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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My life is frustrating (m obs)


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Well here's the thing: I've been a member of this site for a while, (despite my user name) and consider myself a sneeze fetisher however I have a general liking to only one person's sneeze. As in, I'm happy hearing just about anyone sneeze (with the exception of family) and reading about sneezing is also good for me but there is one person in particular that really pulls my strings.

Unfortunately for me, this one person lives across the country from me. We spend quite a bit of time on the phone but he's not much of a phone sneezer and i've realized in teh past month that he's not much of a sneezer at all. Let me explain: I went down there at the beginning of May (Arizona) to spend some time with him. I was there 9 days staying in his apartment, hanging out with him every minute and hoping I would see some sneeze action. Of course this wasn't all I was thinking about and certainly not the reason why I took the trip BUT I did hope that it would be a much deserved bonus to a wonderful time spent with my best friend. (Male, I'm female). Let me speed up the story by saying 'HE DIDN'T SNEEZE ONE TIME'. Not unless it was while he was sleeping (which is possible I guess) or while I was in the shower (also possible.) I was with him every second and that boy did not sneeze one time.

Okay next story, this past weekend he came to visit me in Michigan and stayed at my apartment for 3 days, same story friends... not one sneeze. I was less frustrated with this past experience and simply chalked it up to 'man this kid doesn't ever sneeze unless he's sick so if I want to hear him sneeze I'll have to call him tons while he's sick'... that's it. end of story.


So yesterday (the day he left to go home) we had a big blow out fight and today (Tuesday) I was on the phone with him trying to sort through our drama, about an hour into our conversation (which let me say, the farthest thing from my mind was him sneezing) i'm talking to him on the phone and without warning and no build up i hear... HAACCCHOO, muffled like he did it in his sleeve or kleenex, some sniffles and a 'uuuggghh' I'm unable to believe my ears and stopped dead in my tracks (i was walking into a building) I blessed him as non chalantly as I can, (he doesn't know and i have absolutely no intention of telling him or anyone else). UNBELIEVABLE FRIENDS UNBELIEVABLE.

Hope this wasn't too hard and random to read, i'm no good at this but I love this site and you guys are the best, I thought i was such a freak before I found this site.

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This can happen sometimes...inasmuch that you may knock around with someone for literally years and just never see them sneeze. Then one day....it suddenly happens without warning.

Last year, I was living with a lady I had known for some ten years. She could sneeze up a storm (40t in one fit the record) but unfortunately, she is a chronic alcoholic who has since moved on. A few months ago, I began....socialising........with her sister, Sharon.

I had never seen Sharon sneeze until one afternoon two weeks ago. I was driving us to my place to...um.....enjoy ourselves..lol.....when she caught a neat half-stifle in her hand.

It was what I had been waiting for for eighteen months. Now I have to find ways to spend more time with her in an attempt to witness her sneeze properly.

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Wow, well, I do have to say, first of all, I'm glad he finally sneezed for you, and over the phone, too!!! :uhoh: Second of all, coming from someone who rarely ever sneezes, it does sometimes just happen that way. And you know, there are people I've seen and worked with for over 5 years now, that I've never seen sneeze. It is frustrating, but well worth it when they finally do let go!

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I'm glad I'm not involved with a sneeze fetishist, as I hardly ever sneeze and cannot induce successfully . . . I'd feel bad about being such a washout :uhoh:

Glad you finally got a sneeze . . . do you have a good auditory memory, so you can "replay" it?

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Oh I know what you mean about having one person really pull your strings. I have the same feeling! And my life is frustrating as well because now that he KNOWS I have the fetish, he has this mental block and can't sneeze when I'm around!! AUGHH! But congrats on your recent observation. XD

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I hate when the people that you really would love to hear sneeze don't! I'm glad you finally got a sneeze out of him.

What tends to happen to me, is that the people that I like now, don't sneeze, BUT when I met them for the first time and hadn't started liking them, they sneeze then! At least three guys that I've semi-fancied are like this: the first time I met all of them, they sneezed. Since then, nada. Sure, I can recall this, and now it's quite cool, but it can't compare to the real deal!

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  • 3 months later...
This can happen sometimes...inasmuch that you may knock around with someone for literally years and just never see them sneeze. Then one day....it suddenly happens without warning.

Last year, I was living with a lady I had known for some ten years. She could sneeze up a storm (40t in one fit the record) but unfortunately, she is a chronic alcoholic who has since moved on. A few months ago, I began....socialising........with her sister, Sharon.

I had never seen Sharon sneeze until one afternoon two weeks ago. I was driving us to my place to...um.....enjoy ourselves..lol.....when she caught a neat half-stifle in her hand.

It was what I had been waiting for for eighteen months. Now I have to find ways to spend more time with her in an attempt to witness her sneeze properly.

Bumping this thread to say that Sharon did it again. In the 7 to 8 months that we've socialised....very casually, making love only about three times, I witnessed her second sneeze....an even more perfect stifle. (if there is such a thing).

We were at the Australian equivalent of the State Fair and she was dressed to accentuate her almost hourglass figure (not bad at all for 54) . Walking into a crowded pavillion on our way to see the cat display, she paused mid-sentence and brought her hand up to her face giving my brain just enough time to send the message "Is she gonna do it?"

After about one and a half second's pause in which I was, unfortunately, unable to see if there was a pre-sneeze expression, she released a solid stifle into her hand, following it with "Pardon me" before continuing talking.

Needless to say, I was completley jsklskivgklp about this.....but I have resolved not to tell her and hope that, one day, she will sneeze openly as it sounds like she could have a good, hard sneeze if she didn't stifle it.

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