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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Something I've Always Wondered

Guest pookie77

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Guest pookie77

I was sitting on the train today, and for some reason I was thinking about sneezing (hahaha ~ surprise, surprise). I know that most of our stories and observations revolve around allergies or colds, but, what about those people that just tend to be really sneezy? I mean, is it possible that they are just sneezy just because? When I think back to the people I have known who have been repetitive sneezers, it just seems like they are used to it ~ it's a part of who they are ~ they don't seem too bothered by it, and it doesn't seem to be a reflection of a cold or allergies. They just sneeze a lot. Is there anyone on the forum like this? Where you are just a heavy repetitive sneezer, and it doesn't really have anything to do with colds or allergies? You just tend to sneeze a lot when you have to sneeze? I just think there are some people who just sneeze repetitively just because. Any thoughts???

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I'm not like this myself, but I know what you're talking about. I knew a kid in high school who would have fits every time I was in class with him. But he was never sick. It was the strangest thing. I think it is general allergies if you ask me, but I could be wrong.

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Guest pookie77
I'm not like this myself, but I know what you're talking about. I knew a kid in high school who would have fits every time I was in class with him. But he was never sick. It was the strangest thing. I think it is general allergies if you ask me, but I could be wrong.

Definitely. There are people who are just prone to sneezing ~ I suppose it could be general allergies, and they are just used to it. But there are always those "fit sneezers" who just continually sneeze every 10-30 seconds for awhile, and it doesn't seem to faze them. I just wonder if they are just used to being a sneezer!

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From a medical perspective -- yes, there is a medical condition (I won't bore you with the name) that in effect means "sensitive nose" where a person with that condition is prone to sneezing easily and at length.

My soon to be ex husband had that condition. (But his sneezes were :laugh: to me -- and that's a whole 'nother story.)

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I knew a kid in high school who would have fits every time I was in class with him.

Hmmm, if I were a doctor I'd say it had something to do with you being in the classroom. :P

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This brought back nightmares I know someone who does that :( and because he did that I couldn't sleep for 2 months straight. Every time he did this, I'd have an anxiety attack... and to this day because of this same person I have a big fear of my fetish. The forum is so helpful, though. This same person always would cough before he ;):) sneezed.

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I didn't realize there was a medical condition. I always just thought that some people had "sensitvie noses." I do know someone who may in fact, have that condition. I miss him so much!!! And his sensitive nose!

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