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The Lost Sneeze


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Talk about frustrating!

Let's see if I can do a quick background here. Where I work I'm on a team. My team is great. Good people. But right now we are spread out all over the departments floor. Unfortunatley, the move that will bring us all to one close area wont be till the start of next year. And because of the time of year right now, we're really busy and haven't had the chance to have a team meeting in a very long time. This morning was our first team meeting. We were sitting in the meeting room and I was sitting about two people away from this one guy on my team. Nice guy and not bad looking at all. He's tall, lean, dark short hair and has a nose that is sloped and round at the end. His nostrils are long and arch on the top. This is someone that I've been curious to see sneeze. Because I sit NO where near him, I don't get that chance.

Well during our meeting, he was doing allot of sniffing. :rofl: I was trying to keep my eyes peeled with my peripheral vision. Well the sniffing continued and the rubbing of the nose. I noticed that he started to move around a bit in his seat. I didn't dare look at his face, but he must have had quite the pre-sneeze look because in the middle of everyone chatting back and forth, I heard my supervisor whisper "bless you" before he even got the sneeze out! :D

I quicked, yet nonshalantly peered in his direction and he had surely lost it. :blushing: He quickly sat upright in his chair and lean back in a stiff manner. He was clearly uncomfortable. And sort of sighed. He was probably glad that he didn't sneeze in the middle of this meeting. That's probably where the sigh came from.

Needless to say, I could barely concentrate on the meeting after that. I was busy listening to his continued sniffling and perfecting my peripheral vision techniques. All the while thinking how I wanted to strangle my supervisor. :lol:

I can't wait till we all sitting next to eachother. I have a feeling that sneeze would have been a good one.

Edited by Jasmine
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Very frustrating! I hate it when someone speaks to a sneezer who is clearly in the "building up" stage . . . it's so easy to scare them off at that point. That is, I fear, the risk of buildups . . . they're so sexy, but they can be interrupted. *sigh*

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Very frustrating! I hate it when someone speaks to a sneezer who is clearly in the "building up" stage . . . it's so easy to scare them off at that point. That is, I fear, the risk of buildups . . . they're so sexy, but they can be interrupted. *sigh*


and I REALLY hate it if someone does it to ME!

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and I REALLY hate it if someone does it to ME!

Yes. Absolutely. That sucks too. I've had that happen to me.

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Yeah, I really hate it when someone interrupts the sneeze like that! Too bad, Jasmine. It's always such a thrill when someone you've been waiting to see/hear sneeze finally does! I bet he hated that feeling of losing it. I know I always do! :laugh:

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I used to work at Target, sort of( I worked for a StarBucks within a target, but still concidered working for target), is that where you work? Although I don't remember team meetings... I do remember people were considered team members verses employees, so that 's where that question came from :innocent: to bad your supervisor scared away that guys sneeze, it sounds like he would have had a good sneeze, too :evil:

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I hope you do manage to see this man sneeze - it will be interesting, however it turns out to be.

But you are right - people who jump the gun for a blessing... are a curse! It seems to scare away the sneeze - like Jasmine, I have experienced it too. Frustrating and embarrassing!

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Oh man let me smack :drool: the supervisor for you. I really hate people that do that. Hopefully a chance to see him sneeze will come soon for you. :P

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