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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First obs...


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OK, well here goes with my first obs – this is from mid-last week, I’d just finished my exams and I was sitting outside with my male friend, D. D is 20, dark-haired, tanned, well-built, and fairly good looking. His nose is pretty wide, sort of ‘fat’ looking (odd way to describe a nose, but it is!) and it’s not my favourite kind of nose, but his sneezes make up for it! D has hayfever, and I’ve heard him sneeze on several occasions before, but the most I’ve ever heard him come out with was 3, fairly spaced-apart sneezes.

Right, I’m awful at spelling sneezes, but I’ll just write some kind of noise down so you can get a better idea of how it all went, but the best way I can describe them is as being like Frankie’s on Bondi’s wav page, only deeper. Anyway, we were sitting on a bench and I was perched on the arm of it, directly facing him so I had a good view! He sneezed once, a strong ‘Uh-chshoo’, and I didn’t pay much attention to it really (he’s one of those people it kind of makes me uncomfortable to hear sneeze, don’t know why), and then about 5 seconds later he came out with another, pretty much identical ‘Uh-shoo’, turning his head to the side. (He was talking to me throughout all of this obs, by the way, but somehow managed to time the sneezes at natural pauses in his conversation). Now, he generally sneezes in singles, but I’ve heard him have an allergic triple, like I said, so here I started to think ‘Ooh, if these are hayfever sneezes, maybe there’s another one coming’  and sure enough there was, a slightly harsher ‘uhSHOo’. But then, another few seconds later he gave another ‘ugh-SHOO’ (sorry for not varying the ‘sounds’ of the sneezes here, but his all seriously sound exactly the same, powerful, fairly wet). Here I said, ‘Woah, D, how much do you wanna sneeze?!’ or some other ridiculous comment, and he replied ‘I’ve got hayfever, haven’t I?’. Next, for number five (yes, I was counting from the start!), came a massive build up, and here was the only time he noticeably had to stop mid-sentence, and turned his head slightly, inhaling with that desperate look, and then lost it, then did the same thing again, waving one finger slowly in my direction, in a sort of ‘hang on’ way, and finally let out this explosive ‘cuh-SHOO’, then carried on talking straight away again. THEN, my favourite bit, a few seconds after this (to which I went ‘woaaah, alright, stop it!’ – CLEARLY not meant!), directly facing me, he launched into a triple, with each sneeze immediately following the one before, but no less intense than the other, more spaced apart ones – ‘uh-chshoo-ugh-SHOO-uh-CSHOO’, half-heartedly holding a hand up a few inches from his face. Wow. I had never heard anything like this from him before, and then a girl came up and said hi, asked how he was and he told her he had hayfever and they then had a conversation about how she had for years, and she was recommending over the counter drugs for him to try. (Sadly I have since seen several packets of these tablets in his room, so am not very hopeful about seeing another fit like this!) Well, that was the end of that, but later on he was standing talking to someone across a field and I saw him sneeze as he was saying goodbye, and then twice on his own as he walked away, for the second bending over at the waist.

Well, that was it, hope you liked it!

C x

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Wow! That must have been exhausting - for your boyfriend, but I imagine for you as well! Very well described! Thank you!

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Next, for number five (yes, I was counting from the start!), came a massive build up, and here was the only time he noticeably had to stop mid-sentence, and turned his head slightly, inhaling with that desperate look, and then lost it, then did the same thing again, waving one finger slowly in my direction, in a sort of ‘hang on’ way, and finally let out this explosive ‘cuh-SHOO’, then carried on talking straight away again.

Ooooh this is my favorite bit!!!

Thanks for describing it so beautifully. And D sounds yummy by the way.

Edited by Vetinari
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Mmm, sounds like a classic hay fever fit; gorgeously described. I shouldn't worry about spellings or repetition; anyway your variation is most elegant; call me a minority, but some people do sneeze identically.

And welcome to the forum.

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Ooohhh so HOT!! :D:) :) I just love the rapid-fire triple! Excellent observation, THANK YOU for sharing all the yummy details with us! :laugh:

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