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Friend obs (f)


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Yesterday in my neck of the woods was clear, dry and windy, and it's grass pollen season, so conditions were perfect for an observation.

I took yesterday afternoon off of work and met my friend B at a local village for shopping and lunch before we went to a concert in our capital city. I've posted an obs about B before, but long long ago, so let me tell you a bit about her. She's about 5' 7", blond highlighted hair, blue eyes, rather curvaceous, nice legs (not that I look! :omg: ). She also is allergic to just about everything on the planet, as far as I can tell, and sneezes a LOT, all the time. And she isn't shy about talking about allergies, either; in fact, if you get her going, she'll rattle on and on until you can barely stand it any more. (Well, at least I can't stand it any more, if you catch my drift.) You can tell that I was looking forward to this little trip of ours for more than one reason. :o

As soon as I drove up and met B at the coffee shop, she started complaining about the grass pollen making her contacts uncomfortable. Well, it wasn't complaining, exactly, I suppose -- just a constant theme throughout the afternoon and evening, as she repeatedly took her contacts out, rewetted them, and reinserted them. This was a harbinger of things to come, I knew.

We walked from the coffee shop to a little cafe where we decided to have our lunch. No sooner had we been seated, but B said, "ohhh," in a kind of moaning voice, had about a half second of a very sneezy look on her face, eyes closed, nose wrinkled (which I only saw out of the corner of my eye), and proceeded to bring her napkin up to her face with both hands and sneeze into it.

Now, B's sneezes are absolutely rapid machine-gun fire. Although I haven't timed her (that would be kind of weird, wouldn't it? and obvious! :nohappy: ), it would not surprise me if she normally sneezed 10 times in 5 seconds or less; that's how fast her sneezes erupt. I have never heard anyone sneeze as fast as B does. And she can't take a breath in between them, they burst out so fast and so desperately. And when she gets around cats, like at my house, her fits can go on for a long, long, long time. Needless to say, I do enjoy being her friend (and inviting her over for dinner). :innocent:

This time, however, she only sneezed 7 times, so it sounded like this: "HA-isshoo, isshoo, isshoo, isshooo, isshoo, isshoo, isshoo," and then she finally took a long, quavery intake of breath, still looking sneezy, and I think she thought there were more sneezes to come, but she was done for the time being.

Of course, after that B had to start talking about her allergies, as she quite often does after a sneezing fit. She was sneezing so much, she said, because she ran out of the house that morning without taking her Zyrtec (a strong antihistamine), and grass pollen is her worst allergy. She mentioned that it was particularly bad that day because it was so windy, which blew the pollen all around. I commiserated with her and whined a little about the high mold count, too, which was plaguing me that day. We then had to have a long discussion about allergy meds -- what she uses, what I use -- and allergy shots, and eye allergies, and all sorts of things like that which are of little or no interest to you, Dear Readers, and so I'll skip over them. Suffice to say that I really enjoy talking to B about her allergies. . . . . During our talk, B did tell me to remind her when we got in the car to drive to the concert to take her Zyrtec, but. . . somehow I forgot. :innocent: I think I had a lot on my mind, or something. :wub:

Getting to the city, we had dinner outside on a patio, and there were, of course, more sneezes from B. This time we were chatting, the 3 of us (we'd picked up our mutual friend S on the way), and B was in the midst of saying something when she had another attack, shorter this time, but just as sudden and intense. On this occasion she didn't have time to use her napkin, so she sneezed into her right fist. I think there were 5 that time, "HA-isshoo, isshoo, isshoo, isshoo, isshhoo" in about 2 seconds flat. Despite that sneezy reminder, I again forgot to tell B to take her Zyrtec. I think maybe I was focused on our conversation this time, and that's why it slipped my mind. :innocent:

The final time that B sneezed was at the concert. We were sitting up in the balcony of this bar, and about halfway through the set my own nose began to itch, and so I sat there surreptitiously rubbing it in the darkness, trying not to sniffle during the song. . . . but what made my nose merely itch, made B sneeze. These sneezes were very loud, harsh, and fewer -- only 3 -- but didn't seem to be very enjoyable for B; they sounded like they hurt a lot. And I'm pretty sure that everyone in the concert hall could hear them (which doesn't bother B, because she is used to it and not self-conscious). B whispered to me, "Darn, I forgot to take my Zyrtec!" This time I took pity on her, because her sneezes sounded absolutely painful, so I offered her my emergency Zyrtec pill from my purse pillbox, which she gratefully accepted. Of course, the consequences of my being a Good Samaritan was that B failed to sneeze the rest of the night, but regardless. . . . I couldn't very well let her be miserable the rest of the night, could I? :omg:

