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Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue


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ok...I hope you like this.....and i know he normally plays the base, but i found a pic of him with an ovation guitar, and i had to use that guitar.... laughing.gif *has a thing for ovations* rolleyes.gif

so...ok...i ventured out of cartoonish style and back into my realism....hope you enjoy.... blushing.gif


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WHOA! :whistle2:

Oh my, that is lovely! I LOVE how you draw his clothes! Mmmmm...musicians... :uhoh:

Thanks for sharing :eek:

Edited by VoOs
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Oh my. :uhoh: Just saw this as i was replying to a lovely comment in one of my previous artwork threads :wub:

that is GORGEOUS. Mmm... hunky, hippie*ish* men (dont know who he is so im staying safe with *ish* incase he's not :wub: 0

with guitars... :blink::wub::eek::bag::wub::whistle2: <-- (wha? :omg: )

*saves and sighs* I love your stuff chui :wub:

Edited by (hippo)
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DEAR TINY 8 POUND BABY JESUS! This drawing way exceeds anything I ever could have imagined! chui, you are amazing! And Nikki Sixx is friggin' hot in this drawing! I actually was going to ask you to use the guitar, but then kept thinking to myself, "But he plays the bass." So, it must be some sort of mental thingie that you found a picture of him with the guitar, because that's actually what I really wanted!!! ***DIES WITH COMPLETE AND TOTAL PLEASURE*** I must go and take care of myself now. :whistle2: I am going to save this to my computer, and then I'm going to print it out as soon as I have some ink, and then I'm going to display it in my locker at work, it's so yummy!

Thank you again, chui, you are awesome! :uhoh::eek:

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Okay, pardon me while I go die somewhere, because guitars and sneezing? That's like my two favourite things together in one picture. I'm not too hip on Motley Crue but I sure as heck don't care right now. It's just damn hot and that's all that matters.

Excellent way of drawing the folds and stuff in the clothes as well, and very good pose. And hands. Heck, it's all so good that I am having trouble picking out specific things to compliment.

Must go look about 576 more times now...

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You are soooo totally awesome chui!! Now please excuse me while I gawk over this drawing for the next 24 hours.

~Tubas :)

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you guys rock so much....VoOs, KK, Tubas, Hippo..thank you so much!! you are all so incredibly talented that i get all Giggly McStupid at your liking my stuff....


and Sneesee....im ever so pleased you like it!!


*runs around like a blithering idiot for just a little while*

*gets chased by muses who pounce upon and pin down*

*might be a while fore i escape to my pencil....fights to get away...*


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Did I not TELL YOU it was awesome?? Did I not TELL YOU people would go JFSLDKFJDSF over it?? Did you LISTEN to me??


I told you so...



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Did I not TELL YOU it was awesome?? Did I not TELL YOU people would go JFSLDKFJDSF over it?? Did you LISTEN to me??


I told you so...





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