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Guest iffthelurker

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Guest iffthelurker

So, last weekend, one of my muses decided to prod me. Naoji, the muse in my icon, decided that he was going to SHOVE this image in to my head of him, fast asleep on the couch, stuffed up from a miserable cold, and clutching a handkerchief. This, of course, made my panties ignite (I love it when my muses do that to me). He then convinced me to draw it. Okay...so I've been out of school for about 12 years now. I took Drawing I my senior year, and I haven't picked up my pencils since. I thought he was insane for even thinking that I could do it.

I have NEVER in my LIFE had a sketch come out as close to what was in my head as this one did. I'm glad that he pushed me to try it.


I hope you enjoy. Pointers and constructive criticism are always appreciated.

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Ok mate... that toning is to DIE FOR!! :cryhappy: im so very glad you've done this, and i hope you will be prodded... er.. motivated to keep it up, becuase really, drawing wrong stuff is SERIOUSLY fun :yes:

I would encourage you to try all sorts of angles and perspectives, becuase angles can really make the difference in making it bolder and drawing (scuse the pun) the viewer into the drawing, like involving them.

It's really gorgeous. VERY (very very very very) well done.

Thanks :hug:

EDIT: just re-viewing it; and the FACE is freaking AMAZING!!!! :bounce:

ok, that's all :blushing:

Edited by (hippo)
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WHOA! Stunning! :bounce:

My GOD, the shading is amazing! And he's so cute I just want to EAT him... :yes:

THANK YOU for sharing!

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Yeah right...that is NOT the work of someone who "hasn't picked up pencils" in 12 years!

The depth is stunning, especially on the face. It looks quite 3D and touchable! Or edible...yes, I do think I rather want to EAT that. And I love how the mouth is slightly open...it shows the fact that he must CLEARLY be very stuffed up and forced to breathe through his mouth and.......I'm going to go swoon and then die now, 'kay?

Thank goodness for Naoji's prodding. I hope he continues to be miserable for a while longer-so that you can get some more drawing time in, and not because miserable muses make me happy... :yes:

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i hope you dont mind that i fully intend to curl up next to him and kiss that open mouth...you just make it look so tempting...i cant help myself... :bounce: maybe if he's good ill bring him another kleenex. :yes:

seriously dear, such a wonderful job. im so glad you decided to start drawing again, and your depth of detail in the sketching is amazing. i cannot wait t see the results of the next prodding.... oh i absolutely love this..must now return to it and stare some more...

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Guest iffthelurker


OMG, y'all are awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! :hug:

(hippo), I also hope that I'll continue to be prodded. I'd love to be given nudges to try out different angles and perspectives. Thank you!!! And the face? That was the bit that convinced me that I could actually still draw.

VoOs, thank you!!! And yes, he is MOST edible, isn't he? He's the muse that keeps me calm when I need it and I love him for it.

KawaiiKitty, :blushing: after graduation, I'd gotten so disappointed in my attempts to draw (entirely composed of doodles in the margins of my notepads when I was bored during meetings) that I couldn't bring myself to try anything serious anymore. When I finally gave in to Naoji's prodding, I dug up (after quite a bit of hunting) the shoebox that I'd kept all of my drawing supplies in when I was in school, and everything was so covered with charcoal dust that none of it was usable. I had to start with a plain ol' #2 pencil (not soft enough for me!) and then make a trip to an arts supply store to replace everything. I'm so glad that it came out well after all that. The mouth was SO HARD to get right. 3/4 profile is hard enough, but with the open mouth, I had to erase so many times. Thank you for letting me know that it worked! And? *snicker* Between you, me, and VoOs, he's going to get eaten up 'til there's nothing left! :blushing: I definitely hope he allows me to torture himstays miserable a while longer too. And not for the same reasons as you at all. Nope! :winkkiss:

chui, I think at this rate that we'll have to move him to a bed for all the snuggling and kissing and eating that's going on right now. :drool: But you're more than welcome to. (Good or not though, you'll probably want to make sure he has sufficient tissues/handkerchiefs though...this has been a rather messy cold.) Thank you for encouraging me as I worked on it. :hug: I'm glad the result was pleasing.

Thank you, all of you, for your wonderfully encouraging words! I really do hope that the boys gift me with more lovely images like this and that my pencils continue to be found worthy.


Edited by iffthelurker
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OMG, I had no idea you could draw like that!!!! :blushing: Woman, that's BEAUTIFUL! I just love, love, LOVE how you did the shading on his face!!

Of course, you know I love the idea of Naoji passed out all sick-like. :drool: I hope you draw more in the future because your style is ferakin' AWESOME! :blushing:


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WOW Iffer!!!!! XD That is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! The shading / pose is just awesome, and ehehehe, I love it SO much that he's all miserable and wiped out from a cold! CUTE!!! :P

I'm really impressed!!!! Great, great job!!


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Guest iffthelurker


Thank you!!! :o

TeaParty, he IS a cutie, isn't he? Something about him in canon just makes me want to torture him with colds and wrongness. I'm so glad you liked it!

Aku, it's been so long since I'd tried that I had no idea I could draw like that. :bounce: I'm all kinds of happy that you like it! Thank you!!! And yes, the idea of Naoji passed out all sick-like makes me ALLLLLL kinds of happy in my pants! I've got plans for a certain image from the fic that we'd been poking at...was it last year?...but I'm having a hard time getting the angles of his arms right (and hakama are a BITCH to draw!).

Doji, thank you so very much!


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I think I'm of the same opinion as Aku--I had no idea you could draw like that! Just wow... That's amazing, and so adorable. I want to ruffle my hands through his hair or pull a blankee over his poor, exhausted self. Now, where can we both get flame-proof panties? :unsure:

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Oh it's just beautiful.

I'm speechless. :blushing::):unsure::laugh::omg:

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Guest iffthelurker


Thank you both!

MT11, I didn't really know I could either anymore. My skills had stagnated for so long (and given how much I'm struggling with my next attempt, they definitely need to be practiced quite a bit) that I was almost scared to pick up a pencil again. I'm glad you like it! And...I wish I knew where to get flame-proof panties because I've incinerated way too many lately.

Vetinari, :rolleyes: thank you very much!


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  • 1 month later...

awww jesus and everyone related to him, this just made my day! Poor boy! Shees, thank you, you owe me panties now. sdflkjsdflkjsdf.

Ahh how much I'd like to see the other boys from that series like this. They are like they were made for this. Especially that stuck-up blonde... gawd, what a mental image! Shame I can't draw... they were friends, right? Maybe they could... erm... confort each other... :rolleyes::D:)

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