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Sneeze Fetish Forum

girls with handkerchiefs

Guest hankyinsleeve

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Guest hankyinsleeve

Hi, I'm a new member to this site. Found it by chance; couldnt believe my luck. It will be great to communicate with like-minded people. Anyway, would love to hear from girls who like to keep a hankie up their sleeve or carry them in their top pockets. Where are there photos of such delights? Some stories perhaps? I love to keep a hankie up my sleeve, normally fine swiss cotton but sometimes silk. There is nothing better than drawing a crisp handkerchief from the sleeve (I think so anyway) Let's hear from you girls!!!! Do you love to display your handkerchief?

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Guest hankyinsleeve

That sounds like like a nice idea. How much handkerchied is normally on display and what kind of hankies do you use?

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Welcome to the board.

In the related fetish section you will no doubt find what you are looking for.

If I remember well I have mentioned that habit in earlier posts ;)


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Guest hankyinsleeve

Thanks for that Countless. Did a search and found quite a few previous posts on carrying hankies/tissues up the sleeve. Do you have any new information or stories on this topic that you would like to share?

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  • 1 year later...

oh my word yyyeeesssss! cleavage is soooo sexy as a place for a woman to keep her handkerchieves!hope you actually get to read this -i'm a new member and didn't have a chance to post a reply before -know you left your comment around the time of the punic wars-sorry-hopeless romantic B)

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