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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Uninduced Pepper Sneeze


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Normally I don't really consider the observations I see on a regular day as noteworthy enough to post, but the one I encountered today was very remarkable (at least to me).

Today I went to a sandwich joint with a few coworkers for our lunch break. I was standing in line behind my friend, waiting for her to finish her order. While I was waiting for her to finish, I couldn't help but notice the cashier: he was in his 20s, tall, blond, had bright blue eyes, a great smile – just a good-looking guy. My friend finished ordering, so I stepped up to give my order. As I was approaching, I noticed he started getting a desperate pre-sneeze look on his face: raised eyebrows bunched in the middle, open and slightly frowning mouth, hitching breath, the works. I took me a while to register what was really going on (it usually does – I'm not too quick on the uptake at times, it seems), so I must have had a very confused look on my face. He looked at me, still very sneezy-looking, and started laughing a little. He said, "I'm sorry, hold on. I have to... heh... sneeze...." He turned his face away from me so I could get a good look at his profile; he raised his fist a few inches away from his face and sneezed: HEH-chuuu. After he sneezed his first sneeze, he ducked behind the large soda dispenser, blocking him from my sight; he sneezed two more times: heh-chew... HEH-CHOO. I wanted to call out to him and tell him he didn’t have to duck behind the soda dispenser, but I have at least some self restraint. Heh.

I have to say right now that I am a very cheerful person. I'm always smiling or laughing about something. So through this whole scene, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. It's what I do. So when he returned from behind the soda dispenser, he saw my big grin. He looked very embarrassed, but he smiled back. He was bright red and laughing when he said, "I'm sorry. That always happens when I use the pepper."'

I was thinking Oh my God, did that just actually happen?; what I said was, "Oh, it's okay! Don't worry about it."

Then we both laughed about it, and he took my order. It was adorable and pretty much straight out of a few erotic fantasies of mine -- so, yes, it was pretty awesome. I kind of regret that it didn't occur to me to bless him, but I was too shocked to be at my best I suppose.

The funny thing is I don’t remember him putting any pepper on anything. He was at the cash register the whole time. Maybe he was making a sandwich earlier in the day and his nose had been tickling him for a while. If so? Hot. I like to imagine it that way. :)

Edited by Green
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What very awsomely hot obs! I loved this ob... I'm also slow when it comes to this kind of thing, but if I knew I was smiling in this situation like you, I'd try to fight my smile, out of embarressment :)

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I wanted to call out to him and tell him he didn’t have to duck behind the soda dispenser, but I have at least some self restraint. Heh.

Oh, that would have been great if you had. :) What a wonderful situation you found yourself in. And you described it so well!

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Very,very hot!! It's probably good that you were smiling so much, because it was probably less embarrassing for him than it could have been, had you been someone more unfriendly (without a fetish :wheels:) Thanks so much for sharing this! You described it really well.

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That sounds like it's straight out of one of my fantasies, too! Wow, very hot! :drool: I loved everything about this obs! Thank you for sharing, you lucky woman, you! :rolleyes:

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My GOD, that was yummy!! :rolleyes: You are SO lucky to get to witness something like that, I'm totally jealous! :drool:

Awesome obs, thank you for sharing!

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Woah! I think I need a fan or something right now. That was h-o-t. I would have loved to experience that! Thanks for sharing this awesome obs with us!

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Aw, thanks for the compliments, guys. I really appreciate it.

but if I knew I was smiling in this situation like you, I'd try to fight my smile, out of embarressment

I don't know if it's because I came late into the fetish or what, but I never really get embarrassed in situations that involve sneezing -- unless it turns nasty of course, and in that case I'm embarrassed for the sneezer. I do usually get disgusted if a family member sneezes, or someone I find really unattractive (inside and out) or I dislike a lot sneezes. I look at it this way: this is a situation where a non-fetishist would find pretty funny, right? So the smile wasn't disturbingly unusual. He just doesn't know the reason I'm smiling. [Cue evil cackling here.]

It's probably good that you were smiling so much, because it was probably less embarrassing for him than it could have been, had you been someone more unfriendly (without a fetish)

I'm afraid I probably embarrassed the poor guy more by smiling. But hopefully I made it better by saying it was okay (I would have said it in any case; he looked so embarrassed!).

He was embarrassed, but not enough to stifle!

I think they were too strong for him to even attempt stifling. If he had tried, his head might have exploded. (Ew.)

Thanks again, guys!

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