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Sneeze Fetish Forum

In the shower (F)

Sunshine Face

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My living situation right now is such that several people share a communal bathroom. In my room tonight, I heard two healthy-sounding female sneezes coming from down the hall - hutCHOO, hutCHOO, medium pitch. As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I realized that it was the person in the shower who had sneezed. There was a lot of snuffling going on, and a sound like she was blowing her nose- not sure how that would work. My best guess is that its the Swedish girl from down the hall. :blink:

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My living situation right now is such that several people share a communal bathroom. In my room tonight, I heard two healthy-sounding female sneezes coming from down the hall - hutCHOO, hutCHOO, medium pitch. As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I realized that it was the person in the shower who had sneezed. There was a lot of snuffling going on, and a sound like she was blowing her nose- not sure how that would work. My best guess is that its the Swedish girl from down the hall. :rolleyes:

Swedish girls tend to be.....quite hot. :lol: In my experiance at least. Nice obs!


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