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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Parents sneezing


Parents sneezing  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Does (or did) your dad sneeze a lot?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know or don't remember
  2. 2. Does (or did) your mom sneeze a lot?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know or don't remember
  3. 3. Does (or did) your stepdad/stepmom sneeze a lot?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know or don't remember

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I was prompted to make this poll from the thread discussing whether the sneeze fetish is hereditary. In that thread, as well as from my discussions with other fetishists (and many, many posts on this board), there was a lot of mention of excessive sneezing by parents.

I'm wondering whether growing up or living in an environment where either of your parents sneezes excessively can give rise to the sneeze fetish in you and/or your siblings. I'll be interested to see what percentage of us have such parents.

For purposes of this poll, I'd define sneezing a lot as, for example, a parent having uncontrolled allergies or a similar condition causing them to sneeze more than, say, twice per day, on average.

I'm sure this must have been asked before, so forgive me if I'm repeating what has already been polled, but I'm quite curious. (And, of course, this being my first poll, please be kind if I mess it up!!)

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Let's see, my dad always sneezed a lot, because he has "hayfever." EWWWWWWW! And my mom never sneezed a lot, but when she does, it's friggin' loud, and makes my skin really crawl!

And I don't have any step-parents, so that question did not apply!

Cool poll, Trillium. :drool:

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My dad, too, sneezed a lot, and loud. Yup, pretty gross. :drool: And mom . . . . not a lot, but still. . . . :P

I just had another thought that I wanted to stick on here: I wonder if women sneeze fetishists by and large had dads who sneezed a lot, and men sneeze fetishists typically had moms who sneezed a lot. That so-important Oedipal influence. . . . .?

Edited by Trillium
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My mother sneezes often, though she doesn't have allergies. I've always hated the way she sneezes, and when I was a child, I told her so quite frequently.

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A LOT from my father, who always used to talk about his "hayfever," too. :drool: Not so much from my mother, thank god. No step parents.

Almost EVERYONE in my family has allergies and they always talk about it, however since most of them know about my fetish now, they rarely say anything anymore. Did I mention THANK GOD? :P


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My dad has hayfever, so he has a lot of fits in the spring. :drool: And my mom... well, she's just a very sneezy person. Her sneezes are loud. And wet. AND she often have this raelly long build-ups. :P I mean COME ON! That's the type of sneezing I would LOVE if it only wasn't my mom who was doing it! :bday::laugh:

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Well I've mentioned this in other related threads. When I was younger, 8 or 9, I shared a room with my mother. I use to catch her laying in her bed watching TV and she's be inducing. :bawl: It made me crazy. I'd put my pillow over my head to drowned her out. I'd make a noise so that she'd think I woke up and would stop. As I got older I noticed my grandfather would sneeze allot. It made me nuts. I hated it. :bawl: I loved him dearly, but when he'd get going I would run in the other room and blast my radio. My stepfather wasn't a big sneezer, but when he did he expected to be blessed. That made me nutty. My mother was the same. I can't imagine why she would be making herself sneeze. I don't know if she had it or has it, I never wanted to know. As crazy as it sounds, it's almost like not wanting to know that you mother has sex either with herself or someone else. I sure don't want to know that and I don't want to know if she has the fetish or not.

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I can't imagine why she would be making herself sneeze. I don't know if she had it or has it, I never wanted to know. As crazy as it sounds, it's almost like not wanting to know that you mother has sex either with herself or someone else. I sure don't want to know that and I don't want to know if she has the fetish or not.

I totally hear you on this one! I never, ever wanted to know about anything sexual between my parents! And still don't!

The only thing about your mom inducing, is that, I wonder if some people do it because they like the way sneezing feels? Even my non-fetish rfiends that know, have said they enjoy the way a good sneeze feels. I don't know. It's still icky to think about. You poor thing, having to witness that when you were so young. :bawl:

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Hmm, your theory's interesting trillium - neither of my parents are or ever have been big sneezers (fortunately!), and nor are any of my family who I spent a lot of time with growing up...but I wonder if there's still something in it??

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I don't think I have ever heard my father sneeze more than a single. My mother can sneeze ten times at a go. I must have inherited both - at times!

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My dad doesn't sneeze a lot, but when he does you have to take cover because it's frickin LOUD.

My mom sneezes WAY too much. She can do like eight in a row and it sucks.

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omg, my dad sneezes ALL the time!! its so annoying!! and its never just one sneeze, EVERY SINGLE time he sneezes, its always a fit. i find it horribly disgusting and it annoys the shit out of me.

my mom sneezes like once a day. depending on her allergies. so its not that bad, but still gross.

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Hmmm, so far it sounds like quite a few dads sneezing a lot and daughters with the fetish. More evidence for the Oedipal influence. . . .

We need more votes!!

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My dad has recently begun to wake up to a very loud and harsh sneezing fit every morning, but I'm pretty sure this is a relatively recent development. He claims to have developed an allergy to dust or mites and now has an obsession with air filters and other things. Luckily for me, he wakes up early, about 5am every morning, and I sleep like a rock so I don't even hear it. By the time I wake up, generally his sneezing fits have passed and he is fine for the rest of the day.

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In my case it was my our regulay baby sitter (lovely red headed high schooll student) who had chronic hayfever and sneezed a huge amount.

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My mom sneezes like crazy and when she sneezes it is normally about 8 or more times in a row and if she is sick she will sneeze over and over about 10 sneezes every 5 minutes

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