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Post from an allergy board


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Found this post on an allergy web board that I visit from time to time:

"I've been allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat hair, grass, and much much more all my life. Yesterday I did the mistake of going to jog at a dirt track and got one of the worst allergies I've had in about 5 years. I sneezed about 100 times in 2 hours. My eyes are red, itchy and watery and I sneeze if I just touch my nose--it's bad. I've taken 3 claritins, two sudafeds and sprayed some nasonex but i still have my allergies. I'm about to go to the Doctor in a couple of hours and wanted to know what presciptions meds you guys recommend for me. Can the doctor give me an antihistamine shot of some sort considering this allergic attack is really bad? Any suggestions are well appreciated..."

Oh my. :evil: Um, yes, I have a suggestion. . . . :innocent:

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Yeah, poor guy (tongue heavily in cheek :P )

Of course I can probably sympathize, since the only phamaceuticals that ever brought me any relief were the generic drugstore brand...

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Yeah, poor guy

Wait, is he a guy? :wub: I was reading it and wishfully thinking of a girl... poor girl XD

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Yeah, poor guy

Wait, is he a guy? :wub: I was reading it and wishfully thinking of a girl... poor girl XD

I don't think the sex of the poster was clear from the post.

You may imagine a him, or a her, as you see fit; whatever floats your boat. :blushing:

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Yeah, poor guy (tongue heavily in cheek :wub: )

Of course I can probably sympathize, since the only phamaceuticals that ever brought me any relief were the generic drugstore brand...

Oh, I could have given all kinds of advice on that one . . . . but I chose not to. Let me know if YOU need any advice! :blushing:

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Found this post on an allergy web board that I visit from time to time:

"I've been allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat hair, grass, and much much more all my life. Yesterday I did the mistake of going to jog at a dirt track and got one of the worst allergies I've had in about 5 years. I sneezed about 100 times in 2 hours. My eyes are red, itchy and watery and I sneeze if I just touch my nose--it's bad. I've taken 3 claritins, two sudafeds and sprayed some nasonex but i still have my allergies. I'm about to go to the Doctor in a couple of hours and wanted to know what presciptions meds you guys recommend for me. Can the doctor give me an antihistamine shot of some sort considering this allergic attack is really bad? Any suggestions are well appreciated..."

Oh my. :wub: Um, yes, I have a suggestion. . . . :blushing:

umm... cold shower with pulsating massage head stat. :lol:

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Actually I can remember two seperate occasion from when I first started dating my sife that were just like s/he described, except not so many drugs and no doctor involved. Not so much in recent years (better meds) but it's pretty amazing to see something like that. Great post!

Edited by Niceguy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I'm gonna imagine this was a written by a guy in his thirties that looks allot like Tom Welling (Smallville) and I'm sitting on the bleachers next to this track watching. :rolleyes:<_<:fear:

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Wow. I'm gonna imagine this was a written by a guy in his thirties that looks allot like Tom Welling (Smallville) and I'm sitting on the bleachers next to this track watching. :rolleyes:<_<:fear:

Welling sure is a heartthrob, isn't he? Yummy. Great fantasy picture. . . . :2guns: Thanks for thinking of it!

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