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A Captain Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp sketch


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This is for Vetinari becuase her stories are AWESOME!!! bounce.gif


Heh, just came back from the movies after watching the AWESOME third Pirates of the Carribean.

About 30 or so minutes into the film (time loses me in movies wacko.png ) you see Jack sniffing his way along the table or whatever wooden surface it is, with a HUGE closeup for about 10 or so seconds on his twitching nose.

Now im not a fan of noses but i must say, he's got a bloody hot nose heh.gif

So, i was inspired. He's a complex little bugger to draw but i'll see what i can do to draw some more if i find the time. (Fif! i haven't forgotten you, i promise. hug.gif Snape and McEvilPants ( heh.gif ) are on their way heart.gif )

So, i hope you like it. And i hope you can read the text, Paint Shop wasn't being cooperative when i tried to mesh it in!


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Gah... :lol:

You did an EXTREMELY good job at him. I LOVE IT!!! :hug:

She will be very pleased! :)


Edited by Tubas
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I'm too lazy to type something enthusiastic. I will hump this picture after I print it---Um. You heard nothing. But THIS IS TOO HOT FOR WORDS -bows-

Hippo the art god has done it again <3

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Woah.. O___O Sexy, and you captured Jack Sparrow perfectly.. that's the way I imagine him holding his hands before sneezing. Mmm.. :wub:

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Thanks guys :(

Tubas: Thanks mate :consoling:

Baniira *loves Donatello*: Thankyou :hug:

Tangerine: thanks :) I hope i got his hands right :lol: The right one's a bit.... odd :wub: And his eyes are too close together but im being pedantic and i'm never really 100% happy with what i've done :angry:

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Hate to butt in, but most artists never really are, especially like me. XDDDD

But anyways..

I MIGHT have a little idea for our trade, Hippo-chan XD

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I MIGHT have a little idea for our trade, Hippo-chan XD

Hee!! Thanks mate! :laugh:

Looking VERY much forward to it ;)

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H-h-hippo... :laugh: :laugh:

IT'S JAAAAACK!!! ;) OMG, you draw him SO WELL...I almost fell of my chair when I first looked at this! MmmMMM, I love his expression! SO wonderful! :cryhappy:

THANK YOU for sharing! :lol:

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;) Holy-freakin-crap! It's a :) !!! JACK! *yells* I want to have your babies! *lol* Seriously, though, thats awesome, hippo! I love the way you did the hands- very Jack! Makes me wonder why hasn't anyone drawn him before?!
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i think my drool just shorted out my computer....thats what happens when i lick the screen i guess... :laugh: OMG!!! :cry: this is so amazing! i just love it!! *fangirls at shamelessly* i must save this one so i can goo over it later!!!!!

*runs around room in hysterics obver this awesomeness that is on the screen*

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Oh and did I say THANK YOU!

Your drawing is perfect :D and I love it!

Thank you! :lol::D

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That is SERIOUSLY hot. Honestly, I could completely see him holding his hand just like that prior to. :D

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Thanks guys :unsure: I love you all. And im glad you approve of the hands :blushing:

After i finish other stuff, i'll have a crack at some more Jack stuff :winkkiss:

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Just popped back in for another look.

It's still fabulous.......... :yes:

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Just popped back in for another look.

It's still fabulous.......... :starwars:

:hyp: That's gotta be the BEST use of a smiley.. :boom:

Thanks mate :thumbsup: I'm i HUGE fan of your stories and im so glad you like it :alien2:

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You're sketch is bloody BRILLIANT! :starwars: It's Captain Jack....Wow, I'm in heaven right now....*Hugs screen.* It looks just like him, you are a GREAT artist. I bow to you. :thumbsup:

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