am going to move for sneezing on the pillow " and me very nasty :laugh: lol " NO NO you stay here !!!" and my poor boyfriend sneezed in my arms but a little sneeze you know like a baby ...so cute ..something like " ...tichouuu" !!!! and just after he looked at me " waouuu i am very hot this morning with my red nose and the sneezes ....pardon my sneeze i am going to buy something for that i promess but it's the same thing every year no prescription drugs can help me for my allergies " :lol:

I am Crazy about hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim !!!lol

i hope that you have enjoyed thos obs :wheels::hug:

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What awsome obs :wheels: I loved this ob!!! So hot he sneezed while in your arms, oh I love it :hug: I wish I had this kind of luck, your so lucky...

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Fa - bu - leux ! Merci encore de nous tenir au courant au fur et à mesure des éternuements - très apprécié !

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  • 1 year later...

grr...les filles qui sont francais ont les garcons mieux

pardon the french...I'm not the best ;D

wow. wow. can we import some sneezy french BFs?


Edited by obsessed
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