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I need to start carrying 3 hankies i think (m self obs)


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Hi all,

Couldn't believe it yesterday my allergies were soooo bad. I knew they were going to be bad as soon as I woke up. I sneezed about 6 times soon after waking up and had to blow my nose about 5 times. each blow was really thorough blowing each nostril about 4 times then both together for a series of head clearing honks. before I went out yesterday morning I put one of my biggest white hankies in my pocket. I'd have to blow often , I was sure of that! I sneezed on an off all day and night, really wet loud sneezes. Of course this led to a lot of noseblowing. Normally I try to hold back in public but yesterday I was sooooo desperate to try and clear my nose that I kept having to honk loudly. I'm sure it's about the only time I've blown sooo loud and so often in public. I only unfolded the hanky a quarter each time I blew so that the hanky wouldn't get tooo messy (too much info sorry).

Maybe tonight I'll carry 2 or 3 hankies or take a couple of those pocket packs of tissues. I've already used one hanky today, glad I own a lot!

I wish I could get my nose really clear without honking like an elephant!

Is anyone else having the same problem?



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Bless you! I can sympathize with your dilemma; one day this week I soaked a hanky in less than an hour!

I'm usually not shy about blowing my nose in public, but I was in a meeting this week and I could feel my nose filling. I wanted to hold off blowing my nose until after the meeting, but I finally got to the point where I couldn't wait. I took out my hanky and started to blow discretely, but it seemed like the more I blew, the more I needed to blow! Thank goodness I started with a fresh hanky!

By the way, even though I know it's tempting, resist using tissues: your nose will thank you!

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then both together for a series of head clearing honks.

I love that turn of phrase you have - "head clearing honks"! Perhaps it because I'm another hayfever suffering guy that I know exactly what you mean! That feeling, in the midst of an allergy attack, is the best relief in the world, isn't it? Medication is great, but it doesn't compare with being able to blow like a foghorn and just blast that itch out of there.

I'm sure it's about the only time I've blown sooo loud and so often in public.

I had a hayfever attack last summer, when I went to see my folks in my old home town, and I was walking through a public car park when I just had to let loose with a massive, bass-note blow to keep my nose from running. I think that was the loudest I had ever blown my nose in public, and helped cure me of my shyness a tiny bit. It did earn me some curious looks, though!

I wish I could get my nose really clear without honking like an elephant!

I've made my peace with it, I think, although I'm still a bit shy about it. The alternative would be not to be able to get my nose clear at all! It's interesting that you can blow your nose quite skillfully, alternating nostrils, without honking. I can't help it! But I guess it just doesn't feel the same without that honk. I sometimes think that the vibration from the honk is what helps me get at all the tickles from the pollen - kind of a way of scratching those allergic itches by making your whole nasal cavity resonate with the sound.

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