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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Ugh! My mum gets bad hayfever. And I'm sitting in the house frequently and I get theese loud sneezes penetrating deepinto my heart and injecting poison. Were she a hot girl I'd just met at a party I'fd be loving it. This morning and last night we drove home and she had a fit, whilst driving. Aside from not wanting to get killed in the crash that was so uncomfortable.


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sorry to hear that... hope you live... and no clue what to say from here :hug: I feel your pain, though :wheels:

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Being stuck in a car is bad. My driving instructor had really bad allergies, and it was like torture being in the car with him. Not only was he not exactly the most attractive guy (probably in his late 50s/early 60s), but being in that situation with ANYONE is a little close to comfort for me.

He also used to always comment on the sneeze, something like "I must be allergic to you!" Was I ever glad when I got my license and didn't have to go for lessons anymore.

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

i sa-wy...that happens to me with my mom too...

when she sneezes, i find i want to smack her. nothing to do except sit tight and wait.

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Being stuck in a car is bad. My driving instructor had really bad allergies, and it was like torture being in the car with him. Not only was he not exactly the most attractive guy (probably in his late 50s/early 60s), but being in that situation with ANYONE is a little close to comfort for me.

He also used to always comment on the sneeze, something like "I must be allergic to you!" Was I ever glad when I got my license and didn't have to go for lessons anymore.

My god, I totally had the same problem. I really liked my driving instructor, and it's not that he was objectionable-looking or anything, it's just that I did not fancy him and somehow it was the fact that I liked him so much and completely couldn't think of him in any sort of sexual context whatsoever that made him having hay fever and sneezing frequently so embarrassing. And what's worse, he had seriously hot sneezes that I otherwise would have loved, but it was just unbearable them coming from him. Arrggh!

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