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What the-- Garnet art?!


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Sorry I haven't been around the forum uhm... at all. Got some other stuff going on, but I sketched this up and figured I'd share.

I have no idea where this came from. Kisa and I were blabbing about stuff and I was doodling in OpenCanvas (which, if you haven't figured out by now, is a program that lets one or more people draw in synch with one another or, in our case, I draw and Kisa watches and we babble. It's a good thing). Anyway Schwarz came up annnd got drawn!

I will always have a soft-spot for pale, sneezy madmen. With cat allergies. And eyepatches. Gnoum.

Excuse the coloring, it was quick and I'm not used to doing it all on one layer.


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Holy.... gah!!! You're back!!! We missed you *I* missed you!! :)

Guh.... that's freaking amazing man! :laugh: :laugh: :cryhappy:

Scuse the... colouring????? It AWESOME thankyou very much ;)

Mate, what program do you use? :lol: If i attempted THAT on my crappy old Jasc Paint Shop it would fizzle up and die :)

Your art is BEAUTIFUL and I'm all inspired now :hug:

Thankyou for posting it! :)

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Holy.... gah!!! You're back!!! We missed you *I* missed you!! :)

Guh.... that's freaking amazing man! :laugh: :laugh: :cryhappy:

Scuse the... colouring????? It AWESOME thankyou very much ;)

Mate, what program do you use? :lol: If i attempted THAT on my crappy old Jasc Paint Shop it would fizzle up and die :)

Your art is BEAUTIFUL and I'm all inspired now :hug:

Thankyou for posting it! :)

Awww thanks, hippo, you're a sweetheart! The program I used for that (which is what lets you draw with other people and stuff) is called Open Canvas 1.1 which I believe you can download for free from just about anywhere, just google it. It's an ittybitty program, but it gives a nice painterly effect.

The full version of the latest is Open Canvas 4, which doesn't let you draw with other folks but it is just... godly as far as coloring goes, I use it for most of my other stuff. Very soft.

One of these days I will get a working copy of Corel Painter and make it my bitch! *fist-shake*

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Ooh... yay :cryhappy: *wanders off to google*

Does it agree with messy lines? :laugh: Like, how do you... how do i put this.... colour in lines that are...sketchy... ;)

I mean, i've just finished a Cap. jack sparrow sketch that's posted like two threads down from this at the moment.... if i clean it up a bit with a rubber is that possible to colour on that program? :laugh:

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Garnet, that is just perfect! I have no words... I can only bow to your awesomeness! ;)

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My darling~<3

Huhuhuhu. KEEDY! I swear to god, you're the only person in the world who could get me hot for Farffy. (Uncle Farfy!) Which is like, a big huge thing. XDD And HOT I am. Omg, I love this pic so muuuuuch! ;_; (Even if I did have to watch 1/2 of it with magic not-there lines. XD)

I had to say, though, while all the talk of OC is going on, I notice a lot of art done by the program and love it because of watching you for like...ever. XD It comes out SOOOO yummy and pretty and like you said, very soft.

Bwaha!!! We have a good working relationship even if I did there as WINGWANG and be amazed how neat everything is. :3 *kiss on*

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Hmm. That I'm not entirely sure about, hippo. I think if you were to color the Jack sketch (which is ten pounds of hot in a five pound bag, btw), it'd probably be a better bet to do it in Photoshop or Jasc, since OC 1.1 isn't quiiite advanced enough.

If you have Photoshop, I can help you set the lineart/layers up for it so you're literally coloring "under" the sketch, but on top of the white bits, I dunno how proficient in digital coloring you are so... :laugh:

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STEP AWAY FROM THE KITTY! O.o He's got a knife! *lol*

Awesome job, Garnet! I always love your artwork- and what are you talking about, the color looks great!

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Garnet, i haven't seen much of your art before, but this really is wonderful. your lines are beautiful, and i cant believe that is what you call a quick coloring job. very lovely.

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I really like the one on the left particularly. The line quality is so loose and gestural. I love how it's detailed and clear, but doesn't scream "line art" the way so many computer-drawn drawings are.

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  • 6 years later...


Yeah, this totally needs to be back on front page, you guys. Sorry Garnet, for dragging this skeleton out of your locker, but sheeee-it, I still have such a soft mushy spot for these bastards and you draw them so well and I totally need to write the story to this little picture because HOLY FUCKING AWESOME HEADCANON OKAY. :dribble:

After all these years, it is SO awesome to discover YET ANOTHER new piece of Schwarz hotness that I'd never seen before! :heart:

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Whaaaaaaaaaaa~?! Garnet! Darling~! *swoops down from high place and gloms to thread*

This is lovely! You're always been a master with expressions in action <3. And that adorable "finger under the nose" bit is just so beautifully drawn!!

And the coloring is divine QwQ~

Edited by BlackScatter
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Oh my god this is so old noooo don't look at it. *THROWS A BLANKET OVER IT*

But I do still love that little eyepatch bastard :q Unf.

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Shit, I'm officially an obnoxious fan now. :eek::lol:


(...aaand also the tall redhead German bastard unfhurrr do you remember that one fic you did with Aku a millennium ago)

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One, one? I think there were about sixty haha. Oh Weiss Kreuz, you weird, strange, wonderful fandom.

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  • 1 month later...

So you're good at writing AND drawing Garnet?? Don't be so unfair to us LOWLY people! :D A cute expression from both of them and you executed it so well! Considering I'm rarely on the forum you've probably drawn more and I just haven't seen it, but now I'm going to be on the lookout for it!!

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Ahaha thank you. I actually consider myself an artist before any kind of writer. I just don't do fetish art very often because I can really only share it here. I'm not sure why that bothers me about art, and not about fiction, but there you go.

That said, this is seven years old. At least I've improved since then :B

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