Still and all, a very enjoyable outing for a number of reasons. ;)

And oh yeah -- the concert was terrific. :blushing:

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My word supply is running low (who would have thunk it, hell must be freezing right now o.O) so just a plain thanks for that, it was a good read and a good obs ^.^= *thumb up*

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sneeze catcher

Nice to see you back here again. It's been a while. Hope things are going well for you. Greats obs by the way.

Edited by Akutenshi
removed quoted text since it pasted about 4 times.
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Nice to see you back here again. It's been a while. Hope things are going well for you. Greats obs by the way.

Thanks, it's good to be back. . . . :P

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That was very good of you to give her some of your allergy medicine. Can't say that I would have been so generous. :drool:

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That was very good of you to give her some of your allergy medicine. Can't say that I would have been so generous. :pooh:

Wellllll, there's forgetting, and then . . . . .there's cruel. (Not being a cruelty fan is another reason why I won't answer Fifi's poll as "sadist"! :bounce: ) I'm ok with the former, not with the latter. Besides, she was sitting about 2 feet behind me, essentially sneezing on to the back of my head (which some of you would enjoy, I know :( ), and when she sneezed, I couldn't hear the darn singer! :censored: And I'd had plenty of fun earlier. . . . . .

Also, grass season is just getting started here, and in about 3 weeks, B and S and I will be going to an outdoor play. So more observations will be forthcoming. I can't wait! :skull2:

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WOOOOOOO to the rapid fire

Yessiree, Bob!

(Sorry, an uncontrollable urge to say that just came over me. You may slap me now.) :(

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That was very good of you to give her some of your allergy medicine. Can't say that I would have been so generous. :twisted:

Besides, she was sitting about 2 feet behind me, essentially sneezing on to the back of my head (which some of you would enjoy, I know :rofl: ), . . . . .


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Brilliant story. I love all that sneezy talk; itt's such fun keeping it going with an unsuspecting victim, I mean friend. I don't know why you should feel guilty about the pill business; if she really minded you'd think she would remember these things herslf; why does she make you responsible?

But I've noticed this with sneezy people; they are always the ones with no hankies and no medicines; perhaps they really enjoy it....?

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Brilliant story. I love all that sneezy talk; itt's such fun keeping it going with an unsuspecting victim, I mean friend. I don't know why you should feel guilty about the pill business; if she really minded you'd think she would remember these things herslf; why does she make you responsible?

But I've noticed this with sneezy people; they are always the ones with no hankies and no medicines; perhaps they really enjoy it....?

Gee, thanks, count! :wub: Really, it's B who keeps this talk going and going; I just encourage her. You know, I wonder whether she DOES really enjoy sneezing so much. . . . she doesn't ever really take enough meds to control it . . . . maybe I should just ask her if she has the fetish! Perhaps I can sneak in that question when we go to the GB Shaw play outside in 2 weeks. . . .after we've had a few beverages. :blushing:

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sneeze catcher
That was very good of you to give her some of your allergy medicine. Can't say that I would have been so generous. :lol:

Wellllll, there's forgetting, and then . . . . .there's cruel. (Not being a cruelty fan is another reason why I won't answer Fifi's poll as "sadist"! :blushing: ) I'm ok with the former, not with the latter. Besides, she was sitting about 2 feet behind me, essentially sneezing on to the back of my head (which some of you would enjoy, I know :wub: ), and when she sneezed, I couldn't hear the darn singer! :blushing: And I'd had plenty of fun earlier. . . . . .

Also, grass season is just getting started here, and in about 3 weeks, B and S and I will be going to an outdoor play. So more observations will be forthcoming. I can't wait! :blushing:

Besides, she was sitting about 2 feet behind me, essentially sneezing on to the back of my head (which some of you would enjoy, I know :lol: ),

I wonder which one of us it is? lol

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