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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Female Obs

Guest homeboy1969_2000

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Guest homeboy1969_2000

Here’s my first post to the obs. I hope you will like it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it!

Last week, I was conducting an informal training seminar. About mid way through it, one of the very pretty female students announced, “I have to sneeze!” She waved her arm around her face and proceeded to whip out 4 in a row, with barely a breath in between. Each one, quite powerful jerking her head forward & backward. Afterwards, she politely apologized for the interruption blaming her allergies. I had no problem with the interruption!

Ten minutes later, she sneezed 6 more times, in rapid fire succession. She then joked that she must be allergic to all of us. Her co-workers mentioned that she never sneezes just once! I was not to be disappointed!

A few minutes later, 4 more sneezes in a row! Later in the morning, she sneezed another 5 in a row!

For me, it was a tad distracting but well worth it!

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