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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Where did it go?


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I was sitting at the computer typing. A huge sneeze built up so suddenly. My nose tickled, my eyes closed, my mouth opened to inhale. I turned my head slightly to the right... Then nothing. Like air suddenly going out of a balloon. It was going to be a damned big sneeze. I know it!

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He he he, that happens to me ALL THE TIME! In fact, it happened this morning. And it has happend for about the past two weeks, once a day. When it does come out, it'll be a big ONE! I bet! :wheels:

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So sorry about that. :wheels: Perfect description of it being like air going out of a balloon though. That's happened to me so many times.

Hope you get that nice, good sneeze you need soon. :angry:

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He he he, that happens to me ALL THE TIME! In fact, it happened this morning. And it has happend for about the past two weeks, once a day. When it does come out, it'll be a big ONE! I bet! :)

Either that or, like single lost socks, all these unfulfilled sneezes are being kept in some secret location. :drool:

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Either that or, like single lost socks, all these unfulfilled sneezes are being kept in some secret location. :)
Yes, that must be it!! Oh, that is too funny!!! :drool:
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