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Sneeze Fetish Forum

sneezes attack

Guest sandy from paris

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Guest sandy from paris

Hello !!!!

I have a lot of sneeze attack and i would like to know what can i do for stop the sneezes !!!!

Because even if i love sneezing ..it's very embarrasing when i have that at work !!

I would like to know if you have some ideas just for stop the sneezes because when i star sneezing i can't do anything else !!it's very long and embarrasing !!! My nose itchy a lot and i need to sneeze a lot !!!!

I have to say that i love sneezing when i am at home on my own but when ithe fit happens at work it's ....grrrrrrrr !!!! lool

do you know what i mean ???

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Je dois dire que you sound like the sort of person most of us dream about...

Since I don't sneeze anything like enough myself, I would approach the problem from another angle. and say that the solution is not to cut down on the lovely sneezes, but on the embarrasssment. I can't really imagine that anyone is going to object to your sneezing, unless perhaps your work involves operating a chain saw or attending a theatrical/musical performance or religious ceremony. And even then only if your sneezes are particularly loud.

But I expect there are lots of people who will be able to advise you otherwise.

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Je suis d'accord avec le count de tiza, Mais la seule chose que je suggérerais est de pincer votre droite de nez quand vous sentez un éternuement avancer. Alors vous pouvez voir si cela peut l'arrêter, mais si vos éternuements sont forts, alors je n'ai pas vraiment une solution pour vous. J'ai oublié de dire, accueillir au forum ! :)



I agree with count de tiza,

But the only thing I would suggest is to pinch your nose right when you feel a sneeze coming on. Then you can see if that can stop it, but if your sneezes are strong, then I dont really have a solution for you. I forgot to say, Welcome to the forum! :drool:

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Drugs. Drugs are good.


but really, i'd agree with Tubas by pincing your nose.

Otherwise, if you're embarassed, just keep them as quiet as possible to not draw attention to yourself. :drool: good luck :omg:

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Pinching your nose.......well....you may as well say stifling.

The are some very strong and mixed opinions in this community over stifling. One thing about it, though, is that if you are a multiple sneezer (4 plus) stifling may make the fit even longer and you just keep sneezing.

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Drugs. Drugs are good.


but really, i'd agree with Tubas by pincing your nose.

Otherwise, if you're embarassed, just keep them as quiet as possible to not draw attention to yourself. :) good luck >:D

I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?


Antihistimines are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry, just had to :innocent: but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to :wheels: but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to ;) but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

Which are actually the worst! :rolleyes:

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to :laugh: but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

Which are actually the worst! ;)

And unfortunately, the bulk of my symptoms. :laugh: For me, the sneezing and stuffy nose just get annoying after awhile, but the other stuff really starts to interfere with my life. :rolleyes: Plus the other symptoms are the ones that can get scary. At least for me...but I can be a wuss.

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to :wub: but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

Which are actually the worst! :drool:

And unfortunately, the bulk of my symptoms. :drool: For me, the sneezing and stuffy nose just get annoying after awhile, but the other stuff really starts to interfere with my life. :rolleyes: Plus the other symptoms are the ones that can get scary. At least for me...but I can be a wuss.

Ditto here. A couple of Saturdays ago I decided to omit most of my allergy meds (to test how my shots were working)and go out to mow the grass. . . have not been that sick in awhile! Had to have been in the top 5 Stupid Things I Have Done in My Life. :wub:

Here I am, threadjacking again. . . .sorry. :wub:

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I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to ;) but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

Which are actually the worst! :lol:

And unfortunately, the bulk of my symptoms. :hug: For me, the sneezing and stuffy nose just get annoying after awhile, but the other stuff really starts to interfere with my life. :rolleyes: Plus the other symptoms are the ones that can get scary. At least for me...but I can be a wuss.

Ditto here. A couple of Saturdays ago I decided to omit most of my allergy meds (to test how my shots were working)and go out to mow the grass. . . have not been that sick in awhile! Had to have been in the top 5 Stupid Things I Have Done in My Life. :rolleyes:

Here I am, threadjacking again. . . .sorry. :blushing:

most of us, myself included don't think much about the other symptoms.

Not saying i don't care, just that when fetish mode kicks in, you think of the sneezing part more than anything else.

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i know really good what u mean it happens the same with me in this period of pollen allergy my nose is always tickling and i have always he feeling of a sneez coming

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Guest sandy from paris
i know really good what u mean it happens the same with me in this period of pollen allergy my nose is always tickling and i have always he feeling of a sneez coming

oh i am happy to be not the only one with that's feeling !!

In adition i see that you are 23 years old and i am 19 years old !!

Where are u from ???

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Guest sandy from paris
hey nice to meet you if u would like we could talk an yahoo or aim

i don't know how to do !!!!

have u got skype or Msn messenger ????

how can i do for talking to u with yahoo??? please

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Sandy, I hear that you have Skype, I'm Chris, a 23 year old from California...I also have skype as well, but I haven't used it much before.

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Guest sandy from paris

ok chris and star23 !!! :laugh:

I haven't got skype for the moment !!

My msn is in my profile.

i hope that i am going to talk to u soon :D

Mod Note: Edited to remove contact info ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm serious. Antihistamines rock. (no flames, folks)

Surely they must have Claritin in France, no?

sorry, just had to :lol: but seriously, meds to minimize the sneezing for work is OK

And they're ok for getting rid of all the other non-sneezy symptoms as well.

Which are actually the worst! :wub:

And unfortunately, the bulk of my symptoms. :lol: For me, the sneezing and stuffy nose just get annoying after awhile, but the other stuff really starts to interfere with my life. :) Plus the other symptoms are the ones that can get scary. At least for me...but I can be a wuss.

Ditto here. A couple of Saturdays ago I decided to omit most of my allergy meds (to test how my shots were working)and go out to mow the grass. . . have not been that sick in awhile! Had to have been in the top 5 Stupid Things I Have Done in My Life. :lol:

Here I am, threadjacking again. . . .sorry. :lol:

most of us, myself included don't think much about the other symptoms.

Not saying i don't care, just that when fetish mode kicks in, you think of the sneezing part more than anything else.

My problem is horrible congestion; to the point where I can barely breathe. :laugh:

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